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Date: October 5th 1916

5th October - 1916


My own darling-


I have put off writing to you day after day thinking I would be able to let you know where to write to me at, but I cant put it off any longer for fear that you will be anxious about me, I was discharged from Hospital a week ago to-day & sent down to the C.C.A.C. at Folkstone for a board which I got the same day, they have given me permanent base duty, that means that I do not go back to France but that I will be held here in England for any duty that they may require me for, the job that they have got fixed up for me in on the C.C.A.C. staff conducting parties from one hospital to another, but I am not sure whether I will get it or not now as I have been hanging around ever since & have not been asked to do anything yet, so that I cant say whether I will be kept here or sent somewhere else, I might get sent to London or Epsom yet, I hate hanging around here doing nothing, the worst of it is I have not been able to draw any money yet & here I am not able to buy cigarettes or soap or anything that I require, I even have to borrow a postage stamp, I consider I am having rotten treatment, of course as soon as I get settled in a job I will be able to get my money right away, also my 10 days leave, between you & me dear, I am disappointed for I thought I was going to get my discharge, & I think I would have got it too only for a cub of a Captain, who persisted that I looked too healthy & that I would be more useful here, but I think I can make it yet anyway they are always wanting men to conduct crazy men & sick parties back to Canada, so I have put in an application to take charge of a party but it may be some time yet before I get any word of it, if I get it, it will be fine as I would get six weeks leave at home & an extension of time & a chance to get my discharge, however it is a little early to talk of that yet as I could’nt get away inside of three months anyway. I received your welcome letter two days ago & I am very sorry to hear that the children are so sick, I really dont know what to think at all, Dr Morris should certainly have fixed them up proper when he was about it as it will be pretty hard on them now the cold weather is coming on, I promised to write to them the last time I wrote you, but tell them that I was waiting to get some money first so that I could buy them some pretty postcards that I saw down town & they may expect them in a few days, I think they will like them as they are the official photos of the war. I have not met George Knowlson yet but I did meet a chap called Nelson from the Coldstream & he told me about you seeing him off in the train, I am surprised at Edwards sending those men to you, I wonder what he did it for, if he did it with evil intent he ought to be killed & I would only be too glad to do it, I know dear heart that you are true to me & always will be, I never had any misgivings on that score at all & I know what temptations, soldiers wives have to endure, & another thing I know is, that many married men here expect their wives to keep straight while they themselves are going with women every chance they get, it is a d ̶  ̶ d shame, & many of them, although soldiers themselves, get after other soldiers wives. Thank God, sweetheart I have been able to keep myself clear of all this kind of thing, the temptations have been heavy, but the thought of your dear face & our darling children was always enough to keep me true to you, you are my only one & the only one I want to have anything to do with, wont we have a great time when I get home. I am sorry the children are fretting so much about me dear one, tell them from me to try & not to but to try & get well soon as I expect to get home in a few months from now & I would like to see them in good health & spirits, I know it has been a hard time for you all, dear, & it has been hard for me too, we have all missed each other so much, but you can depend on me, I am going to work my hardest to get this trip to Canada & I know I can get it, only it will take a little time, would’nt it be fine if I could get home for Xmas, eh. Now dear love, this is all I am going to write just now, dont write to me till you hear from me again, which will probably be in a day or two & I will be able to give you my proper address, as I dont like my letters going to the Hospital, because I dont think I am getting them all, I havent received a Vernon News yet. So dear love give George & Eileen a great big love & kisses from their daddy & tell them that  he will give them some lovely pig a back rides when he gets home & with all my love to you my own darling true wife I remain as ever & always will be

XXXXXXXXXXXXX Your own loving Husband


Lots of kisses for you all XXXXX






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