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Date: 1918

[Below is a transcription of all entries to the 1918 diary kept by Harold Keith Davey.  Scans of the original handwritten document can also be accessed in the collection's diary section, organized by date written.]

Jan. 1
The morning, or year, dawned bright cold and clear, Ross and Sargent McDermid went to CCC5#4 via 'Barlin', returned about 6. I played cards in the hut. A lot of Canadian parcels came in, Mortimer, with whom I share the hut, swiped 4 bags of coal off the coal train, Put some cloths to soak as we wouldn't get any Frenchwoman to wash them, I received a Honour Roll of P.C, I. Fighting Boys, 400 names. We expect to stay here instead of moving back to 'Lillers'. Have long drill etc, here.

Jan, 2
Up at 7,30, Warmer today. Light fire in huts and orderly room, After Ross came, finished my washing and cleaned up, Can, mail in. Rec'd two letters and parcel from Miss, Dewar, Ross went to 'Herin'. Made cocoa. Moar was in orderly room so had night off.

Jan. 3 + 4
-About the same temp, Ross lit the fire, My day on. Went to C,A, Guided a truck to 'Grand I Servin' in afternoon, Wrote letters. Rec'd bundle of papers from home. I went to a dandy concert party the 16th Can. Scottish. It was the 3rd real good show that I have seen.
-Still cold, just below freezing. Ross on during day. Had shave and cleaned up, Things as usual. I saw Neil Chapman, Beatty, Swartz, and John Arold, Wrote reply to N,P,Church, re, Xmas parcel.

Jan, 5
Colder to-day, Went to Chateau-de-la-Haie before 9 am and C.A, in morning, After dinner I went to No.4 C,C,C.S, Arrived there at 3pm" waited until 5, and after delivering message, returned. In evening went to concert at YMCA by 3 rd.Div.Can.Party . It was a dandy and a band in attendance, Rec'd a box of candy from Anne Leaky, Went to bed at 1 am, 20th on leave list.

Jan 6 + 7
-Very cold to-day. My turn to light fire, Ross went to 4CCCS, and in afternoon I went to C,A. 'Mt, St, Eloi', Rec'd 14 letters + 1 parcel Can, Mail. Victor Andrews started in orderly room Wrote letters in evening. Leave train 2,22 . -Very warm to-day in comparison. (Went to) Chateau-de-La Haie, also C.A, Received a fine parcel from Vera Brown, Five sections return to Coy. Andrews o/c of orderly room, Ross has to go on parade to-morrow.

Jan 8 + 9
-A regular blizzard to-day. Rec'd a box of candy from Ann Leaky. Lt. Ashford went on leave. Ross on parade. I am on the job all alone. Rec'd a box of candy from Hilda Farkburn.
- The blizzard still blows, but from the East instead of North. I received a magnificent box from Vera Brown. I have had a bad cold and cough. Baird and Mortimer passed eye test for R.F.C.

Jan. 10 + 11
-Mild to-day. Snow practically all gone. Usual morning trip. Sgt. Mac Dougal went on leave to- day. Very cold wind in afternoon. We were paid 20 Francs. I went to Cinema show with Moar. Saw Plain Jane.
-Very cold, and of course very muddy. Ross went on Dental Parade. I went to Chateau d' la Hoie and town mayor in morning. Don't feel very well on account of cold. Rec'd parcels from B.E., Nov.15 and Mabel.

Jan 12
I went to Chateau in morning and then to dentist. Had two teeth filled. Lyodd moved into hut, sleeping on floor. Coy. went on Route March. Rec'd parcel from Miss Seale + letter from Butterworth. I wrote letters in evening. Face not getting any better. Had my boots repaired. Wearing ,in the meantime, a pair of high boots.

Jan 13 + 14
-A fine sunny day, getting colder towards evening. Church Parade for the Coy 9.30 am. Another trip in afternoon. Rec'd some Canadian letters. Made Cocoa and wrote letters in evening. Put Iodine on my face.
-Snowing to-day. Face no better. Normal morning run. Ross helped in morning. Coy paraded to 'Hersin' for testing Box Respirators. Wrote letters in evening. Ross rec'd parcel from Miss Seale.

Jan 15 + 16
-Raining this morning. Went to Chateau and bought four tickets for Maple Leaf show. Raining very heavily in afternoon and a terrible storm in evening. I had to get to Baths at Ch. Haie, and then to show. Soaked to the skin. Lost BH. + programmes.
-Still raining hard. Went to 4th Div Baths + Q Brpnch No parade to-day. Ross relieved me at noon and got me my boots. Worked on War diary in afternoon. Corbin back to Coy. Major returned.

Jan 17 + 18
- Snowed then turned to rain. No 4 section and Coy. Kits went to 'La Torgette'. Ross went with No.4. No.1 going also. Rained all afternoon and evening. Coy. Paraded to show at 4th Can. Div. Andrews moved in for the night. Face no better. Bought some salts. Packed up.
- A clear day. Packed everything and loaded. Andrews and I left a little after the transport, going by way of 'Villers-Au-Bois' and 'Mt.-St.-Eloi', to our old billets at 'La Torgette'
Everything torn down and dirty. 2 leaves through. Some person stole our bunks, but we got them back. CRE not moved in yet.

Jan 19
Went to CRE first thing at Fort George. Ross up the advanced billets. Straightened things around and got a stove put up. No tables or anything to work on. MD was up , so I had him
examine my face. but he said it was only a local poisonous infection. I went to cinema show in evening. I saw Douglas Fairbanks in "Flirting with Fate" I saw Sgt. Walsh. Raining in evening.

Jan 20 +21
- Up at 8, stopped raining. Fairly warm. Went to C.R.E. as usual. A phone was put in, French 1916 model. Shelves, table and bunks fixed up by Buchannon. Ross came down early. Made Cocoa in evening.
- Went to CRE. then 'Lens Junction' and R.E.Park 4th Div. Major smith went up the line. Worked at Nominal rolls in afternoon and evening. Read the Post. Usual messages, and turned in early. Rained at night.

Jan 22 + 23
The usual morning work. Nothing unusual happened. Phone in at advanced billets. I went to
cinema show in evening. S-Major Mansfield A RSM now Blythe A/CSM. McLean Nsgt of No.1
- Up early and working on accquitance Rolls + returns Price went on leave. I am 10th on list. A bunch inoculated to-day. Rainy weather. I went to show at cinema in evening.

Jan 24 + 25
- Nothing unusual happened to-day. Great Aerial Activity. Donald Walker came down in
evening and we had a long chat. He is working at 'Lens Junction' R.E. Park. Gave me a couple of maps. Ross down as usual. Face improving.
- Weather still remains mild. Usual trips, and Ross came down. In afternoon I got G.M.S. horse + saddle and rode to 'Aubigny'. Bought several things and collected washing on my way back. Cleaned saddle in evening.

Jan 26
Still mild. Major came down with Ross. Nothing much doing all day. We received a draft of 10 comprising of 3 Bklyes + 7. Lt. Dobbin went up the line. Great Aerial activity all day. Busy in the evening. I Marchment of S. T .1. B. Blighty leave is going at 2 every 3 days for Coy. Ross and I expect to go on the Th and 8th respectfully.(Feb.) Leave to Italy is open but too expensive for this time. If we get another we will go there.

Jan 27 + 28
- Chilly this morning. Busy all morning. Ross down as usual. Tried to get a bath in pm. but
closed. I saw Sullivan of the 5th Bt. Art. 2 leave warrants in for 29 + 30th. Wrote a letter home. - Usual working morning. Bought reserved seats for "Nisson Nuts "concert. Went to 'Aubigny' in afternoon. Bob Wilson killed + Rogers wounded in explosion in blacksmith shop. Went to concert with Doc. Kent. Real good concert. Sgt. McDougal returned from leave.

Jan 29 + 30
- Usual morning work. Very fine day. Took some laundry to Mt. St. Eloi. Had my wheel
overhauled, runs fine. Received some Canadian letters. Blight leave had been cut down to 1 in 3
Usual routine during the day. Went up for bath, but they were broken down, so didn't have one. Instead found a bath in Petrol tin.

Jan.31 + Feb. 1
- Colder in morning, but very fine in afternoon. I made an exchange with 6th F.C. and got a British Warm. Sewed Canadian buttons on it. Turned in coats, boots + breeches. Ross rec'd parcel.
- Another fine warm spring day. Usual work in morning. Went to 'Mt.-St.-Eloi' in afternoon for laundry. Lt. Easton reported for duty. I had to go to 'Villers-au-Bois' for glasses. Wrote letters all evening. Going to change over with Ross. Major was down.

Feb 2
Up early and went to C.R.E. Then had a bath at 'Neuvill-St-Vaast' and then went to 'Mt.-St.-Eloi' with Washbury #(11). Came back right away and packed up ready to go up the line. Changed blankets etc. with Ross. We left at 11.30 + reached dugouts about 2.30. Dugout at Irish
trench near 'La Collate'. Dughout fairly warm. Rations came up on light railway. Ross #4 + 1#5 on leaves list. Two men in each chamber.

Feb 3 + 4
- Up at 7. Had breakfast and started for Rear billets via. 6 C.I.B. Very sore heel due to boot. Got my own boots + returned by C rail trench. Another trip to 6 C.I.B. Supper, and spent evening reading and writing etc.
- Up and down to billets by 10. Rec'd parcel from home. Carried back 50 pro of wiring gloves and guided Lt. Easton up. Went to 6 C.I.B. and after supper read, wrote and helped with mail.

Feb 5 + 6
- Another fine day just like June. I pass a lot of labour delegate looking around. Made the usual runs. Heel still sore. A big YMCA opened up at 'Neuville-St.-Vaast'.
- Weather still fine. Usual trips. Face much better, but heel still sore. Go the Ont. parcel containing mitts, gum, tobacco, cigarettes + life savers.

Feb 7 + 8
- Another fine day. Heel not much better, makes walking bad. Came back by bicycle as far as end of plank road, leaving it at M.G.Dump. F. Mitchell + I went up on a ridge and looked down into 'Mericourt', 'Frontlin' and 'Lens'.
- Rain this morning. Candles very scarce. Bought a lot of stuff for Sgt. MacDougal. Came back with me + the Major went down. Also some fellows to go to Signal Coy.

