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Date: November 7th 1915
Harold Irwin

West Sandling
Nov 7th 15
Sunday 12 noon

My Dearest Mother

I have not had your letter this week, But it is here But I was away on leave. (sick leave) last week. and when the boys got letter for me send it to me, and the day they sent it, I came home, so I guess Florrie has it. and will send it back, and I will get it first thing tomorrow morning

Will we are stell at Sandling working. But expect to go back to Barracks tomorrow morning This camp is so bad we can not stand it, the mud is above our boat topes. just as bad as Salesbarry Plains, we are nearly all sick, & I hear the Barracks is not much better, so I guess we are in for one Hell of a winter, I dont know weather I can stand it or not, I have been very sick for some weeks, and [?] sent me away for six days on sick leave out of mud & wet. I went to Florence place in London. They Treeted me fine. Florence was just like a mother to me, she sure done all she could for me, & nearly cryed her eyes out because I had to come back, she sure is a dear sweet Girl and she loves they very Ground I walk on she says if any thing happens me she will kill her-self, and I beleave she would too. for I am the whole world to her.

Her Mother used me fine too I was pretty sick, But am much better now, you can not amajon the hard-ships we have to put up with here, God only knows how we stand it, it has been raining now for nearly two weeks, and we are stell in tents, & tent leak like a screen, my feet have not been dry for a month except the week I was in London, some of the boys are all right they got married and the govement gives them so much a day and they live at home They brote there wifes to live in town nearest to camp & they go home every night and for all there meals, so it is the same as living at home, they are fine, But the single men have to live at Camp even if it killes them, so I think I will get married, this Xmas.

Florrie wonts me to, I could get married and she could come down to Sandgate, that is the nearest village to Camp. only 10 minutes walk from camp. we could get some rooms there and they will alow me to live at home & also eat there, and they alow you so much a day for rashons, it would be just like home then and I could be dry & warm all the time, But only thing that stopes me is that if I get married I will have to asyn my money to my wife, so I dont know hardly what to do, But I know I cant stand this all winter, as I am nearly all in with wet & cold, now, & sleeping in cold wet tents, our Blankets never get dry, so you can see the hardship we have to put up with as a single man, and if married I would have a home to go to every night and in case of sickness I would stay at home.

what do you think best to do. I am geting married befor I come back any way, do you think it would be best to get married now, and have a home to stay at this winter, or wait untell the war is over, Florrie does wont to get married so she can look after me. She is a dear Girl and every thing is for me, When I was sick up at her place she nearly worried her lettle heart out about me, and looked after me as if I was a child

ans this letter right away and tell me what you think is best, I have got no money But I think Dad will lend me anove to get married on, I can pay him back when I go back to work when the war is over, for I know I love Florence better than any other Girl in world, and she sure loves me better still, she warships the very ground I walk on, and every thing in the world is for me, I am every thing in the world to her, and I know she would make the best lettle house wife, I could ever get, and I know we will be happy together, and she is a good Puir girl, and will look after me this winter if we get married, she wonts too very much,

Will how is every thing at home, Hope you are all well, every body is sick here my throat was so bad I did not speek above a wisper for a whole week, But can talk better now, mud & water every where you look, I dont know which is worse this or He—, I had a letter from Hazel sence day ago I answered it this morning glad she is stell happy. I wish I was in her shoes, say did you ever get Forries large picture, what do you think of it,

Will I guess I must close and write a fue lines to my lettle wife, for I have not wrote sense I came back & I have had two from her, she is worring her heart out about me, give my love to all, dont send any thing for Xmas for it is not likly I would get it any way. for there will be so much mail. With all my love I will always remain your loving son. Harold


I got this paper in club that is why it has 29th Batt on, some the 29th left behind

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.01 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.02 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.03 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.04 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.05 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.06 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.07 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.08 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.09 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.07.envelope