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Date: October 30th 1916
Mr Pecover
Gladys Seaton

Kingston, Ontario


Monday. P.M Oct 30. 


Queen's University


Dear Mr Pecover,-


Your very interesting letter received this A.M. Needless to tell you I was delighted to hear from you. but surprised to find you detained in Nova Scotia.


Many, many thanks for the pretty souvenir pin Mr Pecover It was indeed a pleasant surprise and is stationed now on the sleeve of  my green coat awaiting further orders. It is very pretty and I like it so much.


You certainly gave a fine description of your trip. It is too bad that you did not touch Ottawa. It is such a pretty city, you were not far from Ottawa at Carleton Jct. No I have never been at Quebec, but from your description. it must be very quaint,


Kingston is a quaint old city too. We are almost surrounded by water here. L. Ontario on the South, Kingston harbour on the East and Great Cataraqui River along the north east, There are some lovely parks along the lake shore, and the streets of the city are very irregular. some very short, almost like alleys. which makes it rather awkward to get accustomed to. There are a great many old fashioned houses here too. Some with many gables. and fantastic windows. portico's etc. I must take some snaps of them for souvenirs, The town is rather quiet, street car service once in twenty minutes, and the policemen are simply figure heads


The University buildings. fourteen in number, not including the principals residence which is on the grounds, are made of limestone some of them are very old and partly overgrown with ivy. They are situated a block from the waterfront and now that the trees are bare we have a fine view of the lake. I think it will be cold around there in winter as the wind gets a full sweep off the lake.


On Friday afternoon another girl and myself went for a walk along the lake. My! It was cold the lake was very rough and the spray came inland about thirty feet, There are a great many interesting places around Kingston. which afford pleasant walks, I should love to ride, so have written home for my riding skirt and will hire a horse and take in some of these historical scenes,


One month in at college already. and it becomes more interesting each day. I like the work fine. the English classes are especially interesting just now we are taking up the development of Eng, literature and Bacon's Essays, Eng, comes at 8. A.M. Believe me. Its no cinch getting around for 8 O'clocks, I have a very busy year, wish I had not taken so many subjects, and could have had more fun, but the fun does not give you a B. A.


The social side of Queen's is very nice. but it would take up all one's time if allowed. There is something going on every night;


Last Friday eve was The freshmen's Reception “Une grande affair” where the gents wore dress suits and the ladies fur, feathers, chiffon satin etc, It was not a dance, but we had programmes. The same as for dancing. I was quite fortunate in getting my numbers filled, Had to decorate the wall only for one number, Each number lasted about twenty minutes and during this time entertainment was provided down in the philosophy room, consisting of vocal and piano selections and readings, The “Red Room” was nicely decorated with fairies palaces, Jack-o-lanterns etc, setees easy chairs, and a cheery fire burning in the grate, Each made his own entertainment here. In Grant Hall the orchestra furnished excellent music, Supper was served at the sixth number. which consisted of sandwiches cake and coffee; The affair ended at 1.30. On the whole it was rather pleasant but quite formal, At “Alma mater” on Saturday night. it was decided that there would be five dances. Then some one got up and moved a dance for the theologs but it did not go through. It would be funny to see a bunch of preachers doing the foxtrot.


We have about forty coons attending college this year. They are quite clever too.


Some of the prof's are the absent minded kind one reads about. and some are fine chaps. The prof's go out among the boys and play tennis and go out on route marches as privates with the boys of the O.T.C. Nobody is stuck up at Queen's at all.


It would be fine if you were coming to Queen's now, but you will have it to look forward to, and will realize your plans after the war. I guess there will be another winter campaign, and such suffering as that means to the poor boys is hard for us to realize.


The people I am rooming with are very refined and very kind to me. The lady often brings me up a cup of tea during the evening and shows kindness in many other ways. I have the use of the piano and of the drawing room, or any place else in the house I wish to go. It makes it pleasant indeed. I do not get my meals here, I eat on Alfred St. two block from here. We get excellent meals so far, and believe me I am fairly ashamed of my appetite. I am so hungry all the time.


My cousin Edgar Sexton from Strathroy is attending Queens. He rooms quite near and we get our meals at the same place. He came in on honour matric and is taking combined course in Arts and medicine. It is quite pleasant for me to have Ed. here. He is like a big brother.


Quite a number of the Athens High School students are attending Queen's so I feel right at home. Athens is not far from here and I am hoping to go down there for Christmas, Edgar wants me to go home with him, He lives up near London, It would be fine to go up there. but I had made up my mind to visit some school friends.


I hear from home often. had a letter from Mother today. There has been quite a snow storm. Mother said that Marjorie had been snow-shoeing, so it must have been quite a depth,


Alf Potter is in love with our house Keeper, You remember. The girl who was with me on field Day Alf is quite a ladie's man.


My Dad is coming east soon. he did not want me to come to college at all. Did not think me strong enough, but don't you know. It was horribly monotonous on the farm with nothing to occupy one's mind,


As it is near eleven I must close. 8 o'clock lectures come early. Pease excuse this disjointed letter Mr Pecover but I have been studying Nepos, Sans Famille, and Hydrology chloride, so its no wonder my mind is muddled,


Again thanking you for the pretty pin, and with best wishes I am,


Very truly Yours.


Gladys S.

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