Feb 9
Almost raining a real misty morning. I went down as usual and bought stuff for the fellows, also a tin of peaches. Left Pay Book and rec'd 25 Francs. Major Smith returned to Coy. or rather Foreward billets. Made cocoa + had lunch in evening. Read another book by Sewell Ford called Side-stepping with Shorty. The 5 Fellows went to Signal Coy to-day. Green envelope + grenade issued.

Feb 10
Raining again this morning, but cleared up in afternoon. Went down as usual. Grayshon sentenced to 14 days F.P. Howe went on leave. Sgt. Tough back. Returned after dinner. Nothing unusual. Ross arranged to sail on 14-15th

Feb 11
Fine day to-day. Went down as usual. Sgt. McDougal came back with me to sign Acquittance roll. Ross came up later. Canadian mail in. Rec'd letter from home.

Feb 12 + 13
- Clear to-day. Went down as usual, taking part of my kit. Sgt McDougal, Kent + 2 others came back with me. The men received their pay books + 25 Franks. Arranged to bring back a fellow to take my place to-morrow.
- Came down to R.B. in morning, got a new kit + tunic. Went back up with Sgt. Bassette who
took my place. Came down after supper and fixed up for leave + went to pay masters, not paid.

Feb. 14 + 15
- Had a bath first thing then changed clothing. Went to Pay M. + rec'd 12 Pounds. Packed and left for 'Mt. St. Eloi'. Entrained 2.20 arr. B. 6. Went up to barracks, had supper and turned in. Big place and great system. Journied with Sgt. Terry + Cpl. Jones.
- Up at 5 am cleaned up, had breakfast and waited around to 10am, when we marched to + on the boat. Arrived at Folkstone about 12 and entrained for London, arr. 3pm. Went to Maple Leaf, Had bath supper and enjoyed room. Ross and I then went to" Here and There"

Feb 16
IJp about 8am. Had breakfast then haircut, have shoeshine etc. Cashed pay cheques, met Spr. Wooff. Engaged room 11 Charles M.L.C. Ross departed. I went to Elizabeth (31)
M.L.C. but not meeting the party, started back and made the acquaintance of Pte. Johnston with whom I had lunch, went to "Any Old Thing". Then had dinner + went to see "A Little Bit of Fluff'. " Then he went his way + I returned to M.L.C., where I stayed the night. Air Raid on to-night.

Feb 17
Spent most of the morning at M.L. Club. Went to Southampton St. at noon. Ross met his friend. I met Sgt. Murie. Took a stroll down the Strand + met an officer who invited us to Mayfair to spend the afternoon and evening, which we did. Another air raid.

Feb 18
Up about 9, cleaned up and went to get Bandoliers + checked them waiting for Walsh. I left them + met Murie, Julian + Bradey at noon. After dinner booked tickets for 'Carmillia' + 'The Boy'. Between shows we had "Coy" for supper. One fool born every minute. 3 helped put in 2 min. Another air raid to-night.

Feb 19 + 20
- No Ross to-day. Murdock unable to come up. Met Murie at noon. Went to "The Maid of the
Mountains" After supper went to "Cheep" which wasn't very good. Sent telegram to Ross. Had lunch, then went to Euston station meeting Ross.
- On arrival in Glasgow had breakfast and engaged rooms at Dancans Hotel. Then went out to skating rink after dinner, but no ice. Came back and after supper, went to the theatre, then
supper with friends.

Feb 21 + 22
- After breakfast we took our kits to the stn., + then played billiards until noon. Raining to-day. After dinner Sullivan and I left Edinburgh + Murie for Dundee. Arr. in Edinburgh. Engaged room at Royal British Hotel. No sign of Ross. Went to theatre with friends in evening.
- Up at 8.30. Paid bill (5s). Had breakfast at Club, then a shave, shampoo + face massage. Then had pictures taken. Dinner at F+F's and went to stn. to meet Walsh. He and I booked 4 seats at Empire. After supper he and I went to movies + then Empire with friends. No Ross.

Feb 23
Up about 9.30 and had breakfast and spent the morning in various ways. At 1.45 a bunch of us went to an Entertainment, cards, dancing + refreshments. Very enjoyable time. I left at 6 to meet a friend to go to Lyceum. High Opera. Edinburgh sure is a pretty city and people very friendly. Walsh was sick to-day. I went over to 198 Dalruth Rd. but Ross had gone to Aberdee

Feb 24 + 25
- Up about 9 and took a taxi to Edinburgh Castle, then after dinner met Walsh, and met two friends going to Portobello, back for tea. Then met two others + spent the evening. After lunch, turned in. Expecting to go to Aberdeen in the morning.
- Up early and took 8.15 train to Aberdeen. Arr.12.15. Engaged roan at the Aston Hotel, had shave etc. + played billiards. Got tickets for show. Met a couple Bonnie 'Bairnes' + went to show. Then taking them home and having something to eat. Turned in.

Feb 26 + 27
- Up early and took 8.45 train to Edinburgh. Arr. about noon. Had dinner at U.L.Club, Princess St. Went to photographers then show. After supper met Miss Ramsay and went to the show. Left watch with her to get repaired. Took the 10 pm. train to London. Scotland is a Bonnie place.
- Arrived in London about 7 + then to M.L.C. Saw Ross. Sullivan and I went to the pay office - 7.60 £ in the hole. Then after dinner went to "Chu Chin Chow". And after supper went to the Beauty Spot. Then saw 'Fullerton' at Eaglehut. Returned in a taxi, 12.45 am.

Feb 28
Sullivan, Walsh + I had shave etc. and booked tickets for show + I went to Victoria stn. to see how to get another day. Meeting Harold Covert. After dinner met two nurses and went to "7 Days Leave". He left with other nurse + we had supper at Strand CH. Then, to Strand Cinema and then out to hospital with her. Another fine day. Borrowed 1£from Ross.

Mar 1
Ross and I went to R- T -0 Kings Cross, got certificate for extra day. Then to V League Club + then had dinner at Can. YMCA Strand. At 2 pm I met Murdock at Britannia club + we went to show. Met Walsh and Sullivan and had dinner at Strand Comer House. Lew and I went to "Yes Uncle !" and met other 2 at Strand Comer House. Went our seperate ways at midnight.

Up at 5, got our stuff out of pawn, had breakfast and reported at Victoria Stn. Leaving at
6.45 for Folkstone. Arriving there, went to billets, had dinner and spent from 10 am to 2 pm. at YMCA. Embarked at 4 pm. Very windy and rough crossing channel, just missing a mine. I was sick. Landed at Boulogne and marched to rest camp. Had supper and slept in tents. Very cold.

Mar 3
Had breakfast at 7 am. and paraded at 8 Given slips and slept in large hut for night.
Ross Terry and I got passes to Boulogne and went down at noon and looked around the town and went to show. Had supper, returned. In summery, we had a great time on leave and are ready for another 6-9 months war. Had good weather most of the time and pleanty of money- 25 £.

Mar 4
Up at 4, had breakfast at 4.30 and drew rations at 5. Paraded at 6am and marched to
train, leaving at 8. Arrived at 'Mt St. Eloi' about 3 pm. Caught trucks most of the way to billets at 'Abblain StNaizare' but Church. Raining to-day. Had supper, got our mail + went to bed.

Mar 5 + 6
- Up at 7.30. Sawed wood and left at 10.30 on run taking in 2nd Can.6th .F.C., 11th F.C.-
R.E.Park. 5th F.C. + C.R.E. and return run on schedule, 10.30-2. 4 runs to-day. I have 2nd
run. Ross moved up to forward billets. Cleaned up my back room and straightened up after leave
- Up at 7. Light fires, had breakfast cleaned up, left on run at 10.30. Arriving back, had dinner. Paid at 2 pm. (45 Frs.) and cleaned wheel and read letters etc. in evening.

Mar 7 + 8
- Up at 6.45. Lit fires and etc. Got some coal from G.M.S. Cleaned up and left on run, arriving back about 1 pm. Wrote letters in evening. Had a great dinner. Nothing of note happening. A dandy warm day. The Coy. has a machine gun. Andrew V.E. working at C.R.E. Ross comes down every day.
- Another fine day. I was up at my usual time 6.45 am. and cleaned up, taking the second run, 10,30 -2 pm. Ross came down as usual. Leave going at rate of 1 every 3 days.

Mar 9
We sure are having great weather. I took my usual (2nd.) run to CRE etc. and finished up at 1.30. I had a puncture on my way just after leaving 5th F.C. making me 10 min. late. Ross
came down as usual, brought me some canned fruit. Winter time change to summer time at 11 pm. Wrote a long letter in evening. Some person stole my horse blanket

Mar 10 + 11
- More fine weather. I changed from 2nd to 3m run, 3-6.30. Billie Moar and I had a bath in morning. Some Can, mail in. I received two papers from Mabel and Air pillow from Murdock. - Up about 7. Cleaned up and shaved. Cleaned my wheel etc., and took my run. Came back and packed ready to move to 'Gavion' in morning. Warm to-day.

Mar 12 + 13
- Up early and finished packing, then loaded waggon. I left at 8.30 going around by CRE and then to 'Gavion'. A Gotha plane had landed near billets and 2 officers and 2 men taken prisoners.
- The orderly room is in a French family's house. Moar and I each have a bed and room off orderly room. Went to 'Hersin' in evening, had some chips and eggs etc. Very fine warm days. Went to 'Barlin' in evening.

Mar 14 + 15
A little rain to-day, also Canadian mail. Ross and I had some signalling practice with flags and buzzer. Went up town with B. Moar in evening. More chips and eggs. Cooler out but still sunny. Saw Clayton Freeman.
Up as usual and cleaned up. CRE in moming and Flag and buzzer practice in afternoon.
Wrote letters and the usual daily routine. The French family consists of a man, wife and two domestics. Study French in spare moments.

Mar 16
Another fine day. Rec'd a parcel from home and one from Grace Jeffry. Ross went to 'Gouy',and I helped putting Bal. in Paybooks. Wrote letters most of the evening. Cooler out. Air raid, bombs droped around 'Hersin'.

Mar 17 + 18
- Cleaned up etc. in morning. At noon Billie Moar and I went to 'Bruay', stopping at 'Marsmat-Ruitz' and had coffee. Looked around the town, had supper and went to a show C11 Cabaset Rouge. Saw Godder.
- Made three trips to CRE. Had haircut and shave at ( coiffeurs). Got baseball stuff at CRE Show Brown B.N. Ross went to 'Neoux Les Mines'. Fine day. Fritz machines over bombing.

