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Date: July 27th 1918

Reading July 27. 1918

Dearest Mother,

Have been so frightfully busy that I haven’t had a minute. Mary I came down here yesterday to see Eva & Daphne and what do you think this is where Mary, Crocket, and myself are to be placed.  Of course we asked for it as it is so near London only ¾ of an hr. by train – on the Thames too – population of 100, 000. I am going to have a look at the hospital this morning. My old V.A.D. friend Miss Martin is in a hospital here too, I hope it is the same, but they say there are 5.

Now let me see what we have been doing. Tuesday morning we slept pretty late as we were all dead tired. Spent the after-noon at Devonshire House. A bunch of us went to the theatre that night. Wednesday morning Devonshire House again. Mary & I had lunch with Adams Bruce and a Major Hyde from Witley – tea with Maude Douglas at the Piccadilly (a friend of Eva’s) & that night I had dinner at the same place with Fraser Campbell. His left arm is gone after the elbow & his right was the one wounded before. His brother was killed the day he got hit but notwithstanding he was very jolly and I had an awfully nice time. Who do you think I met Wednesday morning walking along Piccadilly – he recognized me first too. My old friend Dick Sandon. I was just calling a taxi with a bunch of the girls so only stopped a minute. Wanted to know where I was staying & said he would see me again but as he’s married now I know I won’t and I really don’t care if I do or not. However he was looking well and as handsome as ever.

Thursday we (Mary and I) had lunch at Norfolk House with Mrs. Murray MacLaren (a ladies club house) & from there to a matinee & then tea at Fuller’s. When we got back to Thackeray the girls told us that we had missed a special audience with the Queen & Princess Mary at Devonshire House. They didn’t know anything about it till 3 o’clock & didn’t know where to get hold of us. It seems that the Duchess of Devonshire sent a message to her great friend Lady Ampthill who is one of the Ladies in Waiting to the Queen & thus it was arranged for the new arrivals from Canada. She didn’t shake hands with them just said a few words, still I would loved to have been there.

I forgot to tell you that Mrs. Wilson & the Montreal girls were with our convoy on another boat & Doris Dolker & Miss Gilchrist were also on another boat. We all met in London.

It is lovely here in Reading & I am sure we will like it if the hospital & matron only turn out all right. Crocket & I are going to Leeds for the day on Monday I am awfully anxious to see the girls & the old spot. We have to report here on Tuesday.

I heard through [?] on Thursday that Atwood was in hospital in France so immediately rang up the Canadian Red Cross and found that he is in No. 8 British Red Cross Hospital with influenza. I wrote him immediately.

Just got back to train & Uncle Bruce Caldwell is taking us to the theatre. Don’t have to report until Friday now.  Will write more in a day or so.

Missed Fraser Campbell to-day as he came to take us out to lunch however I may see him again.

Lots of love to all & hope you are all well.



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