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Date: April 15th 1917
Mr. Irwin
W.J. Stares

Sunday. Ap. 15th

Dear Mr. Irwin.- Just a few lines to add to my letter I posted a few days ago. Of course the Canadian push on Vimy Ridge will be old news by the time you receive this.- I paid a visit this morning around Camp. hunting up the Norwood Boys- All came through safe- Rath was looking the worst. Very much shook up. McKeuly did not go in (sickness) Kempl & Seareght not very much effected.- Myself did not go over with the Boys. Leaving instructions to play out.

Still I was up in the spray carrying Rations & ammunition – and making myself generally useful.-The weather was very bad, a foot of snow fell the day after the drive, and makes it very uncomfortable. Lying in shell holes.- That concludes for this time to catch the move

W.J. Stares.

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Stares, William James. Letter, April 15th 1917