Mar 19 + 20
- Another very fine, but uneventful day. I saw Donald Harris R.S. Freeman and others at Coupigny Chateau. Had some chips and eggs in town.
- Weather still fine, nothing unusual. Bombs dropped at Chateau. Used our machine gun. Heavy bombardment.

Mar 21 + 22
- Bombardment still continues. Fritz big drive started. Uneventful day but things started to happen around midnight, but we didn't move. Standing to.
- Orders in and to move to-morrow at 8 am. So we packed up all we could. Went to CRE in evening, staying late for orders. Not to move after all, but to be ready to at any minute.

Mar 23
Expected to move "somewhere" at 8. Packed up etc. but didn't move until 4 pm. Then we pulled out for 'Villers Au Bois'. I had a puncture and while fixing it at CRE got a message to go to 'Ecquoives'. Delivered it and returned to camp. Went to YMCA Canteen and then to 3 rd Div. Concert Party. Real good one. Pretty cold in large hut. LEAVE STOPPED'

Mar 24 + 25
- Up early, had breakfast, cleaned up. Hung around. Had dinner at 11 and then moved off. Ending up at Lanchashire camp. 'Mt.St.Eloi' had a baseball game. Sections 1 + 2 went out in working party.
- Up at 7, packed up expecting to move off. Nothing doing but 'stand to' until 5 pm.,
when the men moved off in trucks. Ross and I on wheels. Went to 4th Bde. at 'Rocklincourt'. 'Standing to' again. Stayed at Flanders camp.

Mar 26 + 27
- Stayed all day at Bde, coming back for meals. Orders to move at 10 pm. Marched all night past 'Asrus' Very cold. Marched until 6 in the morning, when we arrived at 'Bailleulival'. Turned in and slept until 3 pm. Wed.
- Billie Moar, Ross and I stayed at Bde. Hdqrs. 3 hours on, 6 off. I was on 11 pm. until 2 am. Units 'standing to', ready to move off on 1 min. notice. Packed and expected to move forward in reserve at noon, but didn't. Raining to-day. Went to bed at 8 pm.

Mar 28 + 29
- CRE at 'Basseux'. Another day of 'standing to'. Heavy bombardment in afternoon + evening. Went to bed at 8, expecting to go on duty at 2 am., but Bde. Hdqrs. moved out so didn't get up until morning.
- Still raining. To go to CRE but didn't. Instead the Coy. moved at 5 pm. to Had a big chateau for billets. My photos arrived. Made another trip to CRE and turned in early. Billie bought some eggs.

Mar 30
Up about 7, had breakfast and went to CRE. Had two eggs for breakfast. Raining some to- day. CRE moved to chateau near us. Bombardment continues. I am eating with #4 section now. Moar + I bought some eggs for Easter breakfast. We are living in a large chateau, sleeping on the floor, 24 in our room. Wrote letters and parcelled up photos to send home. Quiet this evening. Some German prisoners came down to-day.

Mar 31
Happy Easter to all. 2 sections out work.. Shaved and cleaned up. Sun again shines. Had 2 eggs for breakfast, cost 3 pence each. Considered cheap. Very quiet all day. Great squadron of aeroplanes flew overhead (29).

Apr 1, 2 + 3
- Some more eggs. Can. YMCA opened up near here, but sold out by noon. Kicked rugby ball in afternoon. Had a pain in chest. Can. papers came in to-day. I received letter from B.
- More eggs. Living high. Heavy bombardment. Wrote letter in morning. Nothing much doing. Played softball in evening. Rec'd parcel from home, also quite a few letters.
- Went on sick parade to be examined for Royal Air Force, and passed OK. Nothing much doing all day. No eggs to be had.

Apr 4 + 5
- Raining to-day. Heavy bombardment. Whole Coy. went to work wiring. Nothing to note. Played cards all evening.
- Up early, cleaned up and went to 'Wailly' to get eyes test but doctor up the line. Ross rec'd parcel from Aunt Rosy. I wrote 8 letters to-day. Raining.

Up at usual time and I went to 'Wailly' to 4 F. Amb. to get eyes tested, but wouldn't test them. Nothing much doing all day. Played indoor baseball after supper. 11 innings, we won 23-13. Dead broke. We continue to 'stand to' on an hour's notice. Whole Coy- working wiring
beaches, mining bridges. Jack Green reported dead.

Apr. 7 + 8
- Very quiet day. Cleaned up, shaved, hair cut. Played crib after supper, played ball but stopped by rain. Board of Enquiry being held here. Rec'd parcel from Mss. Duget.
- Spent the morning looking for the baths. Coy- paraded at 2.30 and until 4.30 and I acted as guide at 5.30. We were paid 25 francs. Wrote letters all evening after game of ball.

Apr. 9, 10, 11 + 12
- Another clear day. Great Air Activity and Fritz shelling a ballon above us and also the crossroads. Another game of ball.
- Section 4 went to 'Basseaux' to dig deep dugouts. Moar and I eating with No 1 Section. Had a game of ball in afternoon. Bought eggs for breakfast.
- Nothing doing to make note of to-day. Weather colder, but warmer in afternoon.
- Another uneventful day. Bombardment night and morning. I saw Murie who informed me about Bradey and Sullivan being gassed and Julian wounded, McLarty killed.

Apr. 13
A little more Can. mail drifted along. I received a parcel from Rosina. Practically nothing to do but go to CRE and stick around the office. V.E. Andrew back with the Coy. Bought some eggs for breakfast. The fellows came back from leave after being held at 'Etapes' since the 28th.

Apr. 14 + 15
- Another cloudy day. Harry Mortimer left to-day for the R.F .C. Very little to note. A funeral at
the Catholic Church. Woman killed by shell. Heavy bombardment at night.
- Still cloudy, but no rain. Bombardment continues this morning. Sawed some wood and played cribbage in afternoon and read etc. in evening.

Apr. 16 + 17
- Sawed some more wood. Cloudy again. Nothing unusual happened. Estamenites all out of bounds in the Canadian area. Great airial activity.
- Very quiet day in general- Read a great deal and played cards. Larmer and I spent all afternoon overhauling my wheel and put in some new parts.
Apr. 18 + 19
- Sgt. McDougal and I rode to 'Doullins', 30 kilometres from here. Had dinner, saw the town. He went to see his sister and I had supper with two Yankees. Coming home I had two blowouts. Very tired when we got back about midnight.
-We had a medical inspection to-day. Afterwards were paid 20 francs. Went to 2nd 'Pions'.

Apr 20
Went to the baths to make arrangements and Coy. paraded there ( Brentoncourt Baths) at 11- 12 and 1-2. Got baths. I supplied my own change. Artillery bombardment and airial activity. 2 large 6’’ howitzers placed right beside our billets SOS. Guns. Nothing unusual to note. I saw Murie and Walsh. Wrote some letters in evening.

Apr. 21 + 22
- Nothing of note to-day. Rations not so good, but we eat eggs for breakfast, 4 each. Cleaned rifle etc. I turned in my old slacks.
- More heavy bombardment and many strange rumours. Wrote a long letter home. Big Roulette game going, run by Brunette. He must have won 1000 francs.

Apr. 23 + 24
- A little Canadian mail. Boyle and I went on a rampage and bought a lot of Eats, chocolate etc. Great airial activity.
- Nothing of note. Very heavy artillery bombardment at night. Rained some. Boyle went out to 'Beaumitz' and I had to go after him to fetch him home. Moar and I went to 'Basseaux'.

Apr. 25 + 26
- Misty morning, nothing of interest. Expected to play ball in morning but rain stopped it. Rec'd some papers from Aunt Jean. Letter from home. Got a new pair of slacks.
- Misty morning. Eggs again. No Can. mail. Things very quiet. Nothing other than sitting around fire + cutting wood. Shortened my trousers. Ross received a couple "Redbook" magazines. Got my washing from French woman, cost 2 francs.

Apr. 27
Clear day. Men returned at noon and Coy. paraded for bath and medical inspection. After the bath we (4F.C.) played 25 Bty. baseball and beat them 8-7. I played left field. Made coffee for my supper as too late for meal. Played a few games of crib. Heavy bombardment at night.

Apr. 28 + 28
- Very heavy bombardment. A cloudy, but clear day. The Sappers who were around the billets played the 'Drivers' baseball. We lost. I caught. Both Ross and I received parcels from home They were great.
- Another cloudy day, but no rain until the evening. Had a workout for baseball. I received my watch from Edinburgh and a new wristband for it. I went to bed early.
Apr. 30 + May 1
- Eggs again. More bombardment last night, but not so heavy as Monday night. Ross went to
the dentist. Raining on and off all day. Pontoons were sent to Park. Bill Richardson went with them to stay.
- Heavy bombardement again otherwise a very uneventful day. Had a catch in evening.

May. 2 + 3
- A clear day and very quiet. Sgt. Walsh came over to see me. Great airial activity. Played ball in evening as usual. Did some washing.
- Another day of nothing to do. Mitchell and Fisher left early yesterday for Royal Air Service. A new form used now for application. Question sheet not used.

May. 4
Made a couple trips to baths in morning. The Coy. paraded for bath in afternoon. Then the 4th Field team played the 25th Bty. a great game of baseball, losing in the last innings 4-2. Armitage of Signals catching. Wrote some letters in evening. Everything very quiet.

May.5 + 6
- Raining heavily to-day.. Heavy bombardment early in morning. We were unable to play the 'drivers', baseball. Wrote numerous letters. Sgts. McDougal + Harrington went to 'Doullins. - More rain and heavy bombardment in morning. My wheel about finished being painted and numbered. Rec'd some papers from home. Had catch in evening.

May. 7 + 8
- Another rainy day, we were going to play the officers indoor-ball, but too wet. Spr. Andrew went to hospital. PAAA Canteen started to built. Washed some cloths.
- Another quiet day. Our officers played 'Pioneers' officers Indoor-baseball and won 4-3. Clear night. Fritz. over bombing. 4 reinforcements arrived.

May. 9 + 10
- Nothing of note. I had my hair clipped close. Made myself a bed. Went to 'Basseaux' to see ballgame between Yankees and 2nd Div. Yanks won. Poor game. Too many errors.
- A clear day. Things quiet. Had a catch in evening. No.4 Section returned to Coy. billets. B. Moar moved down to canteen. Rec'd letter from Herbert Morby dated Feb 11/18.

