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Date: May 20th 1916

44 Marine Parade

May 20th 1916

Dear Em.

Today has been one glorious day. Bright and clear and the sun not very far away. I have spent practically the whole day lying around and most of the time on the beach. Tonight I am as burned as an Indian. But I am feeling better every day so I don't care if my nose does look like a toper's.

Yours and Mother's letter came yesterday. So glad Alf is home again and that all are so well and in such good spirits. hope Alf will be able to spend quite a long time at home as he will need the rest after such a strenuous course. I hope to hear from him soon telling me all about the work down at London.

Yesterday I had quite a strenuous day. In the morning I started out and walked to our old camp at Dibgate. You remember it was our first camp after we arrived in England. I found several changes but saw quite a number of my old friends, that is, among the residents of the district. Had quite a hand shaking festival. Then I walked back to Hythe thru the camp, and over the golf course where I used to play last summer. I got home about 1:30 P.M. and was quite tired. I guess I had walked five or six miles. Now I must go back a little in my story. Three or four days before I made inquiries and found that Lorne St John had landed so I looked him up. I was glad to see the kid and I think he was glad to see me, at least he said he was. So I invited him to come down and go out with us on Saturday afternoon. I had hired a car so he came down about 2 P.M. and we all drove over to Canterbury. By all I mean Mrs Andrews, Muriel and a little girl friend of hers, Lorne & myself. Canterbury is just about 20 miles from here and the road is perfect, an old Roman road. So we had a most glorious drive. There was a service on at the Cathedral, much to my relief so we did not have to mooch about that pile. I had seen it before, last year so Lorne and I sat outside on the grass and had a good talk. The rest of them went off and visited some friends and did not worry us in the least. About 5 o'clock we met them and went with them to this friend's house for tea. Then we got started back and had a lovely drive home. The country is beautiful and just at its best now. The flowers, both wild and garden, are just at their best, while the grass and trees are wonderful. When we got home Lorne stayed and had dinner with us.

After dinner Mrs Ketchen sent over for me. One of the boys was quite ill and she had called in a local Dr who wanted to operate at once for appendicitis. The poor woman was almost frantic. So I went over and went up town to Folkestone to get a Canadian doctor. I had my own troubles to get one but finally landed on Col McEwan and he promised to come out in the morning. By this time it was about 10 o'clock so Lorne & I wandered down to get a bus home. But it seems there had been an air raid in the next town and they were expecting them to come over there, so all the busses were off. Also the taxis were not working as they would not allow any light to show whatever. So there was nothing for it but to hoof it. Another 6 miles by the light of the silvery moon. I got back at about midnight and told Mrs K. and she was quite relieved and I was quite tired.
So this A.M. Col McEwan came out and it isn't appendicitis at all but probably eye trouble. These Englishmen are the limit. They would have had the kid opened up by this time. So Mrs K. is quite pleased that no operation is necessary.

So you see I have taken it rather easier today and am tired tonight. I am going up for my final board on Wednesday and expect to get over right after. It is 11 P.M. now so I will close for now and get to bed. Will write soon and tell you how I get along. Lots of love for Father, Mother, Alf and self and kindest regards to Miss Smith.

Loving bro

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