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Date: July 4th 1916

July 4th 1916.

6th Canadian Training Brigade

Otterpool Shorncliff Kent

My dearest Beryl.

Thanks very much indeed for your letters received today with the photos Enclosed – they are very good.  I must also thank you for one letter received a day or so ago and Ruby for one of her’s inside.  I assure you it is the greatest thing getting letters here, we do all so appreciate them.  I am Enclosing a few more photos which I hope may interest you.  Other people might like to see them also.  I am so glad that you got my cable from Liverpool as I mentioned in a former letter I felt doubtful as to whether the Censor would let it through, as I mentioned the name of the camp we were going to – a thing they are most particular about here in England.

 I am enclosing a card of invitation which ive received here today.  I wrote out Col Moore’s – the Brigadier – acceptance and have just posted it.  We are both going up together to Kensington on Saturday and I hope it is a grand affair, it ought to be from what I hear!  It certainly is great being aide – de – camp, although one is kept on the hop all the time generally up till 9 o’clock Every day Sundays & Saturdays being the most important of all. 

Last night the Y.M.C.A. gave a concert, and the Brigadier thought it would look well if he went so we both went together in great style, and of course were the only officers there.  A party of about 4 or 5 came down from London and did very well as regards singing Etc - mostly rag-times -. It is really splendid the way all these people take so much trouble for the soldiers they will do anything for their comfort and pleasure.

I am sending a “Daily Mail” or two which refers to the “Big Drive” which is now on.  There may be some change from the Columnist (which by the way you might send along occasionally).  It may seem strange but we don’t hear any Canadian casualties at all, and have no idea who has been wounded or killed since May 23rd – the day we left -. 

Last night a Zeppelin raid was expected and notices were posted up all over Folkstone warning people about it.  I don’t think it came off for we all woke up very well and fit this morning. 

Mother mentions in her letter which by the way I was so glad to get, that the Pitts’ sent up a photo of me.  This was very nice of them.  I saw them just before going on board and requested that this little favour be done! 

I expect to get leave next Saturday, for about 3 or 4 days and am going to Leatherhead & the Parsonages.  Gerald is going to arrange his about the same time so we hope to see each other.

 I had a nice letter from Mr. [?] today saying that if he could do anything for me he would be delighted – it is very nice of him.  Well I have one or two more letters to write so will stop.  Please remember me to all my friends round Quadra Street [?]  etc etc.  With very much love to the whole family. 

From your very loving brother


P.S.  I have just received our photo from Aunt Harrie it is very good.

P.S. Jimmie is at Shorncliffe with Signallers.

 Bill still here.           

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Duke Lancelot RFC Canada WWI Duke Lancelot RFC Canada WWI Duke Lancelot RFC Canada WWI Duke Lancelot RFC Canada WWI Duke Lancelot RFC Canada WWI