May. 11
A cloudy and misty day. I went to 'Wailly' to 25th Btly. to call oft baseball game. After dinner Coy. paraded for bath, then Medical Inspection and then Pay (25). Our credit bal. up to March
31 entered. I have $16 cr. Had a catch and did some pitching. Didn't get to bed until midnight. A fresh wheel came from ordinance. I got it.

May. 12 + 13
- Mothers Day, God Bless Her. A cloudy day. Cleaned up in afternoon. I am not feeling very well to-day. Wrote a letter home. Had my new wheel varnished over. An American Sgt. and officer attached to Coy.
- A rainy day to-day. Things fairly quiet. Howe has a new mandolin, so 4 sect. had a great sing song at night. Helped along by hilarity from the canteen. I am not feeling much better.

May. 14 + 15
- I stayed in bed until late. Ross attending to the OR. No mail to-day except a cross country letter from Butterworth who has been over a month at Coy. Signals. Chilly evening. Not much better to-day.
- A bright sunny day. I finally rec'd my new wheel marked H.Q. Up at 6 am. Rec'd four Can. letters. Had a catch in evening then a singsong. Dislocated my right little finger.

May. 16 + 17
- Up about 7. Very hot day. Cleaned wheel. McDougal came back last night with a tin can tied to it. Lock lost. put some fast shells right near our billet about 10. Wrote letters in evening. McDougal out again 25th Btly, 'Wailly'. Quite a lot of shelling.
- Another hot day. Americans returned to own unit. Our billets shelled at 10.30-11.30 Just missing the billets and destroyed a gun limber and wounded O'Brien. Knocked my finger out again.

May. 18
A corking hot day. Nothing doing in morning. Bath parade in afternoon to 'Brentincourt'. Went up on wheel, bought a (pound) note. After tea we played 6 Field Ambl. baseball, beating them
14--2 They made too many errors. Met Walsh + Murray. Had a chat with M Glass. Went to bed early. B. Moar got my washing done free by Madame.

May. 19 + 20
- Not quite so hot. Sgt. McDougal went to 'Doullins', Ross went to 'Wailly'. Band Concert at Artillery. Volunteers called for, to blow up O.P. Nothing much doing all day.
- Section moved to Forward billets at 'Agny'. I went up with them to see where it was and
returned immediately. Fine sunny but hot day. A lot of 'heavies' on 'Wailly-Agny' road. Played ball in evening.

May 21 + 22
- Another hot sultry day. We had to wear gas masks for one hour (2-3). Received a Canadian
mail at noon. Had a catch of ball. Rec'd letter from Murdock who is with 3rd. Div. Signals Coq. Shelled the billets.
- Another hot clear day. 3 men killed at R C Park by bombs. Douglas Campbell working there, but not hurt. Received registered letter from home. Bomb killed 17 horses and wounded 26 in lines across the road.
May 23 + 24 (Empire Day)
- A hot morning but grew cooler in afternoon and windy in evening. Gas helment 1 hour. Played ball in afternoon (4-7). Played numerous games of crib. Fritz never shelled any, but dropped some bombs.
- Started to rain in morning and rained steady. Wore gas masks the one hour. A few shells
came over by billets about 7.30 pm. Wrote letter home. Billet inspection every day at 9 am. Something new.

May 25
A rather hot day. We paraded for bath and Fritz shelled the bath house so we had a bath on the double. Afterwards we were paid 20 Francs, then a lecture on mustard gas and changed box respirators. Wrote letter and played ball in evening.

May 26 + 27
- A quiet day. I packed up to move to Forward billets. Played ball in evening. Cleaned wheel. Nothing of note happened.
- Went up to Dugouts in morning with officers, Ross too. We came back at noon. I returned after supper. Shelled the road so I had to go up back and across. Heavy bombardment.

May 28 + 29
- Came down in morning. Fritz shelled our billets heavily from 1 - 5. Direct hit on Cookhouse, blowing up rations. Had some narrow escapes. Had to come down for more rations, water tank.
- Had supper at officers mess. He shelled over our billets to-day and blew up Ammunition Dump and battery. Went to Brigade. 20th Section moved up at night.

May 30 + 31
- Things quieter to-day. Called at Bde. both ways. Saw Dewar. Connected up phone. Fine sunny day. Shelled water wagon at night, also some heavy stuff at night.
- Shelled the billets, truck and Brigade Headquarters. Dodging shells all the way down. Showed some speed. Returned by way of Headquarters. Fritz still shelling. Played cards and wrote fetters in evening.

June 1
A clear day. Had a bad blowout at valve before starting. Fixed it, and Fritz shelled while doing it. Came down fast. Had something to eat. Put a new tire on. Went for bath on way
back and bought stuff. Heavy bombardment all evening and heavy gas shelling. Wore masks for 2 hours. No casualties.

June 2 + 3
- A fairly quiet day. Came down early and back the same route. Rec'd issue of jam and tobacco. Sgt. Mclean and Boyle returned to rear billets. Baseball between 26th + 2200
- Ross came up before I left. Boyle, Jackman, McDougal, + McDonald in orderly room. New adjutant. Returned early. Nothing of note happened. Some shelling.

June 4 + 5
- Came down as usual. Everything quiet. The organization is progressing. Returned early. Boyle came up with orders for #4 to retum to rear billets to-night. moved in another chamber with #1 Sect.
- Came down as usual. Returned at 3 with new runner 'A' Coy. man + 1 officer. I returned with kit after supper. I slept in old Armstrong hut with Moore.

June 6
I am to be Hdgrs DR but until machine comes will use a push bike. There is Ross, I, Moore and Collie. #1 section is "A" Coy, # 2 "B" Coy, # 4 "C" Coy, # 3 split up. And pioneers added to each. Douglas Campbell in "A" Coy.

June 7
We moved into hut built next to orderly room. Some new reinforcements arrived to Coy. Fairly
busy day. Moore helping more with mail than runner. I sleep in stretch borrowed from Kent.

June 8
Up early. Rigged up a bell from orderly room to our quarters so when they wanted a runner all
they did was ring the bell. Spr. DAMcDonald detailed as runner and Moore as postman. Collie expects to go to rest camp to-morrow so there will just be the three of us. I am eating at Bradshaws Cook house.

June 9 + 10
- Spr. Collie went to rest camp so there are just McDonald, Ross and I. McDonald and I went to see a baseball game between Engineers and Supply Column. Engineers won 5-2. It was a great game.
- A very quiet day. Had a 'catch' in afternoon. Fritz shelled us out, but didn't get any. YMCA had some stuff in, so bought some stock. At 6 pm I was innoculated. Had a 'catch' after.

June 11 + 12
- Mighty sick to-day from inoculation. Couldn't eat anything and slept most of the day. Douglas
Campbell came over in the evening. He is in A Coy. The Eng. Sports were held in 'Basseaux'.
- A fine day. Big ball game between Machine gunners and Engineers. We lost in the 9th, 6-5.
We were leading 5-4 until then. Lot of money changed hands.
June 13 + 14
-It still remains fine weather. Rec'd some Canadian parcels. Ross and I one dated Apr. 9th from hone. Also some letters. YMCA had a lot of stuff in. Played ball in evening.
- A fine day. Nothing of note happened. Ross had his little French wheel taken on him. I rec'd
another parcel from home dated Apr. 31. It was a dandy. Wrote a lot of letters.

June 15
A fine day. Coy. went for baths. McDonald and I went in afternoon. New officer, Cpt.
Dunsmore A C 'C' Coy. arrived, also Sgt. Harold Snow of Parkdale. Had a great chat with him.
Played ball in evening. Rec'd a tin of maple syrup from Uncle Tommy. Signal officers installed
in our hut. Frosabee in Hgdrs. as Draftsman.

Jun 16 + 17
- Church parade this morning. Spr. Baird started on this job too. Ross rec'd parcel from Uncle Tommy + Milton Wickham. Wrote letters and played ball. Harold Snow in Br. HQ orderly room.
- A fine day but cool. We were very busy, but otherwise things were quiet. DG MaC. and I went
to 'Gouy-Artois' to see (SeeTwo's) Concert Past. Not very good. We rode down on light
railway. Ross rec'd parcel from Eliz. Tennent.

Jun. 18 + 19
- We have a regular office going now. Signal register and all. Had a game of ball in evening (indoor). Fooled Bde. who said they didn't receive a certain message.
- Wed day. Rained all day. Very Quiet. Baseball team training for game to-morrow. Harold
Snow is to play 2nd base.

Jun. 20 + 21
- A cloudy day, but cleared up in afternoon. McDougal, McDonald and I went to see sports at
'Basseaux'. Engineers lost the final to 26th Bn. 6-0. Went down on wagon and returned in truck.
- Rainy day. Not so very busy for which we were thankful. At night, NcDon. and I had a catch.
Wrote some letters. Rec'd some messages on the buzzer. I saw Yank Lawson yesterday

Jun. 22
Fairly busy in morning. Each runner has a book now. Ross and I received a registered letter from home. I changed my mounted outfit for dismounted. Cleaned up for an imaginary
inspection. Had a catch in evening. Russ Wickham up to see Harold Snow. Cloudy but no rain. Spr. Baird very sick.

Jun.23 + 24
- Still cloudy. Church parade at 10 am. Cleaned up and shaved etc. Had a catch and then a game of indoor ball.
- Still Sunny warm day. Had a bath to-day. Some 3rd Div. officers arrived. Game of ball in evening.

Jun.25 + 26
- Still warm weather. Ross sick with Spanish Influenza. McDonald and I the only two who didn’t catch it. Fairly busy. Played East against West. East won.
- Very quiet every way. We played the 28th Bn. HQ. detail and beat them bad. Ross still sick.

Jun. 27 + 28
- Ross better to-day, but doesn't feel right. McDonald and I still OK. Rec'd some mail. We are all about broke! Thumb very sore. Nothing unusual.
- Rumours of moving. Fixed my wheel. Quite a number of messages. Leave to Paris for month men. This has been a very easy time for us here. Good grub.

Jun. 29
-A quiet day. Expect to move to-morrow. Very warm. 3m Div. moving in. I went up to forward billets. T. Hill to bring down the phone. Had a catch in the evening and knock out. Went to about midnight. Very sore thumb

Jun. 30 + July 1
- Up at 8am. Rolled blankets and packed everything. I went to RE Park to guide trucks. W had dinner and pulled out at 1.30 pm. for 'Berenville' and slept in huts Fixed my bad tire an took a walk around town.
- Rose at 3.30 am. had breakfast and left at 5.30 am. with McDonald. Arrived at 'Yaizieres' about 8.30 am. Acted as guides to Bn. + transport. At 1.30 pm. Snow, McDougal and I went t Corps. sports at Tincques Great crowd. Walked part way back and slept in orderly room.

