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Date: August 9th 1940

August 9, 1940

Well, I got my pay yesterday and went to town last night. I had a 12 o’clock pass and very nearly came in late which would have meant C.B (confined to barracks) with the usual chores filling sand bags and picking up papers, etc. I was on guard night before last from 6:30 to 9:00 and from 2:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. My post was at the eastern edge of the camp on a cliff overlooking the sea. It gets pretty lonely there in the dark listening to the scream of the gulls and the slapping of the waves. The only break I had was when the orderly officer made the rounds and I had to hail him and make him step forward to be recognized. A person has to be very careful where they wander after nightfall in this country now, As the place is simply swarming with regular guards and L.V.D.s (local volunteer defence).

Well, I suppose Alan is tuning up the binder in preparation for the cutting which will soon be starting. I often stop to think of what you should be doing back home at this time of year, then I just shut my eyes and see the old farm and the family again. I only wish it were possible to come home for a two-week’s holiday and then return to finish the job in hand. However, this is out of the question, so will just have to content myself with hearing from you and having all the fun I can over here, which is considerable.

I have asked for snaps of home and of the city which have failed to arrive. I got May’s and Bert’s parcel and will write immediately to thank them, but just in case the letter goes astray, I will ask you to do so too. Your cigs mailed on June 10th failed to arrive. To date, including Bert’s parcel, I have received three. I just mention this so you can check with the number sent and know how they are arriving. The war taxes on tobacco and alcohol certainly hit soldiers pocket, as cigs are 1/6 pence for twenty now and all beer and other drinks have gone up. The latter doesn’t make much difference to me as I never touch the wicked stuff (never, hardly ever).

I was amused at Shirley’s account of Marge Steward’s marriage, but must say that I agree with her that it was a case of, who, who etc. Tell Lorna that I enjoyed her letter, but wonder why she quit so soon. Still, I know how hard it is to find news when all the family is competing, but don’t be afraid of boring me, as I like to read the different versions according to Audrey, Connie, Shirley, Lorna, etc. I will send you more snaps of the camp here, some with a small camera and some postcard size. I would like to write the particulars of each photo on the reverse side, but this is forbidden, so will number each postcard and write the particulars in a separate letter.

No. 1 is St. Mary’s beach, Brixham, just below our camp. You will notice a large boulder protruding just in front of the cafe. Well, that marks the boundary between the civilian camp and ours. You will notice the civilian camp high up in the left-hand corner. I usually take my dip right in front of the boats when the tide is in. When the tide is high and the breakers are rolling, the water touches the edge of the large boulder. Must close now and hope to hear from you soon. Love and everything.