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Date: November 30th 1916
Newspaper Article


Has Been Wounded Twice and is Now in Hospital. Speaks of Home-Coming.

One of the members of the L.O.D.E. has received the following interesting letter from Sgt. A. Kettridge, who was one of the ten men who enlisted at Norwood in the fall of 1914 and went overseas in the second contingent:

Hillington House,

Uxbridge, England.

Dear Friend:

Many thanks for your letter and socks, which I received a few days ago. You will be surprised to hear that I have been wounded for the second time. I was wounded last June and again on the 29th of September and I am now in England going fine. I was hit three places and came very near losing an arm and leg but I am getting on fine now. Have you seen the Johnsons? I have not heard from them for quite a long time. I guess you are getting some very cold weather over there now. We are getting a lot of rain in England.

I wish the war would come to an end so that we could all come home again. I put three months in France and Belgium and was wounded twice, and now I am only nineteen years of age. I enlisted in Norwood when I was just turned sixteen. I have been in the army over two years. When I get back to Norwood I will come and see you if I may. I guess that day when the boys all get home will be a great day for every body, although we have had very bad luck. I lost my father over a year ago and my brother has been wounded four times and I twice, so I think we have done our little bit for the King and Country without my going back to France again. Well now I think I will close, hoping you will get this letter safe. So good bye, Sincerely,

Arthur Kettridge, Sgt.,

59546 21st Batt.

P.S. – Please excuse writing for I only have one hand to write with until the other one gets better.

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