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Date: March 25th 1914
Father and Mother

March 25th /14

Dear Father and Mother

Yes, the bonnet has arrived. It came along with the rest of the outfit and both Auntie & Lottie said they tho't they had acknowledged it long ago. Sorry to keep you in suspense so long, because it is not nice to be uncertain as to its whereabouts.

This has been an awful day. A regular snorter. I guess it is the last kick for the winter. I hope so, anyway. Today it has blown and snowed and is really raw. I had to drive some in the big car tonight and I put on my fur coat. That is the 2nd time I had it on since last winter. So you see I have made good use of my ulster. The one that was not worth more than $15.00 � la Uncle William. That may have been his valuation but it has been worth more to me.

Uncle Bert went off to Minaki with Mr Weed. They left this morning on the 7 o'clock freight. It is just a three hours run but going � la freight they arrive at 3:30 P.M. Fine weather for such fast travel. They went in the caboose. Mr Weed is building a cottage and boat house down there and he took a bunch of them down to see how it was getting along. They will be home again tomorrow night at 12 P.M.

Tomorrow afternoon Aunt Jean is having a thimble tea. Mrs (Dr) Trick was down to help her make home-made candies for it. Quite an affair I guess, but she will write and tell you all about it.

Did not write on Sunday as I wanted to look around a bit. I have looked things over pretty thoroughly since I received your letter. Now about motor cycles. New ones 425.00 n.g. [?] Second hand ones. Before last year they did not make them with cushion frame[s]. I have tried them and they are awful. In the city where the roads are smooth they would be all O.K., but for country roads, not. Last year's model with cushion frame can be had from 225.00 to 250.00; that is too much money to pay for a second-hand motor cycle as the depreciation is too great owing to the rattle and roughness in the roads. Next year you would drop $100.00 at least on price. Now as to the dust. If I rode into town in [the] morning I would have to wear my khaki outfit with leggings and then change when I got down so I would not ruin my suit. I would also change my clothes and take a shower bath. Auntie says that Lorne used to have to take a bath after each long ride as they certainly kick up an awful dust.

So I began to look around for something else. My chum Frank Andrews has a little Ford. He has used it all last summer and this winter and is going to use it this summer. He has gone something over 9000 miles with it. He, of course, bought it new and paid I think $650.00 for it. I asked him what he valued it at the other day and he said from $450.00 to $500.00 but that he would not sell as it is running just as good as when new. So you see the depreciation in a Ford is not great. The style does not change much and not many improvements of an important nature. Now I know there are cars around today which are just as good as new so far as running is concerned and can be picked up for about $400.00, that could be run one or say two years and still bring $300.00 as you never hear of a Ford giving out. They practically run forever. You see how George has run his. Then too it is very economical to run. Anywhere from 25 to 30 miles on a gallon of gas. Frank says he does not have any trouble with his outside of carelessness on his part and trouble when learning to run. His father was going to buy him a big car this year but he says he prefers the Ford because the upkeep is practically nothing as compared with a big car.
Dr Trick has a McLaughlin car but he is going to buy a Ford for his wife because they are so easy to run. Then another thing you are protected from both the dust and rain and when necessary you can take a passenger. You people are coming out to see me this summer and I want to be able to take you out to the farm independent of any one else.

Now buying a car at $400.00 is a better investment than a motor-cycle at 225.00 to 250.00. Next year the motor cycle would not bring more than $125.00 to $150.00. That is dropping almost �. A Ford purchased this Spring for $400.00 would bring from $300.00 to $325.00 next Spring according to condition and care. That is from 20% to 25%. It is not like sinking that amount into a car never to be able to get it back.

What do you think of that? And about Aunt Jean. I can fix it with her O.K. so that the board will be O.K. I believe that at the end of summer I would be better off than if I did as I did last year and rode on [the] street car all [the] time. I gave you an idea last week as to how they count up. Not grumbling about it you know.

I have just finished up with Uncle Bert. Did a lot of bridgework for him, about $100.00 worth, I should think. I am to start on Aunt Jean and the kids next week.

All are fine at 96. So am I. Kiddies are almost over whoops and are or will pick up when they can get out.

The rest have gone to bed so I must fix [the] furnace and get to bed. Have to work tomorrow night. Lots of love from all. Love for both and Alf. Best wishes for Miss Smith.

Loving son

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