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Date: November 2nd 1916

Thurs Nov 2nd.

#460 609 Pte L Sinclair

St Peters Ward

Mater Hospital

Dublin Ireland

My Dear Mother:-

I just received your letter along with Peggy’s dated Sept. 28th this morning, and although somewhat delayed by going over to France and back here, was glad to get it. I was very sorry to hear about Colin and I’m sure Aunt Jennie will feel it very much. What do you suppose she’ll do now? Is Charlie going to look after her? It was hard to beleive alright, and I’m sure was a shock to his friends. I was surprised to hear about Harold Strang. He must have been pretty badly wounded to have his leg amputated.

Bert Chalk is still unable to use his right arm. I was sure his cousin would have written Mrs Chalk because she knew long before I could have got word to her. It was only when we’re in billets we could write and sometimes it was quite awhile before we’d go into billets. I have heard from both John and Bill, who are at Witley Camp Milford, Surrey, and Arthur Webb is not far from them at Godalming. All seem to be well and like ourselves did not know what soldiering was until we’d got out here. Bert Van [?] though was just slightly wounded, I beleive he’s at Le Havre his knee was beginning to trouble him again

Both Art and Pat had been up to see Charlie Stuart and found him getting on nicely. I lost your letter with his address in so that I have ask Art to give me it again. Charlie he said had been pretty badly wounded and for awhile had a pretty hard time of it. These last few weeks though has been able to get up and walk about, although Art says he will never be the same. I hope your not worrying about me. I’m jake and should be in convalescent camp next week, I was out having a look about Sackville St at the condition some of these crazy Irishers had left it Easter week. They sure did an awful lot of damage to the place and some of the soldier who were in those riots are still in this hospital minus limbs or a wound of some sort. We wandered about the principal streets and took in all the shop windows and dont know when last I did this.

Yesterday I took in Phoenix Park and the Zoological gardens. The zoo took up most of our afternoon as we’re only aloud out from 2 until 5 o’clock, and it would take an afternoon to walk around the Park. It was a very pretty place but being so late in the fall we don’t see it at its best. The leaves are beginning to drop and most all the flowers are gone but being so close to the city there is always a lot of people walking about it. Its beginning to rain every other day now and if the sun would only stay out it would be fine here just now. Everyday the sky looks threatening and in the mornings there is always a mist hanging over the city. This shuts out the view of the hills to the back which are quite high and look very pretty on a clear day. Its just the sort of weather that gives one rosy cheeks but give me our own weather anyday. Nov. 3

It is raining to beat blazes today and there is a heavey wind along with it, I suppose sweeping right off the Irish sea. so dont know if I will be able to go out today or not. I may jump on a tram and take in the movies, thats about all one can do these sort of days. I took in one Monday afternoon, Mary Pickford in Rags. Hows your Corydon Ave theatre coming along? I suppose Peggy & Flo spent all their time now!

I’m glad to see Peggys has started her course and hope she’s a job before long. I think I have given you all the news I know, so had better close. I had a bath this morning for the first time in two months so am feeling twice as good.

I guess its snowing in Winnipeg now and I hope you all keep well. I haven’t heard from Fred yet but its best to leave it to him. I believe he has just transfered himself to a new battery so that he knows best what to do.

Well I must close now but what ever you do dont worry about me, I’ll look after myself alright. Give my regards to all our friends and with love to you all, I am as ever

Your loving son


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