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Date: January 3rd 1919

This is an old letter but thought you would like to read it

Jan. 3rd 1919

Dearest Mother :-

What a lot I have to write and I hope I can remember it all. Got your nice letter of Dec. 16th the other day and was so glad to hear from you again as it seemed ages since I had had a  letter. So sorry you haven’t been feeling well and do hope you & father got off to Montreal. I had a letter from Hazel in the same mail and she said you had written you might come and she did hope you wouldn’t change your mind.

A week ago to-night I had a wire from Semi from Dover as he had just got over on leave. Didn’t expect him for two weeks so it was a great surprise. In fact, a half hour before his wire arrived I got a letter saying all leave had been cancelled and that he mightn’t get over till February. I went right to Matron and she gave me two weeks leave two so when he arrived Saturday afternoon I was free from duty and able to go up to London that evening with him. We spent the weekend there and Monday night went to Cambridge to see Frances &  Bumps. Stayed with them over New Years and had such a jolly time. Mary got a couple of days coming off night duty and joined us there Tuesday morning which was a great reunion. We spent a couple of mornings looking over all the colleges and it was most interesting,   Wednesday night (New Years) Frances celebrated her wedding anniversary by having a dinner party. Just another major & his wife and the 5 of us. We went back to London last evening (Thursday) and caught the night train for Edinburgh arriving at 8.15 this morning. Will stay here till Tuesday then back to London till Saturday night when I go back to Reading and day duty. Had such a scramble before I left on Saturday packing up all my things so I will be living in Park House again when I go back  all my things had to go up there while I am away. It was a dreadful rush & I had to get it all done before 12 as Mary and Crocket were asleep by then and I didn’t want to disturb them.

This morning we did Edinburgh Castle and it was most interesting. To-morrow we hope to see Holyrood.

Sunday Afternoon.

Didn’t have time to add more to this yesterday as we were sight seeing all day. Holyrood Palace is a most interesting place in fact Edinburgh is full of historical spots.

We are leaving for London in the morning.

 meDid I tell you Katie sent 2 such lovely parcels one a cake for Mary ] in the other was the loveliest mauve crepe de chenin dressing gown for me, just what I wanted.

Must run now will write you again from London.



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