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Date: July 3rd 1916

July 03, 1916

Dear Mother,

When we got back to Barracks last night I found your letter of June 2nd. and one from Father dated May 31st. They must have been held up somewhere - I have had later letters from you both. I also found a parcel from Grandmother containing towels, soap, etc. - all very gratefully received.
By the way, I meant to congratulate Frances on her record, but got her cards sealed up without doing so. Pass it on. Congratulations also to Rex on all the fine things he has been doing. How I should like to have afternoon tea with you to-day with cakes from the wicker curate (though of course you won't have that at Cecebe) and hear all you have to tell, & tell you all about my trip to Hastings. I have put most of it on the cards - most, that is, of what one can write; some more you may get from the penny guide, and the rest follows.

Well, we saw Battle Abbey, then we went to the "Pilgrim's Rest" - a little Inn, eight hundred years old at which the pilgrims used to stop on their way to Canterbury. Here we refreshed ourselves with stone ginger & signed our names in the visitor's book, after which - since there is no train back till evening - we turned our faces towards Hastings along the highway. It was a glorious day, with a good breeze blowing, & the country-side was all that the eye could wish; so we went on with much joy of living in our hearts, and about noon came to Silverhill (see map) and took the train to the "Y", where we had a delicious dinner - roast beef, potatoes, brussel sprouts, deep rhubarb pie. After an hour's lolling on the beach to settle our stomachs we turned eastward along the parade, to the East hill life to the top of the bluffs and went exploring to see what we could see in Fairlight Glen. Now as we went, it chanced that there went before us two nice-looking damsels, who were at first, (as I learned later_ a trifle shy at finding themselves alone in such close proximity to two of "those dreadful Canadians"' of whose doings at Shorncliffe sad tales (largely, I believe, a heritage of the 1st, contingent) have spread about. However, their covert glances must have reassured them for before we had done with the rough scrambling through Ecclesbourne Glen, mutual difficulties of foot-hold had broken the ice, and we were soon journeying in a pleasant comradeship. They were really very nice, modest girls, and as they knew the country well, out trip was both facilitated and enlivened by their company. Fairlight Glen is a delightful place - thoroughly Canadian in aspect: the same sort of verdure, the same half-sodden trail, the same ferns & mossy boulders, and I had almost said the same mosquitoes, but there was only, and him I killed. The sea-view from the lover's Seat is magnificent, and the extra walk there was well worth while, though we couldn't sit on the seat as it was occupied by two old ladies, a nurse, a kiddy, and a dog. Somewhere, about 4 o'clock, we came to a tram, and after bidding adieu to our fair guides at the clock tower, went to the "Y" for our greatcoats and a cup of tea, and took the 5.30 train for Shorncliffe.

Still no news from the powers that be; but unlimited love to all of you.

P.S. By the way, has any of my assigned pay reached you yet. Let me know.