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Date: May 28th 1942

No.1 C.A.R.U. R.C.A.

Gnr. Evans S.W.


E Bty. D troop.


May 28 1942

Dearest Helen

Well Honey how are you havn’t got a letter yet but got your telegram. I went to the Hospital since I wrote you last but got out O.K. just like I seem to do every time they can’t keep me in long. I had a heck of a feever one night in fact I was giving the boys a real show they said I was all over it in the morning and am just fine now my foot is still the same and I am trying to keep my catagoria A for lots of reasons but as you know if it don’t get better I will Have to let them drop it because as yet I can’t go on parade at all. But don’t worry or even think that I am so bad that I won’t be able to walk with you when I get back as I know that is the first thing you kids would think of. But if it ever got that bad I wouldn’t stay here long. It is just a sore foot. Well that’s enough of that at least I think so. All I am doing now is this DAM hut or duty job and any thing I hate is somthing like that. I saw the big shot today and he said that I didn’t need to wory about having to stay in this Camp that he would put me on the truck soon I hope it is not just wind.

Well what have you been doing and how is every little thing I havn’t seen Ben yet but hope to run into him soon. I tried to send some more money to you but they won’t let me until the last of October. And it made me mad because I realy think and would like to save some money because I think this war is going to be over soon at least hope so and like to think that way. don’t you. I went away for a while and am back writing as you can see I stoped at the place where the ink changed color. I had to go eat and help the sargen’t fix up the hall for the Dance tonight I havn’t gone to any here yet I don’t know if I should or not. Not that I think you would mind but I don’t feel like it and I couldn’t untill this foot got better anyway. The boys say they have a good time there but the most of them don’t like these [?] girls and I am one that likes them less than any I think. I always said I had know use for an Englishman and I hate them worse now. In fact if there was a day to have my choice I would take a black gal before these things they call girls here. It is good I feel that way about it or do you think so I bet you don’t Ha Ha. I can guess your answer but tell me so I will know if my guess is write. Well honey if you knew the fun the boys I go around with make of me and you I think you would shoot them but everything they say they meen it in fun thank gosh. I hope we stay together over here and we can all go home and get with our love ones and have a real old time at least that is what they all say. Stuart siad the day I got the telegram that, Evans he said you don’t need to open it I can tell you what is in it your mother sent a gram or the Dr. that you have a knew babby boy or maby a girl. But that is just to give you an idea of what we do and say for a pass time. Well I don’t know what to write about now because I just can’t think of any more only that some Gerry planes just went over thank god they went over. They havn’t been bothering us and I don’t think they will for a while. Say I just thought I could put a little joke I have in this letter to make it longer do you wan’t it I thing you would say yes if I know you but if you don’t mind them bad or if you like em bad just tell me in your next letter and send me a good one. If you don’t think you wan’t to see this just through it away and let some one els see it. Well here goes I don’t know what one to put here. How bout Susanne when she was a lady.

Susanne was a lady with plenty of class

Who knocked them all dead when she wiggled her /// Eyes at the fellows as girls sometimes do to make it quite plain that she was acting to /// Jake in a movie or go for a Sail and then hurry  

Put in a word in the blanks.

home for a nice piece of // Choclate cake and a slice of roast duck for after a meal she was ready to // Go for a ride or a strole on the dock with any young man with a sizable // role of bills and a pretty good front and if he talked fast she would show him he // little pet dog who was subject to fits and mayby she would let him take hold of her // [?] white hands with a movement so quick and then shed reach over and tickle his // chin while she showed him a trick she learned in France and asked the fellow to take off his // coat while she sang the Indian love song for romance. That’s the end. Well honey I think that joke was bad don’t you In fact I don’t think you are old enough to read it so just forget it but it is good isn’t it I have a good one I heard about the black out in England I will send when I hear from you well honey hope you love me as much as ever and realize I love you more if that could be and be good what ever you do because well you know why I have told you every thing I can think of and it is the trew facts no more no less. I cant seem to stop writing because I don’t know how to end this letter but here goes. Turn over

Don’t take that last line wrong I meant the page when I said turn over. Well so long kid I hope you will write a long letter and I hope I can get it faster than the others if they get here. Good night love and don’t worry keep your chin up it won’t be long now Forever

Yours Dearest

Old man Bill




All slips and misses are meant for hugs and kisses. Hope there are lots.


Say hello to ma pa and all our relations and friend let me know how Marg is getting on and Gorge. Oh well tell me every thing you know and some you don’t. Good luck and all my love Dearest.        

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