Jul. 2 + 3
- I got up about 8.30 am. Scrubbed my webb equipment and then Snow's. Nothing much doing in the afternoon. At 9 pm., Baird and I started off for 'La Couroy' + 'Gram Pullacourt'. Arrived there at 12.30 pm., and arrived back at 2.30 pm. Covered 40 kilometres.
- Laid in until 11 am. Washed, shined up and paid 25 francs at noon. Went to 'Am brines' 1 bath in afternoon, bought 3 francs chocolate, had a feed. Court Marshal on to-day.

Jul. 4 + 5
- The usual cleanup and no great celebration. Went out on a jaunt to buy stuff, going about 20 kilometres. A car and a couple tunnellers arrived at Coy. Played ball in evening.
- Another hot day. Nothing unusual. I went out to canteen at #7CCS , and bought some stuff. Had catch in evening (bum) finger.

A very quiet day for us. Sports in the afternoon. Fairly busy on runs. A couple officers and
The motor car had to return to Tunnelling, Coy. Wrote home in evening.

Jul. 7 + 8
- Church parade this morning. Baird had a run to Div. Played cards out in the back. Very quiet.
-Rec'd some Canadian mail. Wrote letter in evening. A little cloudy to-day, but no rain. Rec'd a bunch of letters to-day and also some snaps of B. Nothing of importance happened to-day. Had catch in evening.

Jul. 9 + 10
- Rec'd a parcel from home and one from Miss. Dugit. Both were dandy parcels just when we wanted them, plenty of cake in ours from home + chocolate from Miss D.
- A showery day. Horse at Salty. Lorries took men down, quite a number of trips to T.O. Rations a little better. Lost 5 francs.

Jul. 11 + 12
- A showery day. Made 4 trips to Horse lines, and went to 'Am brines' for bath in afternoon. I then returned for pay - 25 francs. Another trip to horse lines, and wrote letters in evening. Some Tunnellers arrived.
- A very busy morning. Made three trips to Horse lines at 'Sans-le-Brois' and one to 'Ambrines'. Had a catch in evening. Douglas Campbell came over. Had some eggs for dinner, 4 Y2 c.

Jul. 13
More showers, fairly busy, packed up some stuff. Advance party went on to fix billets. Played
cards and wrote letters. Hun airmen over tonight. Rec'd a couple of Canadian letters. I am on duty 'till midnight.

Jul. 14 + 15
- More rain to-day. Received letter from home. Cleaned and fixed my wheel. Very few runs. Wrote letters and got things ready for move. Back into the line to-morrow. Got my washing. - Up at 5 am. Packed up. Fixed a puncture. Cyclists moved on ahead. I guided column
about 200 yds. ahead. Arrived at 'Bernville' about 3 pm. Bn. lived in huts, Nisson. Div. right near us. Very hot. Motor car (Ford) arrived to Coy.

Jul 16. + 17
- Heavy thunder storm at night and terrible hot during day. Had afternoon off and sleep. Nothing unusual to note. Cloudy during night and thunder storms at night.
- Another terrible hot day. Went to YMCA in morning. Fairly busy on phones but not much running. Rec'd new pay book. YMCA tent open, also our canteen.

Jul18 + 19
- Nothing much doing in the morning. Left at 1 pm. in Ford for the CEMT for motorcycle.
Passed a test OK. Capt. Newton rode the machine back. Brand new Triumph. I came back in car. Had catch in evening.
- Bn. went to work at 7.30 near 'Dainville'. Motorcycle away all day. I went for a long ride on it in the evening. Then cleaned it. Saw Tracy Kerr.

Very warm in morning. Heavy rain at noon, then cleared up. Played a game if ball in evening- 1st base. Watched officers play indoor ball. Runs changed commencing tomorrow 9 am -
12 noon, 4 pm. - 8 pm. Harold Snow pitched for Signals against 29th Bn. winning. Bn. training to-day. Cool in evening-

Jul. 21
Cleaned and fixed up the old Douglas and ran her all morning. In afternoon rode the Triumph and went out with the adjutant. Rode runs - noon, and 4+8 pm. I saw Harvey Ties. Murdock came up but didn't see him.

Cleaned up machine, but didn't go out till evening. Murdock came up on his machine in afternoon. Had a great chat. Expected to go with adjutant all afternoon, but he did go to 'Maiziers'. Tomorrow, moving back.

Jul. 23 + 24
- Left 'Bernville' at 7 am for 'Dainville', arrived there and came to 'Maisiere' where we are moving to practically the same billets, but in Btn. orderly room at old Bde. Hq. Made a trip to Bde. In a downpour and got very wet. A few more trips then the regular 8 pm. trip.
- Went on the 9 clock run as usual. Filled up tanks. The usual 4 runs. Went to 'Bernville' then on to 'Basseaux' to see Murdock. Quite a long trip. Had a puncture.

Jul.25 + 26
- More rain to-day. Took the usual runs and cleaned the machines. Rec'd parcel from home. Ross received one from Miss Duget. Some bombs dropped at night near us.
- Nothing out of the ordinary happened to-day Rec'd some Canadian mail. Fried some eggs in
evening. We now eat with HQ. cook house.

Showery weather. Machine very muddy. Hints of a move. Made the usual runs and cleaned the machine. Nothing of special to note. We sleep in a big barn on the straw. Had a catch. Wrote letters and started to teach Snow how to run a motorcycle.

Jul. 28 + 29
- A fine sunny day, no rain. I spent all morning cleaning my machine. Took the regular 4 runs. Then a joy ride in evening. Wrote some letters and went to bed right after night run.
- Had machine req Expecting a move. Made a special run to Division "0" Coy, returned to billets. Packed up in afternoon. Made several runs to Bde. from 11.30 pm. to 2 pm. Came back, fell asleep and got up in time to move at daybreak.

Jul. 30 + 31
- We cyclists pulled out of 'Maiziers' at daylight. Travelled by way of 'Frivent', 'Doullins',
'Talmas', 'Ailig', 'Callivas' to 'Quevadvillers'. I went to 'Longone', then near 'Abbiville', back through 'Amiens'. Covered altogether 200 Ks Dead tired at night.
- Woke up about 7, still very tired. Found a good bed in an empty house. Ross and I moved in. Heated up the water and other various things. Orderly room moved. Ross went for a long trip in the Ford.

Aug.1 + 2
- Got a little more settled to-day. Moved motor cycles into garage behind orderly room. Very
hot and dusty. Took a run down to 'Poix', about 10 K away. Quite a good sized town. Went to bed about 9.30 pm.
- Raining to-day. Transport arrived about 4 pm. Got my pack etc. Made a trip to Corps. and Div. in morning and again in the afternoon. Cleaned machine, and usual routine. Rained off and on all day.

Aug 3.
Nothing special to note. Had a few long trips to Corps and Div. Fixed rack in motor cycle. Went to C.E.M.T. in afternoon to get a new 'fork' for machine which ran into truck on the day we moved down. Driven by Fisher.

Aug. 4 + 5
- Received a dandy box from Florence Walker. Went to Corps + Div. in morning and again in the afternoon On returning had supper and went to 'Lonqueau' , where we are moving to at night. Fixed valve on engine and moved up forward about to arrive about 4 am.
- Went to 4 C.I.B. then slept 'till noon. Moved to other billets in afternoon. Ross starts to work in orderly room to-morrow, but expects to be put in Signals Section.

Aug 6 + 7
- Nothing unusual happened until noon when we started to get ready to move. Rained during
day. Had to stay at Bde. for 2 hours at 4pm a run More trips at night and out during the night. 2 nails in back tire. Btn. moved up to-night.
- Slept in until 9, then went to Bde. Washed and fixed machine. After dinner went to Adv. HQ.
Returned and went to 4.C.I.M. After supper to HQ again. Got back about 11 pm. All set for to- morrow. Everybody on the forward move.

Aug. 8
Big Drive Starts. Up at 4 am. Took two motor cyclists up to forward HQ. Thousands of cavalry, hundreds of tanks and armoured cars, and troops uncountable. Came back and cleaned up. By noon we were Huns Heavy Artillery. Various duties in afternoon. At night we packed up and moved forward to 'Villers Bretencourt'

Up about 8, moved forward about another 10 kilometres. Enemy on the run again. We
stopped in front of 'Achicourt' until we left. A lot of prisoners came down. Made several trips to Bde. which was at Wancourt'. Made a bivouac for the night. Heavy bombing.

Aug 1 0
Made various trips around the country. We started eating at HQ. dismounted cook house. We rec'd a parcel from Marguerite. Bde. moved forward to 'Verly'. Weather very warm and roads very dusty. Monger returned from Bde. I saw Mitchel of Macdonell Ave. More heavy bombardment at night. Ross and I slept in a little hole that we dug out in an open field.

Aug 11 + 12
- Still warm sunny weather. Received some letters from Canada. Ross and I built a better bivouac. Nothing unusual. Heavy bombardment to-night.
- Up fairly early and made the usual runs to Bde. Wrote some letters and had an easy day of it. Many searchlights around to-night. Bought a lot of stuff at YMCA and had a haircut.

Aug 13
-Made the usual 9 am run and on returning cleaned clutch and all of the machine. Vary
warm and dusty. I ran into a narrow ditch without damaging the machine much. We moved machine over under another apple orchard.

Aug 14
Donald came over to see us in evening. The first I had seen him for some time. He was looking well. Had a great chat with him. Bomb wounded three men last night beside us.

Aug 15 + 16
- Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I made the usual trips to Bde. etc. Donald came over in the evening again. More bombing at night. Cleaned up my machine thoroughly.
- Brewer broke barrel spring in a 'B' Coy machine. I went right after dinner to C.E.M. T. at Frimoy-au-val, a 100 km ride. Very dusty. Cashed a Postal Order and had eats at 'Saleaux' on the way back. Expected to move forward but didn't.

Aug. 17
Up fairly early and went to Bde. with Bomburg, returned. We packed up and moved forward to woods on 'Caix-Beaufort' Road. Bde. moved back towards 'Weincourt'. Found a good cross country track and made several trips. Ross and I widened a trench out and made a hole to sleep in, shrapnel proof. I received some Can. mail. This continual moving around is very tiresome.

