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Date: September 11th 1918

Park House


Sept. 11 1918

Dearest Mother,

Your letter of Aug. 20th came to-day. Such a lovely long one too. I also had one written on the 18th two days ago. My last was written to you the day Atwood & I were in London a week ago to-morrow, so it is high time I got another off.

Daphne & I were so upset this week when we heard that Reay had been killed. Stanley wrote me of it first and I got the letter on Friday. He said Moffat Bell had told him. The latter is in hospital with a slight jaw wound, but as Daphne knew nothing of it, I thought here was some mis-take however Eva wrote her Saturday that she had heard it so she (Daphne) wired Liverpool, Mackay’s office and they wired back that it was so.

He was killed August 27th going over the top with his battalion a direct hit from a shell and he probably never knew what happened. I have written Mrs. Mackay & also sent a deferred cable. It only cost about 60p. It does seen so sad. Poor Stan is so cut up about it, He has been quite close to him all along and they had seen quite a bit of each other two weeks before he was killed.

I suppose you saw that Jack Fairweather had been wounded – well he was playing bridge with Stan when that happened. Frances McAvity wrote me that, as she saw Jack in hospital in London I think. The major of Stan’s battery lost his leg & another officer was wounded so they have been through the thick of it. They are out of the line for a few days now and I am sure they need a rest.

I must tell you what Atwood and I did that day. Most of the morning was spent at the Bank and the New Brunswick Gov’t Office. In the afternoon we met Maurice Fisher on Regent St. and he asked us to meet him for tea. We had some shopping to do, so me him at 4.20 and we went to Murray’s a very sporty place, you have to be a member to go, of course Maurice is. After tea you can get up and dance. It was lots of fun. Atwood had to leave at 6 for Matlock Bath so I came back here by the 6.50. We did have such a nice day and what do you think the dear boy did have me a check for £5. Wasn’t it sweet of him.

He gets 3 wks. sick leave very soon and hopes to spend it with Stanley as in Stan’s last letter he said he expected his the 16th of Sept. I am hoping to get another day off so the 3 of us can spend it together.

Saturday & Sunday I didn’t do anything special. Monday Mary & I had the morning off so went into town. I had the ward all to myself that afternoon and evening as the sister & the other V.A.D were half daying. There is a great deal of responsibility here still it is good experience I expect.

I have been quite energetic to-night. Came off duty at 5 washed stockings skirts and gloves did my laundry had a bath, got dressed for second supper at 8.15 and now am writing this to you.

Matches are so scarce here I wonder if you could ever send me any in a tin box. You simply can’t buy them for days in the shops and as we burn so many candles after the lights go out we use a lot. Candles too could come in handy also soap, note paper, and a film for my camera (premoette) – a film pack it is called 2 ¼ by 3 ¼. Can’t get them over here at all. Those are just named to give you an idea of what you could send when you are doing up a box. Then of course any kind of eats could be most welcome.

Our meals here are very good considering the times – for breakfast this morning we had tea bread & butter marmalade & a fried egg. Of course you only get 1/4lb of butter to do you all week and if you use it too generously the first part of the week it is all gone before Saturday and your bread goes butterless. You would laugh if you could see us coming to meals carrying out little butter dishes & our sugar tins. I always carry a lump or two in my pocket when I go out for meals as sugar is never provided.

Would you be surprised if Semi & I got married when he gets his leave. It will be the end of December or the first of January. My 6 months here is up the end of January & if I took my leave at the end I would be through by the middle of January. However we haven’t really decided yet but are thinking of it seriously.

It is getting late so I must stop. Poor Eliza Blair they are certainly having their troubles.

No I never saw Sandon again. Did enjoy your letter so much. Love to all.


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