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Date: November 17th 1918


Nov 17 1918

Dear Mother:-

I am back on night duty again but in a much easier set of wards so don’t have to work nearly as hard, and my cold is just about better.

I stayed 6 days with Miss Montizambert and had such a nice little visit. They were certainly very good to me.

Got such a lovely long letter from Hazel this week and one from Katie too. Haven’t had time to answer them yet but will soon.

I haven’t the slightest idea of Atwood’s address in France yet so haven’t been able to send him that second parcel and have never heard if he got the first one I sent to Witley or the letters you & father send to me to remail to him. I think he might write & send me his address have never had a line from him since I saw him in London the 30th of Sept. I wrote to Stanley & asked him if he knew it but he said he had just had a note from him on his way through & didn’t know his exact address yet. I have a nice warm over the head sweater for him too & it would be so nice for him to have it this weather, but I don’t know where to send it.

Mary had a wire from Peter to-night saying he was on leave so he will be down here to-morrow. She is about as excited as I was the Saturday I got Sem’s wire.

Don’t believe she will be married, but then you never can tell. I told her that she could count on me to help her out in everyway as she did so much for me.

Sem is out of hospital and has gone up the line again but now that the fighting is over I know he will be all right. Of course he will have to stay in France a few months yet as the troops won’t be able to leave for awhile. I hope they get to England soon though and then we will be able to look forward to getting home.

Did I tell you that Carroll Cudlip, Kip, Cedric Alward & Jerry Foster have all been here at different times to see us. I was in hospital sick when Carroll came also Cedric & young Foster so didn’t see them but was out when Kip was here. Mary had dinner with the others though.

Isn’t Jean MacDonald’s engagement to Bryer Smith frightful what can she be thinking of. I suppose she’s too lazy to get out and do anything so is marrying him for a home.

Before I forget I must ask you if I have Dorothy Jack that yoke I crocheted for her before I left. I can’t remember if I didn’t I wish you would.

I suppose it’s time to think about Xmas but I really haven’t had the energy yet. I sleep all day since I have had influenza so don’t go into town at all. The shops in Reading aren’t up to much anyway and we can’t get to London while on night duty. Will be on day duty again just before Xmas about the 18th.

Am looking for a letter from you this week you last was written Oct 6th. Have you got a maid yet? Love to you all from Nettie.

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