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Date: November 2nd 1915


Nov 2 1915

Dear Em.

Today is the best day we have had for nearly a week. It has rained nearly all day, but it is not as cold as it has been, and it is quite nice fall weather. The natives around here tell us that this is their winter. If it is I don't think much of it. Mud up to your hips wherever you go, and very few if any sidewalks. Everyone takes to roads in preference to the ditches which are often quite deep.

You will laugh when I tell you that I had one of my ears frozen the other night. You know it doesn't take much cold to freeze my right ear, but it sure got it while I was walking from office to house less than quarter of mile. It is now in the red stage which is pleasant. Mother's letter of 14th arrived OK other day. Also Father's little note on end. So Uncle Wm. is going to retire and live on his Ford. Well that's a good idea, only he would have a quieter time if he had a Packard. How is H. G. getting along? No one has mentioned him in dispatches lately, and I have not noticed his ad in 'Rep'. Has he sold that perfectly good second car? It sure had a good run in the 'Rep', whether it would run on the road or not.

Mother's parcel of socks has not arrived yet. I expect they will come in any day now, as all parcels are delayed. The mail has to come a long way by motor truck, and the roads are not any too good. Talk about trucks, that is all I ever see now. Hundreds and hundreds pass thru the town every day, but I haven't seen nor heard a train for a month and a half. Talk about the simple life, this is sure simplicity. Also Father's little ?la carte French book arrived. Many thanks, it is quite a good idea, and I shall study it up a bit. I have always made them understand me so far, and the less you talk to them, the less chance they have to stick you.
Tell Mother I haven't had a chance to let loose on the song yet, but if we ever get in a charge, and when I get my second wind.

Am glad the photos arrived 0.K. I don't think much of them but they better than nothing. They will do to fill in with, if there wasn't enough of others. I would like Aunt Lizzie to have one anyway, also Aunt Maggie. If Mother wants another dozen I can get them, but I guess she has enough to go around. It's cheaper not to be too popular isn't it?

I sure am in right, for the present at least, over at the convent. The sisters cannot do enough for me, and one of them says she will teach me French, another one wants to sew my tunic which is too small for me under the arms, and is all broken out. She said "poor boy, you have no Mother, I am a sister, I will be your Mother too". Then they give us fruit every time we go over for a bath, and in fact, make themselves generally useful.
The king received us the other day, accompanied by Prince of Wales, and a drove of generals and other dig's. He is quite the same old George, and appeared pleased with us in general. The prince is a poor little chap who looks as though he ought to be at home. But he is game to the core, they say. I notice by the papers that shortly after the king left us he allowed his horse to roll over him two or three times, and is laid up as a result. Then too we had a presentation by General Turner. He presented one of our boys (28 battery) with a D. C. M. (Distinguished Conduct Medal). General Turner is our divisional commander. The Brigadier was down for the occasion too. I had not seen him for a long time, but there were a bunch of Generals and things around so I didn't like to go up and speak to him. In fact I kept severely out of the way. However just as he was walking out with the bunch he spied me. I knew it was all off. He hollers out "Hello Gil, how are you old boy", and I was nearly as much in limelight as the hero in the plot. Then he came over and took my arm and marched me out. He's a jolly good sport, is our old Brig.

My man is sick again. He was at hospital about a week ago and came away too early, and as a result he is back again with la grippe. So now Garfat's man is looking after both of us. However I shan't suffer as we have very comfortable quarters, and believe me a coal stove in the room goes good these nights. It is red hot right now, and red it shall be as long as I am up. Have not heard from Wpg. for over a week now. Hope there is nothing wrong with any of them. Auntie says she is not going to Cal. this winter, but I think she ought to, don't you? If she doesn't she will be in bed most of time from Jan 1st to May 1st. She always holds out till after Xmas, and then collapses unless she beats it away.

Well there is no news to tell. Things are just same here. I couldn't tell you even if they were different. I worked very hard to?day, and feel better every day. I wish the rain would let up, so that I could get out for my ride. I miss my rides very much, but will have to walk. I have ordered a pair of long rubber boots, so when I get them I will have dry feet, which will be a change for me. As it is they are wet all day long, and it is cold standing in wet boots on a cement floor. I always dry out well in front of stove when I come home though and have not taken cold as result. I am touching wood.

It is bedtime now and no mail so I will disrobe. Lots of love for all and write often.

Loving bro.

P. S. What is Edith doing? Also Roberta Gilroy? Have not heard from either.

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