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Date: December 18th 1918

Ostheim, Germany December 18/18

Dear Dad:-

I wrote a letter to Jenn last night but forgot to mail it this morning and when the mail came in to-day there was your letter of Nov. 19th and also another from Jenn written of Nov. 18th so thought I would scratch you a few lines to-night and let it all go together.

There don't appear to be much chance of me getting home for some time yet, but I am going to get there just as soon as possible. There are a few getting away now and agin, but they have to have some one pulling for them at the other end so if you can get a chance to do anything why do it, and I will be on the look out for any chances here. I understand that when they do start demobolization that all farmers who are married areto be the first to go, and all married men go before any single ones, so in that case I will likely be a little while but should get in on the start of the single men. Of course it is hard to say what they will do. It is likely that Byde will be home some time before I will.

They are arranging to have a big Xmas dinner here this year. I will have had my Xmas dinner in a different country ever year since I left home. It don't seem possible that Xmas is only a week away, as there has been no frost to speak of as yet, and no snow only just a little flurry to-day that melted as fast as it fell.

The "Flu" certainly did claim some victims around home. Ada will certainly have her hands full now. The disease was scattered pretty well the world over but guess they are getting it pretty well checked in most places now.

Well I can't think of any more news to write to-night, so will colose for this time. Hoping this finds you all well and that I will get home again before many months, They might just as well send me now for all that I am doing here. I will try and write a little oftener now that they have the mail service working a little better.

I remain Your affec. Son
