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Date: May 10th 1915

“B” Coy.
Cycle Corps.
May 10th 1915.

Dear Mother,

I have been a little late in answering your last letter, but I think you will understand. We are leaving here for certain on eithey Wednesday or Friday for Montreal, and I think straight to the Old Country from there today Monday we were going away for the day we had our lunches put up and were just going to leave the parade ground when the Colonel came up and gave orders to pack up the wheels. We have done nothing all day but pack rifles and get our kit ready. So I think you had better not write any more till you here more from me. I will write you from Montreal, if I can manage one before that I will do so. I got a letter from Hilda to-day, so when you see her again will you tell her I will write her as soon as I possibly can. Please excuse my writing to-day I think it is a little worse than usual, but like the rest of them I am very excited. Won’t it be fine to get out of the train at Monkseaton and scoot down Marin Avenue to Eastbourne Gardens. The Capt. say I will be able to get at least two weeks leave, so wont I have a good time. I have still got Eves little book with the addresses of nearly everybody I know, I will go and see them all. We travel free one way so it won’t cost much. I will go to Whitley first, it will be summer and everything will be in full swing, then I will see Granny, then the Farquarsons in Sunderland. I think I told you once about Jim Cairns of Whitley Bay. He is a fellow Batman, (Orderly), he and I are going to Whitley Bay together. We are going to hold a dance to-night in the barrack room, the music will be a consatina, if that the way to spell it. I can dance pretty good now, thanks to Miss Hanton. I wont see much more of her now, I am sorry you know she was rather a nice girl. Well I don’t know what to say now, I feel just like waltzing round with everybody I see. It will take us two weeks at the least, to cross the Ocean. Wont it be a fine sight, a great long line of ships surrounded by gun boats and destroyers, Lord I wish it was to-morrow we were going, Friday seems such a long way off, but as I said it might be Wednesday. Will you ask Julian to forgive me for not answering his last letter, it is a long time since I got it but I will write as soon as pos. And give my love to Margaret, I always liked her, I think she was a very nice little girl, also Uncle Tom & Aunty, and all the Arkley’s and everybody else. I think I must close now, I will mail my insurance papers in the morning if I can. We have been fed exceptionly good this last week. We have got a new cook, and for breakfast we get bacon and three boiled eggs each and porridge. The last cook was discharged for doing us out of our food and keeping the money.

Well although I have started a fresh sheet I realy must stop.

With lots of kisses and best love to everybody from your affectionate Son.

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