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Date: 1916
Mr. Irwin

Moore Barracks Hospital


Get- 23rd

Dear Mr. Irwin

Your welcome letter to hand for which I was more than pleased to get, You see I am in hospital at present, waiting for my transfer to Ramsgate hospital I have a loose cartlidge on the left knee, but was not caught with it untill I got to Sandling, So I was sent to a board of doctors & they said they could not let me go to France with it, so I have to take a operation I came here last Friday, they want to operate on me here but I was advised by one of the Majors on the board to have it done here, as he was trying to get to a specialist in Ramsgate, but when I am going to leave here I don’t know , but I expect when you get this it will be all over I hope, I want to get to the firing line now, I have come so far , but I suppose I shall have to wait untill my knee is better, I see by your letter you are more than a busy man a man these days, what with the sick & your boy scouts And I am sure you are some Colonel believe me, I would like to see you in your Khaki, but I may get; perhaps sooner than we expect – I hope so anyway the sooner the better, No place like home after all Mr Irwin is there however humble it may be, I got a nice letter from Will Stares the day I got yours, & he is on the Somme some place been in the trenches steady for over a month that is going some too, there are 15 boys in this ward & all are returned soldiers but 2 of us, & it is very interesting to hear them talk, & like horrors of war are awful, but they are a bright bunch & all willing to go back again when fit, that is the spirit I like to hear, it is a great encouragement for us who have not been, & makes one anxious to get there, I am sorry to be separated from the bunch, but it was not my doings. & I am sure all will come out for the best in the end, We are reserves for the 21st I wish I could be sent at once, & then I may be able to see our old Norwood boys Stares, Martin, Pond etc; I hope you will get along with your scouts first-take, I am sure you have a lot to contend with training some of them eh, I was to the Church of England service here yesterday & partook[?] of the Holy Communion & we had a song service at night; but I do not like the form of there services, shall be glad when I am able to go to my own Church again, I hope Mrs Irwin has got rid of her cold by now, Remember me to all your family trusting they are all fit; don’t forget to visit my wife if you have time please as I know she gets lonely at times, & a few kind words goes a long way in times like this, And you will get your reward some day. I thank God for His goodness to me, My blessings are too numerous to count & I know He will protect my family, So I must close for this time, Goodbye & God bless you in all your work,

Your Sincerely


Original Scans

Original Scans

Garlick, Frederick. Letter. 1916.nd. Garlick, Frederick. Letter. 1916.nd. Garlick, Frederick. Letter. 1916.nd.