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Date: November 22nd 1914
Dad & Annie

Castlegar B.C.
Nov 22nd 1914

Pte. A.J.A. Killough

Well my dear Son we received your card and letter yesterday and you may be sure we looked anxiously for word from you. We all miss you very much it does seem strange for you to be away from home and so far away but such is life. I supose it is hard to say where you will be going from there but I supose it will be to Salisbury Place for a time then to the front. I hope you will take good care of yourself as much as possible and God will look after you if Prayers from your home count.

I know you will try and make a good soldier and do every thing that is required of you. Take great pains with your drilling and shooting in particular. I suppose you did not get any of the letters we sent to Victoria. Who is the Officer commanding there. If you send your clothes back it will cost quite a bit if you can't send them free. I have answered a letter to Jack which we got yesterday week, he is well. I have given him your address and will give you his.

Alf Cornwall is here and is quite a good help; We have had some cold weather had 14° of frost one night but it is quite mild again.

I am so sorry that money is so scarce. I would like to send you some but I can't get any, it is a puzzle to keep things going I can tell you. Auntie has got her check and I think she is sending you some. I have not asked her for any yet but we will have to to keep things going. I am surprised she does not offer it herself.

I wrote to General Otter to look you up but said you were going to Montreal. He is West some place new and may not have got my letter. I see he has lost his wife recently. Lord Roberts is dead, it is a pity he did not live until war was ended, he is spoken of in the highest praise for warnings against Germany. The rest of the folks are going to write a little so you will have a long one.

I do not suppose you have had time to get Homesick yet and perhaps you will not as it is such a change of life. I feel proud to have one son ready and willing to go and fight for our home and Empire and would dearly love to be able to be at it with you. It is a very bad war and will take the Empire's ability but I fee sure that we will win.

I need not warn you to stick to the good principles as I know you will not get into bad Company, we all pray to God to take care of you and bring you back safe again.

Now good by and God bless you and watch over you in our prayers, from your ever loving
J.A. Killough
Castlegar B.C.

[writer changes to Annie]
Dear Art:-

Just a line to ask how you are, and to let you know everyone is O.k.

May, Auntie, and I drove down to Lauries on Friday. Had some music and played cards. May ran away from me when we got home, and put the pony in herself (at 1 A.M.)

Mrs. Lawrie wants to go down to-morrow night as the Pittaways will be there. I think, perhaps, that May and Mother will go, as Mother has not been out for some time.

The folks are all away at Sunday School at present.

Mr. Kennedy has changed church time. It is held directly after Sunday School, except on Communion days.

I got some more music from Seth about a week ago. His address is 24 Pine Street, Perry, N.Y.

Mrs. Appleton was coming up for tea, but she is not very well so she may come up after.

Percy has not had any further orders yet. I do not think he will be able to go anyway, as he has been suffering from his side a lot this last two weeks.

You must not mind letters all coming together like this as writing materials are not very abundant.

Well, Art, I haven't anything to say so I will have to stop.

From Your
Affectionate Sister

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