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Date: September 27th 1917

Thursday, September 27th.

I have never been so pressed for time or felt so done up when the work was over. Each day has been so hard and the strain has told on me more than when I was out before, but still I am quite fit. At night I have just fallen into bed and wakened up in the same position, dog-tired. We have been flying from dawn until dusk every day, all weather, and I can tell you it's tiring. I'll be glad when a real "dud" day comes along and I can sleep, sleep, sleep. Just think! This month is about over and I know the remaining weeks before my leave will soon go!

I had another trip away from here today for a new machine. Left at 11.30 and got back at
3 o'clock. I saw my old friend Tom Hearn!! He has just arrived from England and was waiting for a tender to take him to his Squadron. He taught me to fly, and it seemed strange giving him tips on flying here! After getting back I had a bite of lunch and went up the line (in the air) and got back at six. From then until dinner I had two new pilots to watch and just got away from dinner when I started this.

Thursday A.M. September 27th.

It seems ages since I wrote you but somehow or other things have been so busy I have had no time for writing and after operation orders come through at night, I'm too tired to do anything but sleep. I am Acting Flight Commander pro tem and that keeps me busier too. Lately I have been on several low stunts and fired several hundred rounds into the Huns on the ground, and other targets. One of our chaps got a shell right through the fuselage of his bus yesterday and the tail was just hanging on. He knew nothing of it until he landed. My fighting partner died of wounds the other day, and another chap who was in a formation I led yesterday got shot through the kidneys and died last night. He crashed just over our side of the trenches. He was straggling and as usually happens with stragglers the Huns pounced on him.

I am feeling very well now. The weather is fine and everyone is working hard. The news is good all around.

I had a letter from Vern and Viv two days ago and will write as soon as I have time.

I enclose a card I received yesterday from "Art" Kilgour's widow.

Must close now as I have to get down to hangars.