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Date: September 2nd 1918

Park House

Parkside Rd.

Reading, Berks.

Sept 2, 1918

(Written sideways) Got the re-mailed letters from Magie & Sister Robertson.

Dearest Mother

Should have got a letter off to you yesterday as it was Sunday and my half day, but I went off on a jaunt with Daphne and Marjorie Mouat. The latter is working here in Barclays Bank. We walked about 4 milks to a place called Mapledurham which is on the Thames, situated by a lock. Just a quaint little village with a church, vicarage, big manor house & estate with the keeper’s cottages. We had tea at a cottage, at least in the garden. and walked home a different way along the river. I went back to Daph’s boarding house for dinner & arrived here at 9.45.

To-day I was off from 2-5 so went down town, met Daphne & had tea with her. Stan’s birthday is the 6th so I bought a very nice soft brown leather wallet. I remembered that he had written me about losing his.

I got a letter from you yesterday written the 7th of August, so it was 3 weeks coming. No wonder Mrs. MacLaren got 3 letters from Mary at once as she wrote about 3 in as many days so they all caught the one mail.

I had a letter from Atwood the other day, he said he was feeling fine and weighed 161lbs. Will probably be up in London for a board this week then will have 3 weeks sick leave so I will be able to see quite a bit of him. I will have a day off soon now and am saving it till he is in London and we can spend it together.

You must have all had a very nice time in Sheffield this summer. Am glad to hear that John is so much better. How were Addie and Charlotte. You didn’t mention them.

Had a note from Frances McAvity the other day and she wants me to come & see her & I could on a day off as she isn’t very far away.

I think I told you that the meals are very good here, better than at Leeds, but Park House could never come up to the life we had at Fairfax-however it is a nice old place.

Another Canadian V.A.D. arrived yesterday and she got married in London before she started in working and who do you think she married. None other than Prof. & Mrs. Walters Dydes son. Her name was Stuart and she is from London, Ont. a very nice girl. 

Daphne is making me a sweet mauve crepe de chine nightdress and little boudoir cap. I bought the material with the money Stanley sent me for my birthday lovely and heavy too.

The weather is getting cool now, but it is much nicer for working. The war news is splendid to-night, but I hate to think of the casualties. Reg. Major has been wounded for the 4th time & is in hospital in Devonfield. I wrote to him & had a letter to-day, says he is up on crutches now. Got a bullet would in the hip.

I always write my letters after I get into bed. It is rather a bad plan as I get sleepy before I finish.

Well I hope you are all well and that Pearl is still with you. The weather here the last few days has been beautiful. Just like a Canadian September.

Isn’t it nice that I am here to see Atwood. Will write you all about it.

Lots of love dear

From Net.

P.S. The 3 of us never seem to get off duty the same time during the day, but we have the evenings from 8.30 on together although we can’t go out after we come off duty.

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