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…is buzzing there usually is about 50 of them around us but you can’t see them today it’s a good day for Fritz to come over & see what he can do in the way of dropping bombs. He came over the other night & dropped a few which did us damage. they got chased to much to spend the time in hunting the right spots for the most damage I wish I could tell you all the things we see & do around here it certainly would make interesting reading. but you can say so little that it generally ends up with a fellow saying nothing. The boys are washing their clothes beside me. I’m sitting outside the tent in the mud hut I prefer it to the close stuffy tent. we long for the sun again this is the coldest summer I have put in in years & it keeps us back from finishing things up here. Had a very severe trial of my nerves the other night had a party of 200 men digging trench & got shelled very badly. It was good that the land was soft for the shells only made a hole covering us with mud only 1 man killed 8 hit & they were in the direct path but the noise was Terrific. And as usual my Father had charge and we were kept safe. wonderful isn’t it, it sure grows on a man the loving care of our Father it was a bright moonlight night & we could see men 500 yards away when going in & I asked for His care & when we came to the valley where we were to work a mist came up between us & the enemy & tho’ he shelled us badly we were not seen if it had been hard ground or rocks not one would have been left, but I certainly was nervous It makes us tense and dogey you cannot think clearly or care to write & if my letters are often unreadable you will know the reason I am still keeping well had a note from Elena who is giving up house as soon as Steve leaves her & going up to Carlisle. I don’t know where Bob is but I expect he is back on duty somewhere by now. I dreamt last night I was home & in the dream I couldn’t believe it was true for in it I thought I could hear shells bursting & then I could see you all & how sad to wake up & still find a fellows self still in the old tent on the old camp ground on the hard hard ground & yet I see the other batt going around us with so much less than we have & I thank God for all His mercies to us. Yes you can always find things to be thankful for where ever & in whatever circumstances you are placed. tell Margaret I thought she knew how to spell Father she spelt it Fhather & the boys all laughed when I told them. but she is getting a real good letter writer & I hope she will often send me a little note. now what else shall I say. dear sweet heart. its good to know you are thinking & praying for us we do need them & you are still sleeping to just about 11 &

Original Scans

Original Scans

Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck.Military Engineering Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck. Military Engineering