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Date: December 10th 1916
Harold Irwin

74 Tunnel ave

Dec 10th 1916

My Dearest Mother

just a very fue lines today to say I rec your letter all O.K. & found me in best of health, only a little cold, Well Mother there is realy no news at all now. every thing is about the same am stell at same job, only by old Sam Haugh geting out of it has put our shop a little on the Bum, they will not reconise our Corporal strips now, so I have taken down to my strips again, But expect to be made again after things are fixd up, I am going to be best man at a wedding to take place on the 21st of this month. Corporal Hubbard a fellow that was rooming with me at Mrs Catts place, so he as asked me to be best man, so am going to do it for him, of corse I Kiss the Bride first, & she has a real large liking for me any way, so expect to have a very nice time, was up to see Mrs Jones yesturday, she is all right only Lottie has bad cold, Dont worry about Mrs Jones not having any money or hard up, she has a great deal more then you have, they have a fue thousand in the bank, and when the war is over they are going to reatier for life, so they dont nead to worry about money, And if there is any giving away to be done let them give me some. for to help pay for Florences funeral, as they never ofered to give me one cent to help me, And they new it cost me more then I could aford,

I guess I will go there for Xmas dinner I was up there yesturday, But in evening I was at show with Stokey, Stokey is a lovely girl, she met Bert, And he said Friday evening, (say she sure is some pretty girl) And she is very pretty, I go up there a great deal now, & they have made me promise I would go there & spend Boxing day, they wonted me for Xmas, But I could not go, I am going up there tomorrow evening again, Stokey would see me every day if I would let her, But she is really nice & I like her company very much., & she is always full of fun,

Say Mother you must not think of me coming home befor the war is over that is emposeble; and I would not come over here if I was you, as thinks are very hard here now, be wise & take a tipe from me stay over there, cant tell you all, But guess a little, No Mother dont come over at least you can get all you want to eat over there, But dont worry about me, I will always get enough to eat no matter where I am, they feed the Soldiers good any way.

Say Mother be carfull what you put in your letters as all of them are opened be censer. now,

I have had about 20 letters this week from all of the people in Manitoba, and am sending them all memoriel card in answer, The weather has been very bum of late. But very nice out today am going up to House after dinner, I sent Bill a Xmas present. (A ring) last week, and Hazel & Greta a pair of Florences gloves each today., also a Xmas card to you all. & you a lucket last last week registerd. Hope you rec them all O.K. Mrs Jones is sending you all some of Florence cloths for Keeps sakes, she will be sending them next week.

Well Mother I guess this is all for now Hoping you are all Well at home, I am very good just now, (bar the cold), and wishing you all a Merry Xmas & Happy New Year.

And with all my love as ever, I am yours lovingly Harold

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.12.10.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.12.10.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.12.10.03 Irwin.Harold.1916.12.10.04