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Date: September 5th 1918

Sept. 5. 1918

Dearest Mother.

Here I am in London for a day off with Atwood. Got a wire from him yesterday at noon saying he would be in Reading at 2.30. I was on duty then but Marion Crocket had the afternoon from 2-5 so met him & they had tea together. I was off at 5, so asked for my Sept. day off to-day and got it. Mary had the evening too so the 3 of us had dinner together at the hotel in Reading & then Atwood & I took the 8.12 for Town arriving at 9. Such a time as we had to get rooms at a hotel. Everything is full up these days & you have to wire ahead if you want anything. We finally got fixed up here, as Atwood had stayed here before.

Now I expect you would like to know how Atwood is looking. Very well I think considering he has been so sick. He is up at Matlock Bath Canadian Convalescent Home Derbyshire at present & in another week gets 3 wks. sick leave. He thinks perhaps Stan will get leave sometime in September too. He has to go back at 6 to-night & I go at 6.40. I could wait for a later train, but there is nothing much to stay up for, as 9.15 is the latest I can take.

Did Atwood ever tell you that he got his trunk all right in Halifax before he sailed. He also got the parcel we sent with all the socks, but didn’t get the one pair you sent to Witley.

We are going to the New Brunswick Govt. office this morning to register, also to the bank and this afternoon, we will either go to a matinee or the wax-works (Madame Tussaud’s).

Saw by this morning’s paper that Jack Fairweather has been wounded also heard that A.E.G. Mackenzie had been killed. The Canadian casualties have been very heavy. I think we ought to feel relieved that Atwood hasn’t been in the recent fighting, even though he has been so sick. His cough is all better & I don’t imagine he will have to go back for some time yet. Will probably be stationed at Witley. Through Cy & Kip he may get to No. 2 Heavy Siege Battery when he does have to go. That is the one Kip is in & they have been trying to arrange it. I wonder if Gregory has gone out yet. I haven’t heard.

There may be some Canadian mail for me when I get back to-night. Yours of Aug 7th was the last I had.

Well we must be off now, as time goes quickly in London. It takes so long to get any-place.

When Stan gets leave I hope the 3 of us can have a day in London together. We will have to have a photograph taken.

Ever so much love from us both


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