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Date: November 2nd 1916

 Dear Ollie:-


Will try and write a little tonight but am dog-tired.  We have had a pretty strenuous day of it.  We started out this AM.  Soon as we got our breakfast and walked until about 10:30 then we went to Hyde Park to see the King review some troops.  I tell you it was grand both the King and Queen were there so you see it was worth going to see.  After the review we went to Kensington Gardens and the Albert Memorial and by that time it was nearly 1o’clock so we thot we would call it half a day’s work and go home to dinner.  (Of course it was raining) but it was worth getting wet to see.  We have got to hand it to the Englishmen; they certainly have a beautiful place here to spend the time.  Wish you could see some of the places.  It’s no good to read about them for no mortal man can describe them.  We came here on Mon. night and have been on the go ever since but haven’t commenced to see the sights yet.  

We were up to see Madame Tussaud’s wax figures Tues. They are great.  All the great men since history began are there and they are as real as life.  It’s nothing to see some one go up and ask one of the figures a question about something.  It’s no use for me to try and tell you about them for I can’t.  But the old timers took my eye.  Husky look chaps and dressed in their old armor.  Would like to spend a couple of days there if had time.  But had to be satisfied with half a day yesterday.  We did not do much.  Forgot to get up in the morning and it poured all the afternoon.  So we did not go far but today we made up for it.

I told you about the AM.  Well as soon as we got our dinner we started again.  Went to the zoo and stayed there until we were turned out.  That was at 4:30.  I tell you I enjoyed myself there all kinds of birds and animals I ever heard of.  Well after they closed up there we went to Regent Street Park and stayed until dark and that wasn’t long for it gets dark here early and no lights but it’s certainly swell. It makes the Gardens in Halifax look pretty small.

Well tomorrow we plan to go to London Tower.  Think I will like that bit for they have all the old guns there from the first old crossbow to the latest so they tell me.  Oh we have more plans for tomorrow than we could get through in a week.  But I reckon it will have to do us for will have to go home Sat. for our money is about all gone.  It lasts like the devil to stay in this town and see anything but I am satisfied to go back to camp for I have sure had a swell time here and the people are more than kind.  Wish you could see the places we are stopping.  It was turned over for the Canadian Soldiers and it’s sure swell and only costs us ¼.  That’s pretty good of them for they are not used to work and it sure must some hard on them for they feed a lot of hungry devils in the run of a day. 

Well must quit for am tired as blazes and sleepy.  I dread going back to work again but I sure feel better than when I came here Mon.  There should be mail for us when we get back.  Hope so at any rate.  Well, write as often as you can and I will do the same.  The Canadian mail leaves here twice a week.  Monday and Friday AM.  Am afraid this will be too late to catch this mail but mebby not.  Must say good night. 

Love to all



no.  223311

Cpl. J. Hudgins

D. Coy 85th Bn. N.S.H.B.C.E.T.

c/o Army Post Office

London, Eng.


Original Scans

Original Scans

Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916. Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916. Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916. Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916. Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916. Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916. Hudgins, John. November 2, 1916.