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Date: August 9th 1915

Aug 9th 1915

Otterpool Camp.

Dear Em.

I have written you a couple of times, but did not send them out to Winnipeg. I had the idea you would be home long before they got there, but when I got Lot's letter, and she said you were staying until after 20 Aug. I decided if I wrote right away, I might catch you.

I am so glad you are having a good time in spite of the rainy weather. You can be reasonably sure that it is general. We have rain every day. It never misses once and if we have anything special on, such as a review, well it just simply pours. I must tell you about our review last Wednesday. We had been preparing for it for some time. The men were all fussed up, clothes pressed and brushed, rifles cleaned and shining, and all things in readiness. But Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock it started to rain. Our Brigade had to march about 4 miles to the reviewing point. The inspection was by Mr Bonar Law, assisted by Major General Sam Hughes. It was held at the Canadian Hospital near Dibgate, our old stamping grounds. As usual the men had to wait about two hours for the inspection. All the while it rained and poured, and the poor chaps looked like drowned rats. When they were not standing at attention they romped around in front of the lines and played leap frog and such games, to keep from catching cold.

When the time came they were all there you bet. Our Brigade as usual, carried off the blue ribbon. It is easily the best in the division. Major General Dixon, Inspector General of British Army told Kitchener that it was the best brigade in England today. So you can imagine what the Brigadier felt like when it was all over. He was soaked to the skin but perfectly happy. I was very busy when they left camp, so took the car and ran over at last minute. When the Brigadier got home there was a letter for him from Canada with snaps of his three boys. His day was quite complete. The inspection and all the compliments he received were almost too much for the poor chap. He showed the pictures to us all before we had tea, and then after he had gone to bed he sent for me and I had to go to his room and tell him what I thought of the parade, and the real reason later, what I thought of his three boys. Well they certainly are lovely kids, and they are on their way over now. Mrs Kitchen is expected in about two weeks or sooner. We will all be glad when they arrive. I am going up to London on Thursday. I have not had any leave as yet, so I am entitled to six days. I do not know how long I will stay, but hope to have a good time. I am going up for Gladys Ravenscroft's wedding. I am the only one in the brigade so honoured so that I could not miss it for anything. I don't know what I shall do about golf now. Miss Doris Chambers, the champion of India, has consented to play me, but she isn't in Gladys' class, golf or otherwise.

Dr Garfat, my tent mate, was up to London last week and he had a fine time. He already has a written plan made out as to where I should go, and what I should do, but I will take the note and make no promises. I would love to go over to Ireland for a few days, but I don't think I can manage that. I have a very hearty invitation to spend some time in Dublin. I think I shall reserve that until after the war.

Now I must close and write to Mt. Forest also. Hope you have a dandy time at Weeds, and give Father and Granny my kindest regards. Tell Ruth and Alfred I will write them very soon and answer their letters.

Lots of love for all folks at cottage. So glad Auntie is better and Grandma Rea so well. Am writing Lot.

Loving bro

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