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Date: July 5th 1916
Harold Irwin

Pte H. L Irwin, #2339

July. 5th 16

My Darling Mother

I rec about 8 letters from you this last fue days two registerd letters one with $11 00 & one with $5 00 thanks very much, as it has just saved our lives as I have not had any pay sense I went to Hospital & Florrence has had no money eather except yours, But the lettle Darling is geting on fine, & makes The best of every thing, she is feeling fine now & .lettle babys is Kicking fine too, It Kicks night & day now, But Florence is feeling fine now & looks real good, she carrys the baby well, she does not show bad at all., & she is really geting fat on it, she is stell with her Mother as I think that is the best place for her untell the baby is born, I think it is going to be a girl, I do Love the lettle Darling, for I know it is going to be a Darling as Florence is such a dear,

Well Mother I arrived back from Hospitel yesturday noon & started work again this morning. I am feeling fine now & have straitened up I have got the hump off my back now, & am good & strait. I am back at the same old job again, running Engine at Armur shop & am rooming at same place again, so am geting on fine, I rec the Photos you sent all O.K this morning, I think they are real good. some girl of Bills, also rec the wedding cake from Greta. Will Write Greta on sunday also Hazel,. and I am very glad Greta is Happy

Well Mother I Hope you had a good time on your tripe east. I guess Granpa looks pretty old by now. So poor old Fred is not married yet, and when is he going to join army,? if he joins & comes over here he can soon get a girl, & get married, you did not say any thing about Jean what does She look like now? & what does the old farm look like? I would like to see it again, Say Mother I would not have any thing to do with Muriel at all. I Hait her now & would not speek to her now if I seen her., any girl that has gone to the Dogs like she has, is not worth speeking to., I thought she had more Brains. And if that is the way she goes on, I dont want ever to see her again, you can tell her that for me, if you ever see her, & if I ever see her when I go back with Florence. I dont want her to speek to me, because Florence is a lady & Muriel is not, Well Mother it will be a Happy day when we all get back together again, Florence & I, Greta & Bert, Hazel & Geo, & you & Bill, & Baby, we will have one real selebration for a whole week, & if Bill gets married befor I get back good luck more the merrier, Well Mother I guess that is all the news. we are both well Hoping you are all the same. With best Love from us both, & Love from baby too. I am as ever your Loving son


Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.07.05.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.07.05.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.07.05.03 Irwin.Harold.1916.07.05.04 Irwin.Harold.1916.07.05.05 Irwin.Harold.1916.07.05.envelope