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Date: August 17th 1916


6th C. I.  Bde.

Aug. 17th


My dearest Beryl.

I must thank you with all my heart for all your nice letters which to say the least of it are magnificent.  One can’t imagine how really lovely it is to get a letter, and it is the only thing to live for here. I would rather have a letter than anything and I assure you the poor mail – orderly is just about fed up with me for he is tackled every day for mail.  I think he sometimes almost feels like writing me a letter himself!  Anything to keep me quiet. 

I have just had Herbert here in my tent.  He is only just over from France and is making a good try to get his Commiss. in the Navy.  I do hope he gets it for I can see he has had quite enough of the trenches.  Pour old Herbert, I was glad to see him, he is just the same old Herbert not a change at all.!  

[?] Fawcett wrote me yesterday asking for [?] rug which I suppose I will have to send over, although it seems too bad that she cant let it stay where it is.  I am glad to hear that you are going out to stay at Firuerty’s with the Pembertons!  They are such really jolly girls, we always got on so well together some-how, I must say I liked them!  Although I wish they would handle the pen a little more frequently!! 

Phil and I used to ride out to Firuerty’s quite often and had jolly times together. 

You say you hope I am not trying to transfer!  Well to tell you the truth I am trying terribly hard for the Royal Flying Corps.  All the 88th are now in France and I am positively ashamed of myself staying here in England holding down a soft job while all my best pals are risking their lives Every day!  It is not sporting to say the least of it, and believe me, I am the last chap on this Earth to try and skin out of it.  It is not in me & I cant do it. 

They are calling urgently for volunteers for the Flying Corps. & it is up to me to go!  I have the necessary – youth.  nerve & stamina and by jove it’s all for the greatest thing going – The Flying Game.!  I am determined and nothing on Earth will move me!  So you see my position I hope.  I would for all your sake like to stay on here but I simply can’t, when I see my chums, for the last 14 months, now out in the trenches risking their precious lives.  It is not manly & great Scott, I have to go.!  That is why I was in London this last time.  There were stripes waiting outside the office waiting to be taken on.  Well I will tell you all that happened later, for the present I want you to keep all this simply and solely to yourself don’t tell ANYONE.  I will let the others know all in good time!  My application has not yet been passed by the Canadian Headqtrs, and I am still waiting for it to go through.!  But above all keep this all Entirely to yourself.! 

There is not much news here, things as usual are pretty slow.  Well I must stop now as I am almost asleep.  Best love Beryl dearest and look after yourself.  Is there anything at all you want that I can send you.  Please be sure & let me know anything, mind you

Goodnight dearie

Ever your fondest

Brother Lance 




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