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Date: December 27th 1916

Dec. 27 1916

Dear Ollie:-


Got your box and letter last Sat.  Many thanks.  Am not going to us the writing material until I get to the trenches for can get paper as long as we stay here but don’t expect to stay here much longer.  Had another exam last night (medical I mean)  and are getting overseas equipment so think we will be in the trenches yet before spring and as a unit I hope.  Well I got back from the ranges Sun. night.  Just got back in time for the concert.  We had the 185th over for a smoker and concert.  Then Xmas night we went over to their mess room for the same.  Had a good time, dandy concert and a dandy good dinner Xmas.  But of course it had to rain.  I minded this Xmas worse than last year some how.  I was in hopes we wouldn’t get through at the ranges until after Xmas.  When I am working don’t mind it so bad but when they try to make a Xmas, sure makes a chap think. Angus was most crazy home sick as a dog.  I pitied the devil.  I was homesick and am not ashamed to own up to it but still not half so bad as he was.  Had a card form Mrs. Hird last Sun.  Must answer it so as I get a chance.  Had one from the old man he sure hurt himself.  Wrote a dandy long one and didn’t talk foolish about enlisting either.  Well don’t know any news but hope to have some before long.  It’s just he same as ever here.  It’s so foggy you can’t see a rod in from of your nose and pretty cold in the bargain.  Well I think the war news looks a little better for a moose hunt next fall, for Xmas anyway.  Am living in hopes at any rate.

Can’t write tonight don’t feel like writing so guess I better wait till Sun.  Was in hopes would get a letter tonight but didn’t.  Mebby will get one tomorrow.  Well I must try and us all the paper.  Hate to see it go blank.  I had a pretty good time at the range.  Too good, made me lazy.  Didn’t have to get up until 8 O’clock and could get something to eat any time I wanted to go to the cookhouse.  It’s some different here I can tell you.  Well guess will have to quit heads as thick as a board.  Suppose you have been skating before this.  Would like to get skates on again myself just to see what it felt like again.  You better address my letters D. Coy for we may have to go back to our Coys again.  Just write Scout in the corner.  Well I did fill the page if I didn’t say anything.


Love to all


Original Scans

Original Scans

Hudgins, John. December 27, 1916. Hudgins, John. December 27, 1916. Hudgins, John. December 27, 1916. Hudgins, John. December 27, 1916. Hudgins, John. December 27, 1916.