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Date: November 7th 1916
Harold Irwin

74 Tunnel ave

Nov 7th 16

Dearest Mother

just a fue lines to let you know I am all O.K. I started work yesturday morning, every one have been very Kind to me, and when I started yesturday morning [?] Davies told me to work at ever I liked the best, & not to hurry myself, But just take things easy for a week or so, so am just taking things easy & doing a little just to take my mind off. my trouble The boys had also taken up a lettle colection and gave me to help pay for the funeral, they gave it to me yesturday, It was a real surprise to me, And I think it was very Kind of them, the sum was a £11.0.0. Or $55 00 in Canadian money so you can see evey one is very Kind to me, and evey one shares there sempathy to me too, I am Belleted with Boby Taylor now. we have a real nice large room between us and are very Comfortable, he has been a friend to me all along, and is good Company, and that helps a lot, although it is very lonely now with-out my little girl wife, for I Loved her very Dearly, But I must do the best I can now & try & foreget, although my love for her will never die, I must at leaset try and foreget, and look for diffrent comforts in other things, I stayed with her Mother untell sunday night, her Mother feels it very bad, But has been very Kind & good to me,

I am geting two of Florence Photos enlarged, one in water colors & the other plain, I am going to have them fraimed & send them to Canada so that I can have them when I get back there, I am also having one enlarged for her Mother & giving it to her, for all I got left now is just her Photos & sweet Memerrys of the one I loved, I never seen Baby, so have nothing to remember it by, only the things we where saving for him, I rec your Cablegram O.K, I guess I told you that in my last letter I did not send an ansewer as it costs so much, for I was all right, & I did not think it would do any good any way,

Well Mother about you coming over. Come if you like Mother I would like to have you very much, But it seems a terable lot of money just for that, and times are so hard, I will be all right any way Mother, and I hope the war will soon be over now so that I can go back to you all, and maybe I will be able to foreget once I get back there again But there is no other girl in the world half as good as my Darling was, an Ideal wife in every way as will as a pure good girl, she did not know what bad was, she was loved by evey one, and did not have an enemy in the world, I loved her & she loved me with a love no one has But once in there lives, we where as much Sweethearts the day she died as the day we where married, I am dredful lonely with out her now, But time is the only cure, But I know I will very meet another girl as good a wife as she was or as fine,

Well Mother winter is here again it is raining very hard out so am glad I am inside, am going to go to bed now, as it is very late, I am going up to see my Sweethearts Mother tomorrow night as I promesed her I would, I am going to do all I can to help her as she is alone too now, every thing is about the same around here, will write you again next week, Hoping you are all Well, I am well, and with love to all

I am as ever your loving son Harold

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.03 Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.04 Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.05 Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.06 Irwin.Harold.1916.11.07.envelope