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Date: September 11th 1917
John Hudgins

 France 11 - 9 - 17

Dear Ollie:


Got your letter Tues.  Also one from Frank.  No need to say was glad to get them but just the same, I was.  Well we are having some desperate weather lately it rains all the time.  At least most of the time I should say for it has not rained any today as yet but it’s pretty cold.  Oh yes, before I forget it I wish you would send me another pr. of gloves as it is getting pretty cool on the fingers mornings now.  I got a dandy pr. of socks the other night with a note in the toe of one of them.  If I get time and energy enough am going to write her a note.  Her name is Miss McPhee, St. John NB.  Have been wondering ever since if she is any relation of poor Biffy McPhee.  You remember him don’t you?  We had him out home one time from the woods with us.  Well I don’t what to write sometimes. I swear I won’t write any more letters, just send wigg bangs.  They are just as good as my letters.  I see by the Sydney paper that over 200 of the CB girls are going to the Anna. Valley to pick apples (wish I was there to help them.)   Frank tells me he has a good crop and prices are good.  Well have to quit for this time can’t think of anything to write.  Write often.    

Love to all


Original Scans

Original Scans

Letter. Hudgins, John. 1917.09.11 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1917.09.11 Envelope. Hudgins, John. 1917.09.11