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Date: February 6th 1917
Mr. Irwin
Lloyd Duffield

Orpington Hospital

Orpington Feb 6th/17

Rev. A Mansell Irwin


Dear Mr. Irwin:

A week or so ago I received your ever welcome letter and I always look forward to them for they are so interesting. At the same time I got about 25 others from Norwood and home etc and I have been trying to answer them all and am nearly caught up.

The past week was one of glorious weather here and more like Ontario than any I have seen yet. Yesterday and the night before we had quite a snowfall so that now about 2 or 3 inches of it is on the ground. Today the sun is shining lovely and it is a beautiful day.

You will see from the heading I am still in the hospital. Last week I thought I was going to be sent out by the major and was smiling to myself to think I was through with hospital when the Colonel came around and whether it was the way he holds his lips or not I don’t know but he hit the good prospects on the head, flattened them out and --- well in short I’m here yet and maybe for some time yet.

You were right when you said that my folks got a breath of me and where I was. Mother was walking down town when she met a lady from Peterboro who politely said she “Knew for a fact” that I had rheumatism. Rather odd facts considering I have never had rheumatism in my life.

Was glad to hear that “Knights of Honour” had assembled again. You should have a good meeting. General opinion in England seems about the same as in Canada re Wilson though I think the people here have their eyes partly covered about him. But now he must do something since this last declaration. I suppose they, having made all the money possible from this war intend to do enough fighting to enable them to use more typewriters at the furnish in asking for possessions etc for what they did in the great war. I am surprised that he has not been assassinated before this he has made such a mess of things.

I see you still get good sermons from Vernon McNeely. I always used to enjoy his sermons too for he certainly did justice to any subject on which he dwelt.

Congratulations. I suppose the new chap will be a big fellow like the other six boys. I hope Mrs Irwin and the baby are both well.

I have an article I am going to enclose. It is the daily Routine of a soldier and each has a well known hymn as an introduction. Its origination I do not know.

A Soldiers Day.

6.00 a.m.              Reveille                                “Christians Awake”

7.45 a.m.              Roll Call                 “Art thou weary, Art thou Languid”

8.00 a.m.              Breakfast             “Meekly wait & murmur not”

9.00 a.m.              Maneuvers         “Light the Good Light”

10.30 a.m.           Colonel’s Orders              “O God Our Help in Ages Past”

11.15 a.m.           Swedish Drill      “Here we suffer grief & pain”

12.30 (noon)      Dinner                  “Come ye thankful people Come”

2.15 p.m.             Lectures by Officer          “Tell me the old old Story”

4.30 p.m.             Discuss                 “Praise God from whom --- flow”

5.30 p.m.             Tea                         “What means this eager anxious Throng?”

6.30 p.m.             Out of Bounds   “Oh, how happy we will be”

7.00 p.m.             Defaulters Call   “Why did you ere Dear Brother”

10.00 p.m.           Last Post              “All are safely gathered in”

10.15 p.m.           Lights Out            “Peace, Perfect Peace”

2.30 pm Friday   Pay Day                                “Count your Blessings, Name them one by one”

I don’t hear anything about some of those Norwood fellows who were going to enlist with the New Peterboro Battalion. How many have they on the strength now?

We had a beautiful sermon last Sunday morning, in the recreation room, on “Prayer.”

Well I will close hoping this finds you and your all enjoying the best of health.

I am

Your sincere friend

Lloyd D.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Duffield, Lloyd. Feb.6.1917 Duffield, Lloyd. Feb.6.1917 Duffield, Lloyd. Feb.6.1917 Duffield, Lloyd. Feb.6.1917 Duffield, Lloyd. Feb.6.1917