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Date: December 23rd 1914

Castlegar, P.O.,

Dear Arthur;-

I received your letter some days ago, also a note. Thanks very much for both.

I was glad to hear that you were getting on so nicely, I saw Percy's letter from you to-day. I did not know before that you had two operations, but as long as you survived, "we should fret".

It certainly was a coincidence your meeting seeing H. Gills that way. I crossed out the "meeting" because you only saw him. I don't think I can imagine you falling on his neck.

The men in camp must have some pretty hard times I think, being so tightly squeezed in the barracks. We were glad to know that you would be in the hospital for Christmas, as I think it will be so much nicer that in camp.

Dad took Joe and Harry to Trail to-day, they were going yesterday, but they missed the train.

May and Auntie went to Nelson on Saturday and I don't think they have recovered yet. They were going to stay overnight at Glaser's but Cousin Alice telegraphed out that she could not put them up, Auntie got it just before they left, so they came home Saturday night.

May went down to meet Dad to-night and stayed at Lawrie's for a little while. Percy will bring her home on the speeder.

Yesterday a.m. whey Mr. Duff took the pony down, he left the cutter out, and when Dad went down p.m. the cattle had broken the back of it and chewed up the cushion on one side. It was mendable tho' for Dad drove to Castlegar in it this morning.

The Christmas Concert was held last Thursday. It was quite a success. We did not have a tree because no one could afford it, being war time. When we got home Gwen and I took the pony down and did not know where to put the cutter so we left it out. It happened that May had left her music role containing – Tipperary, a Song Folio, and five pieces that George Pratt had lent her, in the cutter, also an old coat we had had under our feet. When Mr. Duff brought the pony up in the morning the coat was half chewed up, Tipperary and the Folio were nearly all gone and George's music had disappeared completely. One of the little heifers were very fond of musical diet. Don't you think so?

[continued two days later]

"Merry Christmas Arthur."

Percy and May got home so I had to stop.

We have had a lovely Xmas, so far. Had sausages for breakfast, Roast Goose and Lemon Pie & Apple were the chief foodstuffs for dinner.

Dad undressed the tree about 9:30 to 10:30 this morning, and everyone shared in the fruits thereoff.

Among other things, Joe got some soldiers, which are shott with an air gun, of course he calls them Germans, and a German Zeplin, so he is well fixed.

I got a lovely Diamond Point Fountain Pen, with which I am writing, from Mother and Dad, A beautiful cream silk-lace shawl from Auntie Annie, a broach and two beauty pins of gold and blue enamel from Uncle Harry and Auntie Maud, a pair of black woolen gloves and a brown Barrette from Santa Claus. I think did pretty well. Don't you? Wait till Mamma tells you what she got, it is the longest string of any.

I forgot to say that we had a dance after the Concert, of course all the kids were there because it was their night, we older wons had to be teachers.

Well Arthur I will have to stop, everyone is making so much noise.

The only trouble this Christmas, is the absence of one of the family; viz. Arthur Killough.

Wishing you a Happy New Year, and Many Happier returns of the 12th.

I remain your
loving Sister

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