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Date: June 1st 1916

51st Canadians,
Army Post Office, etc,

 My Dear Mother;-

 Regret that I did not send you a line last week end but I know that you will not feel too badly about the matter.  One of the reasons was that I went down to Folkestone during the last week end to see Bert and Will.  Left London at eleven and our course had just finished at 10.30 so you see that I had to skip to catch a train away down at Charing Cross.  Well I got out there O.K. and so it was necessary to get out to their camp that evening to see them.  I caught the train back to Westenhanger some dozen miles, and saw them for about two hours.  We are planning to get a week end together in London or other place.  It was quite dark of course when we were together but they both seemed fit and feeling well.  Was very sorry that we could not be together more but they left shortly after I got in.  They had to march some 15 miles to the place where they were going for their shooting.

 While down in that part of the country I saw Major Flint and all the officers that I knew who were around there, i.e. not taking courses.  Also Harry Brenton and Frank Kennedy, Maude’s brother.  Both the latter are in the 9th Battn. Band.  Have been there ever since the beginning of the war.  Also saw a lot of the other Edmonton boys.  I traced the box of candy that Nora sent.  They 56th Officers mistrusted what it was and of course you know soldiers, --- after sampling the package it is reported that it dissappeared like magic.  A fine complement to Nora’s candy but a bitter pill for little Willie who had to hide his disappointment as best he could.  Stayed at Folkestone, by the sea, over Sunday and as Cousin Alice Drader was down with a married cousin of hers we had a fairly good time;  for my part absolutely ripping but one can’t speak for them.  Got back to work here Monday night and then the Adjutant went away for a few days so that I am at my old job and absolutely now experience on this side of the water at all as we were shipped down to London the week after we left.  You can imagine the way one feels.  Had a fairly good time in London although they worked us pretty hard.  Was out to Hy. Drader’s several times.  They are fine and Alice can play and sing to beat the band.  Has been taking from the Royal Academy of Music for the last few years.  Harry was back on leave from the front and to take a course in armoured motors.  I think I told you all this before, but he is another one to be proud of by the name of Drader.  They say he is different from his brother Louis.

 There seems very little else to write about as the weather is so fine at the present time and we are not to tell you of the training etc. that is going on at the areas here.  However don’t think for a moment that we get more news than you do.  We surely do not.  We get what is meant for us and that is about all.  I could tell you some of the wonders of London but I know that it would bore you.  It is all dark there you know on account of the Zepps. I thought I saw one of them one night but it turned out to be one of our own that was flying around.  If I had know more about such matters I should have known better.  All one’s money here goes for outfit and a good time.  The trouble is to keep them in the right proportions.  Boots wear out very quickly in this country on the hard roads.  The drill at the Barracks at London nearly broke my heart.  Quite wore out most of my clothes and I tell you that what we learn as we knock about the country is worth a lot if one is only able to get back to Canada with his hide entire.  I wish that you could come over here to see us at our work but I know that is only a dream.  By the time that you could get over here we may be gone for all we know.  Our Battalion just cleaned up the rest of our Brigade at musketry shooting on the ranges.  As a consequence we are to be some brass hats in musketry and considered an authority.  Some swank.

 Well, mother dear, I guess that I shall go to dinner.  Mrs. Henry Drader wished to be remembered very kindly to you all when I wrote so for the love of Mike send back a nice message for her as she has been awfully good.

 Love to all from,