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Date: January 25th 1918
John Hudgins




Dear Ollie:


Will try and write you a few lines tonight, as I have nothing else to do.  Most of the boys are out on a working party tonight.  There are only three of us left out in this hut so it’s nice and quiet but can’t think of anything to write.  I got you box ok also Lorna’s.  Would like to write and thank her for it but can’t seem to get time for anything.  But you can do it for me and I reckon it will do just as good for now and I will try and write her later for it.  Sure came in a good time.  I got it in the line, also one from you or Mother I forgot which it’s so long since I have written.  I forgot how many boxes and letters I have to acknowledge but I know it’s several.  Had a letter from Aunt Aggie and one from Frank Robinson this week but none from home for most two weeks but am expecting another Can. Mail any day now.  Well Allie I sure would have liked to have been home for the election.  Some of them people that call themselves men must be proud of what they are doing to help us chaps out over here.  But never mind there are better days coming and they will surely get what’s coming to them when we do get back.  Well Allie, we had one H_ _ _ of a trip in the line last time we were in.  I thot’ I had seen muddy trenches but reckon I hadn’t until then.  We used to get stuck and have to be shoveled out.  We had hip boots but many a time I went over the top of them and it’s raining every day.  Just enough to keep it muddy.  Well one night they were bringing us up our rations and one old chap got stuck in mud and lost both of his boots but he brought up his load in his bare feet and he had over a half a mile to carry them too.  That is only one case but I think that’s enough to show you that there is some backbone left in us yet.  It takes more than mud to down a Cannuck you bet.  Well Allie didn’t know any news I can write.  It’s been fine all day and a perfect night just like spring but suppose it will have to start raining again. 

Well I must quit for this time.  I think I have wasted enough paper for one time.

Love to all


Original Scans

Original Scans

Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.01.25 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.01.25 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.01.25 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.01.25 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.01.25 Envelope. Hudgins, John. 1918.01.25