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Date: November 7th 1917
John Thompson
Emily Beath - (mother)

Cor. River & Rose Lts. Winnipeg

Wed. Nov. 7th. 1917

Dear John. –

I have before me three cards and a letter of yours that I have not answered. You thought you would be smart in our of your cards dated Oct. 10th when you left us to read “I hope to receive your parcel at first opportunity,” of course I was stupid as stupid could be, both cards came the same day both dated Oct. 10th of course I could not see any thing else but that you were not well and of course too I thought you must be just slightly wounded or you could not have written your name I know you could not be sick because the other card said you were well. So I took it down to the dinner table and gave them to father, he read it over and over then stood it up in front of him and at last said, that hes not read that there is any thing the matter with him it reads as I have just written “I hope to receive you parcel at first opportunity,” such a relief.

Just here Harry Morgan came in and Donald got excited and upset the ink bottle, I said I would send it any way and tell John Donald did it, Donald said he would not predict when you come home. You will see such a change in Thomas and Donald they will be so much bigger, Donald just goes right ahead at school, no trouble at all. Thomas seems to too, but there is a difference some way.

Morgans got three letters from Evart today, he is still in England They were having some drill and such a funny thing happened There were thirty four men between him and a shrapnel, it went off and hit Evart right in the temple or near there and never touched another single one, he got it fixed up at once and I guess is alright now. Every card you send you strike out letter and parcel I always look there just after I see if you are “quite well” and so far never a letter or parcel.

Well I must say for the last two weeks I have been very neglectful. I have been so busy, got a new cook and a kitchen girl - the kitchen girl is no good and between her being no good and both new I have had to work awfully hard and I have been so tired but really after all that is no excuse for me not writing to you on Sunday Your parcels too. Well when our new cook came she almost said she could cook any thing so I asked her to cook a cake for you she said she would enjoy doing it so I am sending it tomorrow hope you will enjoy it as well as she said she would enjoy making it. I thought at first I would not send it then I thought you might be interested in our new cooks cooking and I knew you will think I am dreadful but I am just sending those scissors with it. I could not find any Tailors scissors with dull points, so I bought a pair sharp points, the Mrs Cake phoned me one day and asked if I had received a letter from you I said no, that was last week she said well we did and it had good news in it, then she told me you had been transferred back to the stretcher squad, my how glad I was to hear it. Then I knew what you wanted blunt pointed scissors for, so I went down and got what I think will do for a while any way if you want different kind let me know. Edith Shetter was here to tea yesterday and she was telling me the kind of scissors the nurses used in the general Hospital, I asked here where she got hers, she said they were presented to her. Our girls, nurses, here use scissors some thing like I sent to you so perhaps they will suit you for a while. I could not imagine what you could ever want Tailors scissors for. Edith’s man that she is engaged to called for her last night that is the first time I have seen him. The reason he has not enlisted is because he has an old father and a sisters son living with him that he has to support and he does not know whether that will exempt him or not. The boys have just three days more left in which to register and there are 25,000 who have not regestered yet. Conscription is going to be enforced soon enough John.

It is terrible the way Germany has slaughtered and taken prisoner, Italians, I guess Britain is alarmed to a certain extent.

I must go to bed now and finish this tomorrow

Thursday Nov. 8th

The reason I have to go to bed so early is because I get up at half past five to get the breakfast, the girl we have is no use so I am getting breakfast till we get another, and just now another came to apply and I engaged her but she will not be here for two weeks so I will be breakfast maker till then. You see it is not the cook who gets breakfast but the kitchen girl. Our new cook is an English Cook has been cooking all her life so we should get something good to eat now. She thinks no one hardly in this country knows how to cook, my she is certainly set in her ideas, she is quite old so is glad to come here and cook as I think she could not get in much places but I think she will suit us fine she is always on the job.

You should see the parcels at the post office around here on Osborne just piled up Christmas boxes to the boys in England and especially France That was an interesting article you enclosed in your letter of the 9th of Oct. entitled “Out There: In the Trail of the War” I sat down and read it all over to Bob. You could not write to any one that would appreciate a letter from you more than Bob.

I expect you hear from Beatrice and Florence all about what Cecil is doing, he certainly got along fine. I have heard nothing from Charlesfor so long. I must send him a cake and should send one to Cecil did you ever see Carl Houston?

It is rather lonely here with out either you or Effie or Luella my how things have changed. Mothers are getting heart broken over this war, it is too terrible.

Beatrice wrote[?] wants me to look out for a cook for Florence after Christmas. Did you know Margaret was teaching in their home school.

Did I tell you father was going down to Toronto to attend the 25th annual meeting of his class. he goes the 17th of this month. guess I will get some painting done again.

I am sure it has been nice for you to be able to get such nice fruit in France one beautiful pear 10₵ about what they are here but they would not be so nice here. Well I will send you $10.00 this month again and $5. 00 the next month. I will send it in this letter.

I can not begin to tell you how glad and thankful I am that you have returned to the Stretcher Squad. I could hardly contain myself when Mrs Cooker phoned then your letter of the 9th contained the news too.

Your work will be so different and I feel you will be helping to comfort some one all the time. do your very level best John to take care of the dear boys and their mothers will bless you.

Has your cough left you entirely?

We have two new electrical toasters and when we get them enstalled the nurses are going to do their oven toasting for the patients. each one toasts six pieces of bread at a time on both sides.

Bob is studying hard this year, regular College work.

You do enjoy picture shows don’t you John? Carlyle, Thomas and I went to theDominion last Saturday night and we were all disappointed. We will have to go to a good one some time soon to counter act that one. Guess I told you I had given up my Camp Fire till after Christmas.

 Well it is supper time now so I will say good bye for this letter. May you be kept from all harm John.

Your loving mother,

E. Beath.


[Editor’s note of Dec. 2023: Updated to correct date/transcription/jpg mismatch issues along with letter of Oct. 7, 1917.]

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