Aug 18
Report at 6.30 for morning trip, another at 9 and down to Bde. Other drivers took the rest and I the late one. Cleaned the machine and went to 4th Div. HQ for Moar. Stew Holmes had returned to Canada.

Aug 19
Made the usual runs during the day. In afternoon got orders to move. The other Cycles went on
to 'Gentilles' Wood. I followed later. Had a puncture and unable to find Bn. until 4 am. After
roaming around all night. Dead tired, crawled under the sheets and slept until 7 am.

Aug 20 + 21
Had breakfast, cleaned the machine, made several trips to Bde. at Cagny. After dinner all motor cycles started out. Officers went on alone. I guided the rest to 'Wavrans' via 'Amiens','Doullens', 'Frevent', 'St Pol'. Broke rack, had two punctures + stayed for eats at 'Frevent'. Waited at Wavrens' until officers arrived. Set out for 'Croix' about 2am. I ran out of gas and had another puncture. So had to wait until morning for gas, of course fixed puncture while waiting. Then
burned some gas and went on to 'Croix'. Kept busy until 10. Then slept under a tree, dead tired.

Aug. 22 + 23
- Went to Bde. at 'Hertlencourt' in the morning using the other HQ machine. Moved forward in the afternoon through CSt Pol' to 'Dainsville'. My back rack and mud guard completely broken. Tied it up and rode in Bombed.
- Took several runs to Bde. etc. Packed up in afternoon. Moving to support near 'Beaurains'. Made a couple of late trips. Clavel came up, others stayed at rear billets. The whole battalion up except horse-lines. Got to bed at 2 am.

Aug 24
I am riding the other HQ machine. Slept until noon. Had dinner then went on noon run. Another 4 pm. run and again at 9 pm. Spr.Clavell, Ross + I widened a place in the tent, covered in with corigated iron and pulled grass for floor. Rec'd some parcels from home. Very hot in daytime, cool in evening. Everything fairly quiet in daytime, but fairly noisy at night.

Aug 25
Slept until 10 am. Made a trip to rear billets. Baird went to CC Can. Corps for two weeks duty.
Had a shave and laid around until Clavell came back with my machine. Then made a couple of runs to rear billets + had a feed in 'Achicourt'.

Aug 26
It rained last night and we got fairly wet. A lot of prisoners came down this morning. Saw Doc. Allen, Stokes and others in 'Arras'. Went to 'Anzin-St-Aubin'. Not a very busy day. Canadians pushed forward

Aug 27
Up about 7 am. Cleaned up and wrote some letters. Sunny cool day. Not very busy until 5
pm. Had a forward trip. Another late trip to 'Arras' at night. Saw Gordon Kennedy who is with 1st 8n. CE Horse lines moved up.

Aug 28
Rained during the night. Nothing doing all morning. Fixed up a tent for motorcycles. Went to
Army Division at noon. Have a DK's outfit. More night work to C+D Coy. Spr. Bishop of D Coy. found killed near 'Achicourt'.

Aug 29
'A' Coy. moved forward last night. Spr. Clavell up all night looking for Bde. and 'A' Coy. We moved up between 'Cherisy' and 'Guemappe' but he started shelling us, Ford car and MC., killing E.N. Ogilvie and putting a piece through my tire an cutting a cabel and another. We moved back away towards Wancourt and dug in, but shifted a little ways in the afternoon. I dug into an old trench, a place 6' by 4' covering it all with corrugated iron and earth making it pretty comfortable.

Aug 30 and 31
- Had a good nights sleep and a fairly busy day. About supper time rebuilt shack to make it stronger. Finished about dark. Then made a trip to Bde.
- Nothing unusual the next day. YMCA well stocked. An ARP established beside us which makes things a bit risky if it gets hit.

Sept. 1 + 2
- A bright clear day, fairly busy. Fixed up bivouac a little better. Made some late trips to 'A' Coy Bombed the rode very heavily dropped a row of and I was at head of row but didn't drop any more
- Right after breakfast went to Achicourt and Agny. Thousands of prisoners coming down. Ate
my dinner on the double and went to find Ford that was at CEMT with broken spring. Made several other trips, ending with me to 'A"Coy.
Sept 3 + 4
- Nothing much doing until about 3pm. Made trips to 'Dainville', 'Maroeuil' and 'Arras'. After dark
went to 'A'Coy. He bombed the forward area very heavily. Went for a bath to Achicourt. - Nothing much doing all morning. Cleaned up machine. Made a trip to 'A'Coy at noon and another at night. Rifle inspection at noon, but I missed it. 3fd Div. moving in, 2nd Div. attacking in the morning.

Sept 5 + 6
- Another clear sunny but cool morning. Went to 'Arras' about 6pm. Then up to Bde. and got stuck in the mud. Arrived back after dark, about 10.30pm. Dog tired. Expect to move forward to- morrow. Saw Harry LePage.
- Up early and packed up, cleaned machine all ready to move at 1pm. 3 motorcycles left about 2pm. for Villers les Cagnicourt'. I got stuck in the mud. Arrived about 5.30pm., remainder about 6pm. Started shelling us right away so I hunted up a dug out.

Sept 7
A lot of heavy guns around us kept pretty busy, and many air flights overhead. Went to Bde horse-lines, 2n° Div. and 'Cherisy'. but back before dark. We are in dugouts and offices which were German Headquarters before the push. We are just west of Villers les Cagnicourt'.
We are shelled and bombed continually. It is drying up better now. Moved motorcycle to a hut.

Sept. 8 + 9
- Made a trip in the morning, then no more until about supper time. Wounded runner Hughes, a piece of shrapnel in hip. Rained again in morning, walked instead of riding to Bde. Some reinforcements arrived.
- Rained more during night and again in morning. Very showery weather. Read a couple of books, "Misleading Lady" and "The Card". Wrote some letters and made a few runs, one to 'Danville' and later to Bde. Rec'd a few letters. Roads very muddy.

Sept. 10
Showery off and on all day, and muddy. Got paid 40 Francs. Played cards late in evening. Read another book, "Golden Web". Baird returned from Corps last night. Nothing much to write about

Sept. 11
More rain and shelling. Cleaned up and wrote letters in morning.

Sept. 12-14
-During these next (few) days nothing unusual happened except that I
was too busy to do any writing and consequently I forgot to fill in (my) diary. We ate, slept and worked as usual. I had various trips to 'Heninel' and one day I saw Donald Walker who was OK. Rain most days. Nothing extraordinary. Heavy shelling at night.

Sept. 15-16
-Ditto of dates 12th – 13th + 14th.

Sept. 17
Raining part of day. Nothing extraordinary happened. Heavy bombing at night.

Sept. 18 + 19
- Woke up to find that the Cycle hut had been hit during the night. My machine was the worst. Spokes, mud guard, gas pipe and oil feed shot away. And holes through everything but the frame. Had to use another machine.
- A fairly clear day. Nothing special to note. Made the usual trips. Paymaster moved to Achiture. Hit a horse and was thrown from machine, breaking crank. Did hurt myself.

Sept. 20
Ready to leave for CEMT at 8am. but various delays on way. Arrived at 12.30. Got a new set of tires, new tubes, pedal, crank spindle, mud guard and rack. So machine OK again. Went to 'Avens Ie Comte' for a meat grinder, but couldn't get one. Bought a new. Saw Otto Deline in 'Oainville'. Roads very slippery in forward area. Bought some stuff in Y.M.C.A. Many air fights and great airial activity.

Sept. 21
Up at 5.30am and took a couple of special runs to'C' and '0' Coy, then a later run to horse lines. Very showery. Fixed machine in afternoon (spark) and changed oil. A trip to 'Heninel' at night. Turned in early.
Sept. 22 +23
- A bright day. Cleaned up and washed machine, then went out and got it muddy as it started to rain and poured while I was out. Nothing of note happened. Many air fights.
- Washed machine. had to sleep up on top as my blankets were left out in the rain. Ross received some parcels.

Sept. 24 + 25
- A pretty fine day. Had to go to 'Tilloy' to the CEMT shops to see about a Ford car. Saw Murdock on way down and had my dinner in 'Aubigny'. A few more runs on returning. Murdock just out of hospital.
- Getting up we found we had to move back to horse lines to vacate billets for Imperials. Motorcycles stayed down where lorry stays. Drew rations for 3. Larmer to cook. Clavell and I slept in lorry.

Sept 26 + 21
- Larmer cooked the breakfast. Had a great sleep in the lorry. Bright sunny day. Not very busy until 6pm. Had a night trip to 'C'Coy. 'O'Coy moved forward and 'C' taking their place.
- Up again at 3am. and walked to 'A', 'B' Coy. Too muddy to ride. Got back at lam, Very tired. Had breakfast and fixed things. Slept from 9am. until noon. Cleaned everything up and lounged most of the day. "The Big Push"" started at 5.10 am. I was up forward at the time. It was a great sight believe me.

Sept. 28
Had breakfast and moved into some office billets that were vacated yesterday and grabbed a bed. Had some revolver practice in the afternoon. Rained at noon. Made a couple of round trips to ‘A,+C' Coy and skidded into the dig breaking a foot rest. We expect to move forward tonight or in the morning early.

Sept. 29 + 30
- Up early for a run to W Bat. 4am. Slept most of the morning. Up forward to 'Inchy' to Oiv. Train. Battalion received full enrolment of transport and more reinforcements. Spr. Sanders still missing.
- Up about lam and packed up. Moved forward just past 'Sains-Ciz' + 'Marquis' near the Canal de Nord. We dug in and covered it with corrugated iron. We kept on pushing ahead. Only had breakfast to-day. Opened a tin of macaroni for supper.

Oct. 1 + 2
- Dug our dugout 2 feet deeper and enlarged it. Had a run to Corps + 'Achicourt' arriving back about 5pm. At 7, started out to find Bde. and met the other drivers and we roamed around until 11pm. Dead tired.
- Had a trip forward to outskirts of 'Cambrai' with Lt. Cussiler. Worked around shelter. Went to
Bde. at 6pm. Canteen had stock in. Shaved and cleaned up. Wrote letters in evening.

