Aug. 8, 1944,
A.R. Bergquist, V86536,
A/SHPT 4/c
H.M.C.S. Stadacona I,
c/o Fleet Mail Office,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dear Ma, Pa and Ruth.
It has been fine and warm here in Halifax today. We are still working down at the shipyards “H.M.C.S. Scotia”. We are putting some new planks on a boat down there right now. I asked a fellows if they know Jack Beaton but they don’t seem to. He may not be here now but there are a lot of fellows down here so maybe the ones I asked didn’t happen to know him. Is it very hot these days back in Vancouver? How is Joe Keegan? Has his brother arrived at Vancouver yet? I guess in about another month the summer will be pretty well over. It wont be long now till the apples are real ripe. I dont seem to spend near as much money as in Toronto. I hope Ma, Pa and Ruth that you are all ok. Well that is all for today. I will write again tomorrow.
Love to all,