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Date: June 18th 1919
John Hudgins

Witley Camp 


Dear Ollie:


Will try and drop you a few lines tonight but it’s sure a hard job for me to write when I have no questions to answer.  It’s weeks & weeks since I heard from anyone at home.  Even if you didn’t get my cable you have sure had time to answer since the Battalion left here if the mail did not go astray.  I am waiting in fear and trembling for the first letter.  But pile it on.  My hide is tough and my eardrums are burst so it will go in one ear and out the other.  However, I hope you don’t mind so very much.  Well Ollie when do you expect to sail.  Soon I hope.  I dreamed you were here last night, and the size of you.  Lordy, lordy I laugh every time I think of it. I honestly hope you are not quite so tall crosswise as you looked to me in that dream or you will never be able to go down in any “dugout”.  You will sure stick in the entrance. 


Well Ollie, must tell you my hard luck story.  You know I told you I had sent my films to be developed & printed.  Well they made a mistake and did not print any just developed them.  So had just taken them back for some prints when the riot started so it’s good bye to that lot for the rioters burned the shop and everything in it (except what they took and dammit I sure had some nice snaps).  I wanted 100 prints off one film alone.  That was the one and only John Ross Munroe of Don. Coy.  Every one in the Coy wanted one.  In all I lost over 100 films including the ones I took and Paschendaele.  Just borrowed them from Andy to get more prints.  They didn’t belong to me you know.  “Such is life.”  However, it can’t be helped the troops must have their sport I suppose.  It’s all quiet now.  Haven’t had any excitement since Mon. P.M.  they tried to burn the YMCA but was caught in the act.  And one of them for sure will get all the fire he needs in the future.  I reckon for the boys clubbed him to death. 


I think there were only three killed in the whole show.  That’s all I know of anyway.  I tell you Ollie, I am sure proud of the “conchies” damn “um.  We never had any trouble until they came over and all we caught have never seen the front line trenches.




Thursday noon


Did not get a chance  to finish last night so will try and catch this noon’s mail.  There is nothing startling today except we are getting some where near a 1000 men in during the day and that means plenty work.  I see by this morning’s paper where they had a big riot at Epson and the Army in Germany are preparing to resume hostilities.  Who knows, mebby I will see Germany yet but hope not.  Must quit and get my dinner.  Will write again Sunday if nothing splits.  Hoping to hear from you soon.

 Love to all



PS     Am sending a few snaps I saved from the wreck.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.06.18 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.06.18 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.06.18 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.06.18 Envelope. Hudgins, John. 1919.06.18