Oct.3 + 4
- Towed Baird down. Left for 'Doullens' about 11 pm., arrived there 1.30. Sent telegram. Had eggs + chips. Bought knife, razors and went to CEMT for new rack (carrier). Put it on and
started home. Ran out of gas near 'Cherisy'. Arrived back about 9 and went to Bde. Covered a good 150mi.
- Nothing doing except to clean my machine. France is cracking. Went to YMCA. Saw Basil
Brown. Larmer went for new machine. Made a few trips, nothing special. Wrote some letters.
Had another puncture.

Oct. 5
Fixed my puncture and went for a bath at Sains-les-Marquion. Made three trips to Bbe. Nothing
much to do. Larmer made a stove. Received letter from Marguerite. We have two Fords now.
We have a dandy home 6'x12'x4' and entrance. Top was level with the ground. Chapel, Smith, DeGagne, Larmer and I live in it. Had a feed at night.

Oct. 6 + 7
- Pretty cold. Nothing much doing. Went for a Canteen Stock to-day. Made the night run to Bde. as usual. Spent the evening in the shack. Another puncture to-day.
- A fairly chilly day. Nothing doing except to work around machines until Bde. run after dark. Spent the evening talking, eating, reading in the dugout. Some thief stole my tools, tube pump, oil pump hatchet and

Oct. 8 + 9
- Made a couple runs in the morning then to 'Hendecourt' in the afternoon and an urgent run to 'Avines-les-Conte' for flashlights and made it in 4hours (120K). Covering altogether 155k. Received Aug. parcel from home. Quiet night.
- Another big attack this morning. 4 Bn.CC took an active part in putting in bridges. Complete success. Overhauled my machine. Made a few trips, but nothing unusual.

Oct.10 + 11
- Hardly a trip to-day, other than Bde. Expect to move forward in the morning. Had a midnight
run to CEMT. Weather has been pretty fine for some time. Douglas Campbell around to-day.
- Up at 6 and packed up. Moved to 'Escaudoeuvers', passing through 'Cambrai'. Raining. Found a good clean cellar and fitted it up. Had a bad run to 'Sailly'. Pitch dark, slippery and heavy traffic. Got back OK about 9pm.Had a great sleep.

-We fitted up a stove and got some coals. I didn't have a run all day, drizzel all day. Fixed up our cellar with chairs etc. Bill with Ford returned to CEMT for repairs. 'Cambrai' has been a fine city and is still burning, fairly badly damaged. This town is one of the N. E. outskirts

Oct.13 + 14
- Up or breakfast, sat around the fire until four o'clock when I started for Atichure a 50K ride. Roads very rough and greasy. Arrived there about dark and had supper.
- Stayed all night and returned with Paymaster in morning. Had a puncture. Made a couple of trips to Bde., and to Coy. Made a tour of the factory and got some coal. Received a parcel, Sept
10ttl, from home.

Oct. 15 + 16
- Up at 6, had breakfast and packed up and away to new billets near 'Sancour1'. Went to CEMT , had my rack fixed then back to new camp. Made several trips to Bde., passing through 'Blecourt' and 'Bantigny' 'Cuvillers', very muddy.
- Up for breakfast and cleaned up. Had a trip to Bde. Target practice in afternoon and wrote letters. Went to Bde. at night and wrote letters. He shelled our billets quite heavily.

Oct. 17 + 18
- Took some mud off my machine and filled it up. OC returned from leave last night. Made a couple of trips to Bde. Roads very skiddy.
- Not very busy to-day. Got a pair of leggings made. Made 8 trips. Made a match box cover. Received Canadian mail.

Oct. 19
Went to horselines for tack. Then around to 'Iwuy' to R E Dump. Back around dinner and up to 'Arleux'. After dark I had to go up to Bridge over Sensea Canal. Had a spill and broke my lamp, bent handle bars and pedal and kick starter. Got back around 9.30 very wet and muddy. Put a band around the fork of the machine.

Oct. 20 + 21
- Up and out right after breakfast up to the Bridge, back and up again. Very wet and muddy. I was covered with mud. I cleaned up and had to go up forward to the bridge again.
- Had a trip to Bridge and 'A' Coy. early and several other trips during the day. The lorry came back to-day. We were paid 20 Fr. And had a bath. Everything is very muddy.

We packed up to move to 'Marcquette'. I made a trip up to locate the billets. Returned about noon. Raining still. We left right after dinner to guide to lorry. We are living in some kind of public building. We five have a fairly comfortable place and a good garage. Made 3 trips to the rear.

Oct. 23
Up and out right after breakfast to 'Aniche'. At noon I went forward past 'Douai' with 'a C'. Came back, had supper and went to bridge being built by 'A' Coy.
near. Stayed until 2 next morning when I left with for HQ. The bridge at 'Bouchain' was down so we had a long trip by way of 'Paillencourt' and arrived here at Sam. Mighty tired.

Oct. 24
I got in about Sam and slept until 1 O. Cleaned up, washed machine and had a haircut. About 9.30pm I had a trip forward to 'A' Coy at Lonchy. Bent my kick starter. We had a fine fire on etc. and received 2 Red Mag. from Aunt Rosa. Quite comfortable here.

Oct. 25 + 26
- Up as usual, cleaned up myself Fixed some punctures and fixed things up. We took my machine down, the engine, put in new valves and generally overhauled the machine. No trips to-day.
- Made an early trip to 'C' Coy, then to 'A' Coy. No trips all afternoon, but one to 'B' Coy at night, taking me 4 hours, otherwise nothing unusual.
We are living in a back kitchen shed, or some kind of room attached to a semi-chateau, and are fairly comfortable.

Oct. 27 + 28
- Received a parcel from Ruth Calahan. Rained at night. Made a trip to 'A' Coy. Broke Barrel Spring. After dinner took my machine to CEMT and turned it in, coming back in Ford. Larmer drew a new machine which I will ride. The machine to replace mine will arrive in two weeks. - Made two trips with signs to bridges, and then no more until the night run to 'A' Coy, using lamps. Filled new machine with Castor oil instead of Heavy Cylinder oil. Received parcel, 'Sept .26', from home.

Oct. 29 + 30
- I washed and cleaned up in general. Cleaned machine and after dinner cut wood and fixed up our room. Made two trips to 'Bouchain' and later to 'A' and 'C' Coys. Received 4 Canadian letters.
- Cleaned up again and made an urgent run to 'A' + 'C' Coys. at noon. Then no more runs to-day. Paraded to adjutant to find out about equipment. Inspection expected next Saturday.

Oct. 31
-Made a trip to Aniche. Cut two days supply of wood, wrote some letters, played crib. Notified that Turkey has Armistice. Rained to-day. Made a midnight trip to 'A' Coy. Nothing special to note.

Nov.1 + 2
- Made a run to 'A' Coy, hunted up equipment. One Ford broke the back axle so trip to CEMT, then to the Ford. Later a trip to 'A' Coy. Bill had a collision with his Ford. Smashing front in.
- Went to the dentist on machine in morning. Lamer went to CEMT. Fixed up stove. Other Ford returned to-day. Gas mask inspections. Bought a deck of cards. Jack Lard left for a town near 'Anvin', past 'St. Pol yesterday and arrived back to-day. Wrote a couple of letters in the morning and made the usual runs to 'A','C' Coy.

Nov 3 + 4
- More rain to-day. Bath parade at 7.30am and church parade at 9am. I made a trip to 'A' Coy, and later another to 'A' at midnight with move orders.
- Moved forward to 'Herin'. Made another to rear and 2 to Bde. at 'St.Sauvue'. We are living in houses and are fairly comfortable with stoves and plenty of coal. Received a couple of Canadian letters. Mighty tired to-night.

Nov.5 + 6
- Up as usual. Rained all day. Made run to Bde. Engine trouble. Water in carburetor and
magneto. Unexpected orders to move at 5pm to 'Valenciennes'. Billeted at University. The whole Eng. Bde. in it. Big buildings. HQ Sprs living in cellar. Still raining.
- Raining to-day. Made a midnight trip in rain last night. No trips expected except one in
morning. Dried out some. Orderly moved across the street to a house and I built a fire and dried out gloves.

Nov 7 + 8
- Moved forward to 'Quarouble'. I went ahead, then returned. Received word of mother's death. God bless her. Returned forward at noon. 'A' + 'B' Coy at 'Rombe'. Fair billets.
- Larmer and I slept in a bed in a room with Cook and runners. Clavel returned from Corp.,
attached to HQ. Made a trip to Bde. at ' St. Sauve' and at dark, one to 'Rambe'. Engine trouble at night. Moving again in morning.

Nov. 9
We left 'Quarouble' for 'Elouchez' at 7am . I broke front spring. Good billets, Clavel, Larmer, Rosel and I living with a French family of 2 girls, 2 boys 2 parents. Had a dandy soup at noon
and about 7 pm had a kind of scallop, very fine, and waffle about 3 or 4 times in the evening. They couldn't do enough for us. Clavel now riding for HQ also. Took a scouting trip forward. Great excitement.

Nov. 10
We moved again to 'Framieres'. The civilians crazy with joy giving us coffee, beer etc. showing great hospitality. Fine looking people and willing to do anything for us. Flags flying all over.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Armistice signed at 11am. The war is over, 11/11/11. Great celebrations. Civilians had a
holiday. Great rejoicing. Not many trips to-day, everybody rejoicing. Promenading with a couple Frenchmen in evening.

Nov 12 + 13
- Bde. moved up past 'Mons' at noon. Baird relieved by Hubbard. I went up in afternoon and toured 'Mons' and' Jemappes'. Up again at night with work report. We are living with an old couple. Madame can't do enough for us.
- Made a couple of trips to Bde. and toured 'Mons' again. Saw Basil Murdock. Played cards in the evening. Getting cool. Chapel came back. Men started route marches.

Nov 14 + 15
- Getting ready for a 150 mile march to Germany. Nothing much doing to-day. Billeting party
went on ahead. Made a couple of trips to 'Mons'. Made a belt. Obtained a revolver and pouch. Got boot half soled.
- Up at 6, ready to move to 'Cuesmes'. Made several trips to Bde. In a fair billet with Larmer. Grand Review in 'Mons' to-day. We are only allowed one blanket. Getting pretty cold.

Nov. 16
A couple trips to Bde. Griffin to Corps. There is a young married couple living here. Monsieur is an artist and showed us his paintings and drawings, very fine. Rec'd. some letters. Monsieur is teaching us French. Poor pupils. They made waffles in evening. Chapel and Clavel moved to another billet. French back. Got a new belt. Censorship rules relaxed. Cleaned machine.

