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Date: September 28th 1918
Mrs. Bridges

“Park House”

Parkside Road.


September 28/1918

My dear Mrs Bridges

I promised Nettie yesterday I should write to you and now shall keep my promise and tell you all about her wedding.

It was all so sudden that even now I can hardly believe that she is Mrs Mackay! Sem came last Saturday and got leave as he had a touch of shell shock. Nettie was talking to him on Sat. night and on Sunday Crocket and I met him & we went to Daphne’s until Nettie came off duty – well they decided to be married and Nettie got leave and permission to do so – they planned on London but you have to live there two weeks to be married there. They planned on September 26 but Nettie’s leave had not come through – Atwood & Stanley were here on the 26 & we all had lunch together – They went back to London that day & that night Nettie’s leave came through so the event was planned for Friday Sept 27 – Great excitement. Nettie & I got up early & had a bath and Sister Ferguson the Home Sister brought us up the loveliest breakfast tray – eggs and bacon – toast – marmalade and tea – she was simply perfect to us and my Matron gave me that morning off up to two o’clock that day – after breakfast Nettie & I flew in town & she got herself a purple velour hat & pretty pink georgette blouse – I shopped for her the beginning of the week & got her what she needed – we got back from town and she finished packing & dressing – the taxis came to the door and Nettie, Stanley and Atwood went in one and Sem, Sister Ferguson and I in the other – It was a very old Episcopal Church and the Vicar such a nice old man – Crocket and Miss Bailey a girl from Tasmania were there too and so that was the entire wedding party.

We all wore uniform & Nettie was married in hers. She looked so pretty and sweet and so radiantly happy and Stanley gave her away – It was so lovely having both boys here – Her wedding ring was a pretty narrow one – I mention that fact as the English ones are so hideous & broad and Sem tried so hard to get this one – her engagement ring is sweet – a solitaire and the ring & setting all platinum. Stanley and I were witness’.

We went to the “Great Western Hotel” & had lunch – just Nettie – Sem – Crocket – me Stan & Atwood – drank her health in champagne and had a cheery happy party – she went off to London and I do not know where they go from there – if Nettie’s leave had been longer I think they would have gone to Scotland but I believe she is only to have 5 days or maybe a week.

The day was lovely & fine and Nettie’s Matron and our Home Sister Ferguson were simply perfect to her.

Altogether everything was happy and seemed meant to be at that time – for Stan goes to France to-morrow and it is almost impossible for them ever to have leave altogether again – Sem goes back to France a week from to-day & I believe is to get his majority & be O. C of the 12th Battery. He is a dear & I think they are both so lucky. It was splendid Nettie wearing uniform to be married in –

Well Mrs Bridges dear I shall stop as I have so many letters to write but I did want you to know all about everything & how happy Net was and how well Stan & Atwood look – On account of Reay’s health it is so much better that the wedding was so quiet –

We all have the same bedroom and are very lucky here I think –

I must run – much love to you and remember me to the Doctor & Hazel

As ever

Just Mary[?]

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