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Date: April 10th 1944
Ma, Pa, Rub & Ruth

V-79878 P.O. Arthur Bergquist
H.M.C.S. York,
Toronto, Ont.,

April 10, 1944.

Dear Ma, Pa, Rub & Ruth:

Just a few lines to let you know that I received your telegram to-day. The telegram arrived here on Sunday alright. I didn’t get it until this morning though because I was out of the Barracks all day yesterday. After I had phoned you I went to the “Active Service Canteen” to finish my letter to you. I only wrote it out roughly while waiting in a cafe for the call to get through so I had to go to the “Canteen” to write it over again. I wanted to mail it last night so it would get on to-days plane. I didn’t arrive back at the Barracks until 11:30. I also received your two letters to-day too. I sure was glad to get them. It sure was swell talking to you all on the phone last night, it sure didn’t seem like I was very far away. I will phone again a week from this coming Sunday, that is about April 23 and I will try to get the call through at about 5 o’clock, your time.

I got a phone call through to Lorraine right after I had talked to you. She said that she hadn’t been able to write to me, because she hadn’t received a letter from me telling her my address and V-number It sure will be swell when I hear from her too. Gosh! I sure miss seeing her like I used too, and she said on the phone that she missed her rides home with me at night. She told me before I left that she was going to get me a braclet and send to me, and I told her just before leaving that I would get her one in Toronto. I go one for her at Birks store here, on Saturday but it will take about 10 days to get it engraved.

To-day I didn’t do a thing, just standing around all day while some of the new fellows got there clothes bedding etc. It sure was a tough day, a person gets more tired standing around than working. All day long while standing around I left thinking how swell it would be to be going home again, and I sure hope it wont be long.

 To-night I am on duty watch, that is, I have to stay in “Barracks” You don’t have to do much standing around so its not bad. From about 7 to 9 o’clock they have us fellows on watch doing odd jobs and when they are finished we can do what we like. That sure suits me because it gives me the chance to write you this letter. After I finish this letter I will go to bed and in the morning we will get a couple more odd jobs and when they are done the watch business will be finished- that is until 4 days from now when I will be on watch again.

The weather has been pretty swell here except yesterday when it rained heavy all afternoon and evening

It is a little colder here than it is in Vancouver but it sure isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I thought there would be snow.

On Sundays anybody in uniform can ride on the street cars for nothing so it gives a fellow a chance to really get around. If it hadn’t rained yesterday Jim & I had figured on really looking around. They have a park here somewhere like “Stanley Park”- Sunnyside Boulevard” and lots of other places to see. We thought we would see the Park in the afternoon but the rain stopped that. Oh Well- we may go next Sunday. Say! if you get that address I might take a run out and see these people, if she will also give me their name. I mean the address from “Mrs Wittacker”.

I think it would be swell to get a letter written by you Ma and I am sure that I will be able to read it. I will send you some money when I get paid Ma, some of it you can put in the bank for me and I will give you some money for getting my suits pressed and some for yourself.

Well I guess this is about all I have to write about to-night so hoping that you are all okay I will stop here. Will write again to-morrow or the next day.

Love to you all


P.S. Don’t forget to write me Rub and let me know how you are making out with the Navy. Whether you are getting in the same as me, etc.



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