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Date: August 19th 1917
Malcolm (Max)

The field
Aug. 29, 1917

My Dear Mother,

Two letters from home yesterday deserve some sort of answer so here we are.

Dave’s of Aug 2 from Ottawa and your combined letter of Aug 5 were the ones which I got.

I’m glad to hear that Dave has a job. Even though there is no money in it for him he’ll profit by the experience. It is rather strange to picture him beating about the bush to find out whether a person has money enough to stand an operation or not!

I also got Dad’s semi-annual card and as usual it was something of a newspaper in the news it brought. I was glad to hear of Jennie MacA getting the “Grant” although I can’t help thinking that Mildred Tait has pulled down as big or a bigger honour in getting the MacL. For Scholarships may come and scholarships may go but the MacL is still the Glengarry prize. Did anyone take the M.S?

In sending my pictures home I did not send one to Grandma as you probably have noticed. I have sent for more and one of them is for her so you can set any remarks, that she may make, aside. I will also send one for Ewen which I would like you to keep for him.

So Miss Sutherland has had a stroke! That is rather hard lines and I am very sorry to hear it. But I can’t help thinking of what Dave S. will say!!

I had a short letter from Dr Gunn a couple of weeks ago telling about the lawns, the car, the garden and the chickens. That’s the kind I like to get from him for I can picture him stepping it along by the chicken run at about 150 Per with a bunch of carrots in one hand and radishes in the other. He also said that business was heavy which I am glad to hear too. He seems so much more contented drilling holes in peoples faces than when times are dull.

No one ever plays tennis now I suppose! I have had only about two games – 45 minutes each since the summer of ’15. We had them at the chateau. Jack D. showed up and I can tell you we did some wild old batting about even if we did have to wear our Kitchener “go-homes.” (boots)

This is about my limit, Mother. If you forward this to May it will do till I can answer her letter and thank her for the fudge. Will you tell me Al’s address again please. I’m not certain whether it’s 125th or 25th street. With fondest love to all

I remain
Your loving son


Cpl MJ MacDonell


Sept 2 ‘17
P.S. Will you see if Charlie objects to parting with his watch, please? Mine has again gone on the blink as a result of rather poor workmanship at Birks! I will register it to there and tell them to send it to you. Then Charlie & Dave may toss for it, until apres la guerre. I am sorry to part with it, even temporarily for I can’t forget the one who gave it; but, with the winter coming on, I think a pocket watch would be best for me.
Love to all,

[Note: The addition to the letter here below was writen after the letter had been received by Malcolm’s mother]


Dear May –

Had a long letter from Allie tonight and I guess you’re back again. Do you want your cheques if so we’ll send them. I’m glad you are getting better. Kenzie was up she look pretty good and she went on the 5-10. Dave was up at Norde Louis today he says it’s the longest 2 weeks he ever put in. He goes to Winston tomorrow and goes to Kingstore Monday. He feels lonely for you I tell him he’s the favored kid at home he looks real well.

We are having lovely weather & Dad’s cold is better. Dave fixed him up a [?]

Love from All

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