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Date: June 2nd 1944

Walker House Hotel

“The House of Plenty”

Toronto, Canada

Jun 2, 1944

Dear Ma Pa & Ruth:

Just a few lines to let you know that I am now in Toronto. I was lucky and was able to leave Midland at 5.15 and arrived here at Toronto at 9 o’clock A Lieutenant was leaving Midland at 4 o’clock with the Chief OP.I. Motor Mechanic who was leaving for Toronto in a Navy car. The lieutenant told me that I ought to go with them so I said that would be swell but I had to work until 5 o’clock, so I wouldn’t very well be ready. So he told me I had better quit work right away and get ready and meet him at the Hotel where the Chief P.O. was to pick him up at 4 o’clock. Well I hurried up to the room and got ready and was down to the Hotel at 4.30 and the Chief P.O. hadn’t arrived. We waited until 5 o’clock and as the last bus to leave for Toronto was to leave at 5.15 we decided not to wait but to take the bus, so we took the bus and arrived here at around 9 o’clock.

I hadn’t had anything to eat since noon at Midland but wanting to see Rub so much, as soon as I got off the bus I said solong to the lieutenant and hopped a street car for “York”. I knew Rub would be there because I had a letter from him to-day saying that he was on duty watch to-night. It sure was swell of the lieutenant to offer me the ride wasnt it? Because if he hadnt I wouldn’t have been able to get here until noon to-morrow. Well getting back to where I left off—when I got inside York I didn’t see Rub so I thought I would have the Officer of the Day call Rubs name out over the loudspeaker, but just then I saw Rub walking across the deck on floor. He was quite a ways away from where I was so I called out to him. When he heard me and turned around he sure was surprised to see me, seeing as he didn’t expect me until to-morrow. Boy! It sure was swell for us to see each other again. I stayed and talked with Rub until almost 11 o’clock and then I had to leave. I told Rub that I would go and send you all a telegram so that you would know that I was in “Toronto” and that we are alright. At noon to-morrow I will be seeing Rub again and as he will be off until Monday morning we will be to-gether until I have to leave for “Midland” Sunday night. It sure was a funny feeling when I walked into York and knew that I would soon be seeing Rubert.

After I had sent you the telegram and had a cup of coffee and a sandwich I thought I had better find a place to sleep so I seen this place and it didn’t look too bad so I got this room from where I am writing you this letter. The room costs $3.00, it seems quite a bit but IU am too tired to look further, I guess any-way a fellow cant get a room for much less.

This morning the X.O. was telling me that I might have to go up to the island and do some work next week but he didn’t say whether I would be going Monday or not. If I should go to the island Monday though and have to stay there at night and cant phone you, you will know why. I thought I had better tell you this in this letter just in case I go to the island and am unable to phone you. He may take me up there and take me back to Midland at night, and if he does that I will be able to phone you. I will know better on Monday though and if he tells me to go to the island I will ask him whether I will be able to come back to Midland at night to phone you, and if he says I wont be able to I will send you a telegram and then I will be able to phone you some other night. don’t worry about me going to the island because there are quite a few fellows there now so its okay

Well it is now going on for 1 o’clock in the morning so I guess I will have to stop here and hit the hay, so I will be able to get up early. I am going to meet Rub at York at 11 o’clock in the morning and I will probably see Laurie there too at that time. Rub will get off at noon and then I will be able to show him around town. We will probably both drop in at the Canteen and we will be able to write you a letter from there to-morrow.

Well I guess I will have to stop here now for to-night and we will be writing to you all to-morrow. I sure hope you are all okay.

Love to you all


P.S. Don’t worry about the phone call because it will most likely turn out that I will not be going right at the beginning of the week. I sure hope not because I sure want to phone you on Monday to let you know about m y seeing Rub here this week end.

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