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Date: November 3rd 1916

Witley Camp

Nov. 3 - 1916
Dear Mother: -

I guess it will be near my birth day when you get this letter. It takes an awful long time for the letters to travel between us. I received a letter from you & Lena yesterday and was glad to get them. I have now received four letters from home and one from Bonnie. I have not received an answer to the letters I wrote home but I know I will get them in two or three days. The letters will start coming in more regular after this. The 108th Battalion left yesterday for another camp at a place called Seaforth. The 100th & 144th went also. They all left their Machine Gun Sections behind, so we are still here. We will be put in a Machine Gun Company or Brigade At present we are attached to the 107th for food and shelter until we go to the M.G. Training Camp. I did not like to leave the boys in "C" Company but I think I will like this M.G. Brigade. I have heard that Machine Gunners are well-treated in this country. We will have a lot to learn and I am sure the work will be interesting. I saw Frank the other night and said Good bye to him. He went with his battalion. I said Good bye to Mundi and he said that when ever I write home he sends his best regards to you all. Is old Maggie still working for you? Tell her I send her my best regards. I suppose she will like to hear that I wanted to be remembered to her.

I was glad to hear that the people down home have enough sense to get married. Or would you call it "sense" or perhaps the opposite? I'll be darned if I know which it is. Some girls, grow up to be wives; some grow up to be educated; some grow up and get educated and then when they are educated they get married and raise Kids. Of course the girls that got married at Gimli lately were not very educated: But Karin is not married yet, is she? I don't want to marry her myself, but still I think she is too good for Hannes. He may be alright in a way, but still he is not the kind of a man I woould want any of my sisters to marry. I have not a very high opinion of him.

Sunday Nov. 4th

We have had an easy day today. It rained today and we stayed in our hut. Of course we never drill on Sunday. But we did not even go to Church Parage Our Sergeant went on pass yesterday. We did not do much work yesterday. We just went on a short route march yesterday morning.

I would like you to send me some copies of the Red Book Magazine beginning with the September number. I mentioned to Dad to send me some tobacco, Old Chum Smoking tobacco. I guess he told you about it. Very likely you will have sent a parcel before you get this letter. There might be one on the way now. You may be doubtful what to send m; you were asking me what I wanted. I would like some cake, tarts, home made candy or toffee. You might send me some cigarettes say, two or three packages and Old Chum tobacco. I need the Old chum tobacco more than I do the cigarettes here but not any kind of Canadian smoking tobacco. I don't like any of the English smoking tobacco. If I could get good smoking tobacco I would smoke a pipe once in a while. I am pretty well supplied with socks but you might send me a pair of good woollen sox but not more than one pair until I let you that I need more. I have enough mitts. I hardly ever wear gloves except just once in a while and I guess I won't wear mitts until about Christmas time. I need lettes and news from home most of all. I have only seen one copy of the Free Press since I came here and about two copies of Lögberg.

Mundi and I were down town having coffee & cakes one evening and he said he wished was at Mrs A.G. Polson's having coffee and pancakes. Well mother, pretty soon I will be 21 years old and I guess it will be the second birthday I celebrated away from home. I don't think I will have much of a birthday party but if I get letters from home just before or after my birthday I will be satisfied. Gusta's birthday will be on Dec. 13th if I am not mistaken and I wish her many happy returns of the day and the same to Lena. Somehow I have an idea that Lena's birthday is on Nov. 8th. Tell her I will thin of her on her birthday. And Konie's birthday is on January 11th and Florences on February 25th and yours in April or March and Fjola's in May & Margarets and Dad's in July; Bonnie's in August; Wyatt's and Josies's in October. I'm not very well posted on the birthday dates. Tell Konie I will write him on his birthday and also at Christmas. I will write to every one of you at Christmas.

I will no write much more this time. Will write again soon. I don't know how long we stay in this camp, so you had better address letters after this to Army Post Office. Give my love to all the friends. Remember me to Miss Emma Thompson. Kiss Dad and the children for me

Your Loving son
#721948 Pte. S. J. Polson
M.G.S. 108th Battn C.E.F.
Army Post Office