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Date: August 31st 1916
Harold Irwin

Pt H L. Irwin #2339
Can A I & R. Dept
74 Tunnel Ave
London S. E

Augs 31st 16

My Dearest Mother

I rec your Dear letter all O.K. & Glad to know you are all right, as for my self I am all O.K. And Florence is fine too we where out in the park together last night I see her nearly every evening now, she is as fat and as round as a barrel, not only fat in the tumy But fat all over, & looks fine, the baby will be coming about the 20 th of Oct, you may see I never go near there house, But do not mention this in any of your letters as Florence reads them all, and it might hurt her to think I have told you, But her father & I had a fall out three or four months ago, and I have never been near the house sense But of corse that makes no difference between Florence & I only I never go to the house as it is his house, But her Mother & I are all right. But I always meet Florence at her aunts Place. her Aunt has been very kind to us There is no hard feelings at all only I wont go to there house But as soon as Florence has had her baby and every thing is all O.K. again then she will come down here to live with me, But untell then, she is better at home even if I have to see her in another house, But dont say any thing in any of your letters about it at all, as it might hurt Florences feelings, it is very hard for her just now I know, But I am to Bull headed to give in to any one, But we Love one another & are happy just the same, you dont under stand English people so will not under-stand, But will explain when I come back home again,

Well I guess by the time you get this I will be Armur Corporal. Irwin, so I guess in your next letter you can put Armur Corporal Irwin, one of the fellows in the office today was telling me that my name has gone in to be made Corporal. so I guess it will go through all right, every thing is about the same around here now, I was to see the Doc this morning, I did not feel any to well, & have got to go back on monday to have my Blood tested, might have to take a treetment, But will let you know later, I did not get paid this pay day as my book went to the pay office last week to be balenst up & when it came back I was $19.92 in the hole, so will not get paid again untell a month and a half, so dont know how we will do for baby, But I guess with the $15.00 you send & the money we got now we will pull through all OK. as Florence saves every cent she can she can save more money in one month then I can save in a Whole year, (Baby is going to be a girl) Well Mother we had the Zepps around to see us last week drops boms all around. the house But never even woke me up, Kelled & wounded about 40 people, But it never worrys me, The landladys son has just gone to France, and she is making a real fool of her-self. she crys morning noon & night, she made me sick tonight talking about him, you would think he was the only fellow that ever went to France, she is in the Front room now crying her eyes out, we have been having very nice weather of late, But today seems very cold,

Well I guess this is all for just now, Hoping you are all Well, Florence is the very best, & I am very good. But it could be better, Will say bye bye for now, With best Love from us both

I am as ever your Loving son


Hoping this War will soon be over so we can both go back to Canada together,

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.08.31.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.08.31.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.08.31.03 Irwin.Harold.1916.08.31.04