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Date: December 15th 1915

Dec 15 1915

Dear Father,

It is 11:10 p m and I had intended to spend the evening writing letters. But about 5:30 two of the officers from the Brigade came in and invited me up for dinner. I did not care to go but they said it was an order from the General and that if I did not go I would be court-marshaled. So rather than be a disgrace to the family I went.

I had a very pleasant evening and have just returned. It is just like old times to go back and eat with the bunch. They are a fine bunch of fellows, and the Brigadier is the best of the bunch. After tea we had a nice quiet little smoke in the General's room, and he is just as nice as he ever was, and that is pretty nice. He hopes to get leave for Xmas, and is going to spend some time with his family. He is a regular family man, nothing pleases him so much as to get home with his wife and three little boys. They have a lovely big house over in Kent. I am so glad he is getting off for a little holiday, as he works so hard and looks a bit worried. And my evening was not altogether in vain, I approached him on a proposition to get some back pay. He was right on to it as though it was for himself, and as a result I may be richer by some $200.00. So you see if things come out 0.K., I had quite a profitable evening. Of course I did not come out here to make money but if it is coming to me, I may as well have it, don't you think?

We are having regular winter weather now. Cold and wet, always wet and generally cold. I feel the good of my fleece-lined coat and my heavy woolen underwear.

I mentioned last time that Garfat was not well. Today he left the hospital and they took him over to a convalescent home, about 6 miles from here. He will likely stay there for a week or two. He was pretty well run down with his cold, and the change and rest will not do him any harm. He blames me for being sent over there, so that is one time I put one over on him.

When you get this Xmas will be over and perhaps New Years. However my good wishes will do for all the year. This war is a queer proposition and one never knows what to expect. When I left my office the Brigadier told me not to expect to get back under two years. At first I thought he was a little out on his theory, but now I am beginning to think the same way. I will be delighted and thankful if I get home for Xmas 1916, but candidly, I won't be disappointed if I don't. I am not feeling blue, nor discouraged, not the least bit, but I think it will take us well over a year to fix up our little differences with the Germans. I don't like the Eastern affair at all. So far as we are concerned, at this front we are fine. Can hold our own and do a little better, but when you get those Balkan States into it, you never know when it is going to end.

Many thanks for all the papers you have sent. I do enjoy reading them. At present I am two 'Saturday Posts' behind, that is I have two I haven't read yet. So that gives you an idea as to how busy I have been. But there is one thing I do have to be thankful for and that is that the time passes quickly. The weeks seem to slip past just like days, and it is 7 months today since I left Toronto.

I sent Xmas cards to you people. As I belong to two units I had two brands of cards, so you will have a chance to see both. I sent Alf's to Toronto as it will probably land just about time he returns. I have one or two little trinkets to send home but will not send them till after New Years when the mails are not so crowded.

So far I have escaped the cold which almost everybody has. However I expect my turn will come. It is almost impossible to live in this miserable place without "getting it in the neck". It is really the dampest and most miserable place to put in a winter. I would never come here for a winter thru choice. However it will be spring soon, and then we will have some real fine weather.

Will close now with very best wishes for all the family for all the year.

Lots of love for Mother, Em, Alf and self.

Loving son

P. S. Kindest regards to Miss Smith. W.

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