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Date: March 18th 1942

No.2 C.A.R.U. C.A.O.

Mon 18th 1942


Dear Mom:-

I guess you dont think much of me do you Ive been writing in such slow dribbles since I came over here, but they have kept us on the move so much since comming here that I dont really have the time or the inclination to write, my feet hurt so much from walking that I can just get around and that’s all, of course each day I work off the stiffness by six oclock. P.M. only to get them sore again by nine oclock P.M. we haven’t started our course yet, and just to give you an idea what we have to go through Ill tell you what has happened since Saturday, we left no 1 C.O.R.U. at 9 a.m. arrived in no 2. C.A.R.U. at 12 A.M. had dinner then went the rounds of the Battery office, the Orderly Room and the Q,M, stores which kept us pretty well hopping till 9.P.M. and then of course to bed, Sunday we had breakfast and then explored the camp, after supper there was a show and then back to bed and let me tell you these days bed is a mighty welcome place. Monday we all got busy and washed all our dirty clothes and let me tell you I have some too, there aren’t any washers here so my hands were nice and red when I got through, Sgt Kelly and I took a bus from here into a town called Hazelmere and saw a show and then town we also looked in on the local museum which we are going to see at another date, got word Monday night that authority had been granted for seven days leave. Were we ever happy, well Tuesday morning we drew out full months pay our pass a return cord and packed out bit and left for London, we registered at the Beaver Club, and would you believe it while we were registering a telephone message came through from our unit telling us to report back at once, very urgent well we had to wait till morning so we took a quick look at London, she’s some dump. And let me tell you the Nazis will have to drop a Hell of a lot of bombs to ever flatten London, although there are some districts that sure took an awful licking and there are very visible evidences of the Blitz that will remain for ever, but in spite of everything Im going to London again on my next leave. By the way we had our room right next to Westminster Abbey and when Big Ben struck it was quite a thrill for is! The part that was bombed is still in ruins and no attempt has been made to rebuild it, the blackout in London is quite the thing the only lights are little red go and stop lights for intersections and dull shelter signs, the cars have little vents in their headlamps which give about as much light as my flash lamp. Well we came back to camp and checked in, I guess we will soon be moving to our destination I sure hope so, I did one night as Guard commander here with eighteen men one trumpeter and one Bombadier, also four prisoners, what a night that was all I did all night was check incomming passes and read a book but no sleep which was tough so you see mom Ive been kept in the go pretty much. one of these days Ill have time to sit down and write you a nice long letter with plenty of dope in it, tell the rest of the family that ill write them also, I met a guy who used to be in our battery and who stowed away on a boat about a year ago he’s in this same unit and I see him every day, his name in case your in interested is Bungy Williams, so if you see Tom Foy or Jay MacDonald you can tell them that he wants to be remembered to them, Ill be writing them again soon anyway.

I find soap the hardest thing to get over here, in fact Ive not gotten a single bar since comming here but with all the contacts weve made since comming here I think we may be able to buy a cake or two by next week with luck. You see you have to get what they call a chit and when you finally gotten one of these then you can buy a bar of soap.

I suppose you noticed the mistake I made in my name on my last letter I spelled my initials W.L.V. instead of W.L.Z.Hollett well mom Im about ready for bed and Im sure you wont mind if I turn in well so long for now


Sgt. W.L.Z. Hollett

Canadian Artillery Reinforcement Unit

Canadian Army Overseas

P.S. had our picture taken for the London papers but I don’t think it could of come out as it was in travels


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