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Date: October 25th 1915
Harold Irwin

Oct 25th 1915
West Sandling

My Darling Mother

I rec your letter from Victoria today, the first letter from you for over two weeks, so Mother you have to be very carefull what you say in your letters as nearly all are opened now. coming in England & going out so if there was any thing in any of them that they did not like, I guess that is why I did not hear from you for so long.

Will I have been sick for a week have had la grip My feever went to 102 But am nearly all O. K. again now, will be good as gold in day or so, we are in tent yet, But I guess we have to be out of them by end of this week, on account of new orders, I was sent to London last week as the tent was to cold for me it was eathr go to London with friends or Hospital, so I took friend, Florrie gave me anove Med[?] to kill me or kyur me, and I guess she kyured me all O.K. for I am back to work again any way, they had a good warm house & lots of fire, & trieded me very nice, Florrie stell loves me as much as ever, I think if I half killed that Girl she would stell love me, she just worships the very ground I walk on, every time I take train to come home I nearly have to get team of horses to pull her away from me, she hangs on to me so tight, But she sure is a very sweet Girl, and as pretty as picture too, I am the first fellow she ever had in her life, and it is all kinds of fun teaching her lettle loving ways sense we have been engaged, she is like a lettle Girl of ten she dont know nothing & as enesent & good, she said she would kill her self if she cant have me now, for I am the only thing she realy loves & wonts in all the world, Poor lettle Dear, I cant help But love her, She Wrote to you did you get her letter all O. K, I also send a larg picture of her did you get it all O. K, Dont foreget to drop her a fue lines, & I am an Amirecan dont foreget, when she goes to school she tells every body about her american entended Husband & about Vancr and what she is going to do when she gose there, she sure is a very Happy lettle Girl now,

I have a letter from Dad today he is stell in Newdale working hard. he sent me ten Dallars  to go to London on, I think I will have to write to him again for more to get out of dite this is one # D__ Place to spend money a pound only last about five minutes, $5.00 will only buy about one good meal that is all, you can spend more money in five minutes here, then you can in Vancr in a week. every thing is twice the price, The meals we have been geting, here at camp are bum, we can’t eat them half the time, and you cant buy a meal under half a crown that is 60 ¢, what do you think of that, (England.)

Will you wont to get me out of army Will you dont wont to get me out any more than I wont to get out, there is two or three ways of geting out, one is to Blow a lage off, another to cut a arm off another to shoot my head off then they would send [?] back as Medical unfet, and I am not going to do any of thoughs, so I am just going to wait untell the war is over & then come back, I dont think the war will last much longer, dont worry, nothings going to happen, me mother, not whiel I am in my right mind, I have kept away this long I guess I can keep away a little longer,

Say Mother dont sent any more pappers as there is no chance to look at them at all, as it is dark when we stop work, & no lights alowd, never mind sending any more, or nothing else as I have got all I nead in clothing & boats & every thing, & send nothing for Xams unless some thing to eat or smoke as we have no room for any thing else they make us through every thing away But our kit, I rec the cigarettes all O. K. Mother you seem to think I did not, I told you in one of my other letters that I did & thanked you for them Maybe you did not get my letter, I got anove provencs to start a paper Buissness my self, nearly all came at once,

Will I must close as it is closeing time here now, they are puting lights out now, will write again next week. Love to all. Lovingly

Harold. over

Say whats Hazels address I have lost her address, I wrote to her But dont think I put right address on, give me her address next time you write,

tell Greta I will try and write her tomorrow night,

Now Dont worry about... is my girl Laura, Chloe, Bessie, Alice, Muriell, and half a dozen more I am going to marry them all when I returned maybe.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.01 Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.02 Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.03 Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.04 Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.05 Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.06 Irwin.Harold.1915.10.25.envelope