Nov. 17 + 18
- Cleaned up in the morning. Made several trips to 'C' + 'E' Bde. + C I B Div. etc. Had supper and out again. Had a dance at our billet. Nothing much doing. Getting ready to move to-morrow. - Up at 5am, had breakfast + Pulled out at 6.30 am. I left at 7.30am + arrived at
'Gottignies' at 8.30am. Made trips to C I A at 'Roeulx' and C E B at 'Strepy' and Ration Dump.

Nov. 19 + 20
- We are billeted allover. 4 of us sleeping in an Estaminent, sleeping on a hard stone floor. Cleaned machine this morning. Rations didn't arrive until late, but good when they did. Went to 'Roeulx' and got lost on the way back. Made a run to 2 Bde.
- Very misty and milder. Made a run to Bde. at night about 10 o'clock. Nothing much to note. Ross got a parcel from home.

Nov. 21 + 22
- Moved to-day to 'Godarville'. I went back to guide Bn. Ross received a box of chocolates from Florence Walker. Fine weather, good billet. Party went on to 'Renissart'.
- Nothing unusual to-day. I overhauled my machine. Made a trip to 'Gosselies' to Eng. Bde. and looking for Paymaster. Had a lunch with French people.

We went for a bath to-day. Weather fairly cool. Ross and I have a good bed. I got a new tunic and breeches. Change buttons etc. Made a late trip to Bde. Moving in the morning. Went to Cinema given by the Burgermaster who sent to 'Brussels' for pictures.

Nov. 24 + 25
- Moving to 'Rancart'. Went ahead with SK. Then on to 'Namur' returning to billets. Good billet and plenty of -. Rec'd letter from Millirs speaking of Mothers Death. Fine weather.
- Moved forward to 'Jemeppe'. Made several trips to-day. Went to Spy. 'Namur' and 5111 Bn. arriving back about 11 o'clock. I rode steady nearly all day. Mighty tired. We have a bed.

Nov. 26 + 27
- I slept until 11 o'clock this morning. No breakfast, not in until late. Got paid 70 Fr. Then went to Bde. Div. + Baths officer.- until dark in 'Namur'. Slippery roads. Expect to move to-morrow. It is 17 Km to 'Namur'.
- I went as far as 'Temploux' then back, then up to new billets 'Belgrade' then to 4CI Bde.'Jambe'. Got another bed. Played cards in evening. Rec'd mail from home, + registered letter.

Nov 28 + 29
- Went to 'Namur' in morning on duty. Snow in afternoon + Ross at night. Not very busy to-day. Moving to-morrow. Div. moved to-day. Raining again all day. Clavel at hospital. Ross went to Bde. Olheisen and I went to Namur and visited every kind of a place, bought cards, sausage 6 Fr a lb. + chocolates 25 Fr. a lb. Got home after lunch in a fine cafe. Went and returned in a lorry. Had a fine evening.
- We moved at 8am to 'Strud'. Bn. HQ at 'Murche-Ch'. Very muddy again to-day. Made a late run to Bde. 12 of us are sleeping in the attic. 4 Bde. at 'Haltime', + 2 C E Bde at 'Maffe'.

Nov 30
Not moving to-day. There are a couple of girls here who speak English. Ran the Ford car
yesterday. Orders to move at noon. We went to 'Havelange' Fair billets, fairly cold. Men didn't
get in until after dark. This is a town of about 1800 and decorated with evergreens. Sleeping on a mattress. People are not so friendly. Orderly room again in Chateau. Ross smashed up his Ford against a lorry.

Dec. 1 + 2
- Up early and away forward to 'Durbuy' which had been a summer resort. Very picturesque and fine roads. Went to 4 Bde. at 'Bomal'. Not very good billets. Some mail from Canada. Played cards.
- Shined up and washed machine and oiled it. Larmer went to CEMT. No trips up until now
(9pm). Not expected to move until to-morrow. Played cards all evening. Not a run to-day.

Dec. 3 + 4
- Raining to-day. No bread ration. Had an early run to Bde., washed machine. Fixed light on machine. Nothing much doing to-morrow. Played cards in evening. Moving early to-morrow morning. Rec'd. 4 Canadian letters.
- Raining all day. Rode steadily untiI5pm.and had a puncture. Moved to 'Freinnaux'. Coy. at 'Gameronel'. People not too friendly. We have a fail billet, but others out of luck. Expect to move to 'Rogery' to-morrow. Out until midnight with oil light and very dark. Broke pully.

Dec. 5 + 6
- Moved to 'Longchampp' instead of 'Rogery'. Very crowded. Made a run to Bde. Lanner took the Coy runs at 'Rogery'. Expect to move again to-morrow into Gennany. Very muddy. Cdn. mail in. Went to CEMT.
- Up and moving. I crossed the frontier at 7.20am and went to 'Hunningden' near 'St. Vith' Bn. In 3 little villages. Had a puncture. Lanner collided with a staff car and smashed the
machine but did not hurt himself very much. Fixed the electric light on machine. Rec'd. a big parcel from home and from Aunt Jean . Lanner took old machine to store and brought back 3 new ones.

Dec. 7
-We moved forward about 17 miles to 'Lousheim'. Heavy roads. Did some reconnoitring and
located brigade, well into Germany now. Larmer not feeling very well. Took a tot of rum and went to bed
Dec. 8
Had a good nights sleep and cleaned up in the morning. Nothing doing all day, cleaned machine and overhauled it. Wrote letters in the evening, bummed some Carbide from the Germans.

Moved at 7.30am to 'Schmidtheim'. Orderly room in the station Kellow + Ferabee road, extra machine. Slept in a loaf. Still muddy. Rec'd 2 Canadian letters.

Dec. 10 + 11
- Moved early again to 'Munstereifel'. Good billet. This is a fair sized town. Had a feed of
German bread, jam and coffee. Bde. is in the same town. Moving again in the morning.
- Up early and moved to 'Esch'. Cleaned machine and made two long trips to Bde. Played cards. Fine billet.

Dec. 12 + 13
- More rain to-day. Arrived at 'Whittleslick' early, went back and made a couple long trips to 2 Bde.CE at 'Mackenheim'. Raining all day. Good billets. Living with a German family.
- Up at 5am.Rained all day. I crossed the Rhine at 8.15am. Battn moving to
'Troisdorf by way of 'Seisburg'. Very wet. Two long runs to 'Bonn' to English Bde. Clavel back yesterday and also riding for HQ. We are living in a kind of casino on single beds and fairly comfortable.

Dec. 14
Up at 8am and away to CEMT. Ran into another driver and smashed my front wheel. Got a new pulley after much trouble and rode home with part of the clutch out. Not a very satisfying day. Bill C. away to shops also. Rec'd more Canadian mail. Parcel from Edith Dewer and one from Mrs. Snow.

Dec.15 + 16
- Breakfast at 8am. Bath Parade, Medical inspection and 50 Mark pay. Then I starred on machine and worked all day. At night we played cards and looked for billets.
- Laemer away to shops for spare parts. Made a few runs and worked on machine. Rec'd
paecel from Miss. Sealey and 1 from North Parkdale Church. Miss S. parcel damaged. Nothing doing. Clavel went to 'Bonn'.

Dec. 17+18
- Up early and away to shops. Got new cones, clutch, cups and whole front wheel, and Barrel spring. Machine in first class shape again. Wrote letters in evening.
- Not a thing doing all day so I cleaned up my machine and oiled it thoroughly and put on a good big lamp.

Dec. 19 + 20
- Nothing doing at all so I wrote 8 letters. Rec'd. some more Canadian mail. Played cards again and laid around all day
- Not much more doing. Made a trip to 'Bonn' and 'Seizburg'. having a puncture. Repaired
puncture after dinner. More letters and cards at night.

Dec. 21
Harold S. and left for 'Bonn' in Ford with passes. Sawall we wanted to see and took the noon express to 'Cologne' ( without passes ). Saw the big Cathedral and toured the town, bought more cards, knife and nail clippers. We ran into Colonel and Righie, nothing said to
us. Left for 'Bonn' at 5pm. Had supper in 'Bonn' and left for home. Arriving in 'Siegburg', we went to the 'Seetoos' who were just back from 'Paris' and 'London'. Very good show. Caught the last car home. Mighty tired.

Dec. 22, 23, 24
- Church parade this morning. Bill and I went for a bath. Nothing doing at air to-day except a couple of runs around town. Wrote letters.
- Went to the dentist this morning and had one tooth filled. Played cards all evening. Very windy and rain.
- A very quiet day. Went to the dentist in the morning and a trip to 'Bonn'. Played cards all evening. Mailed all my letters home.

Dec. 25, 26, 27
- Everybody celebrating. Took the Ford for a couple of runs. Had a feed at 2.30pm. Then concert at night. Spent the evening with civilians. Rec'd box from Brownie.
- Changed my boots for a pair of boxed toes. Very cold. I am sleeping with Ross in a civilian's house, fine bed. Hardly a thing to do all day but play cards. Rec'd parcel from Miss Edwards. - A very cold day. Made a trip to 'Bonn'. Played cards all day. Nothing to do but play cards all day. Another night trip to 'Bonn', getting back at 11.30pm. Very cold. Got paid 10 marks.

Dec. 28
Went to the dentist again to-day, but didn't get anything done. I didn't take a run all day. Played cards and passed the day bumming around. We do nothing at all, all day long but bum, with an occasional trip.

Dec. 29, 30, 31
- Nothing much doing to-day. Cleaned machine. Ross went to 'Bonn'. Wrote letters and played cards. Made a run to Bde. More cards at night.
- A very quiet day. Rained as usual. Baird, Cramp, Larmer and I went to cinima in the evening. Went for a joy ride in the Ford. Came back and played cards.
- I have such a comfortable bed that I didn't get up until 9.30am. In afternoon, Cramp, Ross and I went through the Rolling Mills. We had all our pictures taken with Baird's -. At night we played cards the New Year in, and then I went over to billet and played piano and danced New Years Day.

Jan. 1st+ 2nd, 1919
- There was nothing unusual. Bummed around most of the day and took one trip to 'Seizburg'. Played cards awhile then listened to concert given by the fellows. It was fairly good.

- Jan. 2nd, I had an early trip to 'Bonn' so bought a new diary and will commence
writing it now.
May we have as Happy and Prosperous New Year as we can with out Dear "Mother"
God Bless Her
H. K. Davey